Canceling User Authentication

This topic walks you through the process of canceling an authentication in process.

Available APIs

For details about the parameters, return value, and error codes, see cancel.

This topic describes only the API for canceling authentication. For details about the APIs for initiating authentication, see Initiating Authentication and User Authentication.

API Description
cancel(): void Cancels this user authentication.

How to Develop

  1. Check that the application has the ohos.permission.ACCESS_BIOMETRIC permission. For details about how to request permissions, see Requesting Permissions.

  2. Set AuthParam (including the challenge value, UserAuthType, and AuthTrustLevel), obtain a UserAuthInstance instance, and call UserAuthInstance.start to start authentication. For details, see Initiating Authentication.

  3. Use UserAuthInstance.cancel with the UserAuthInstance instance that has initiated the authentication to cancel the authentication.

Example: Initiate the facial and lock screen password authentication with the authentication trust level greater than or equal to ATL3 and cancel it.

import type {BusinessError} from '@ohos.base';
import userIAM_userAuth from '@ohos.userIAM.userAuth';

const authParam: userIAM_userAuth.AuthParam = {
  challenge: new Uint8Array([49, 49, 49, 49, 49, 49]),
  authType: [userIAM_userAuth.UserAuthType.PIN, userIAM_userAuth.UserAuthType.FACE],
  authTrustLevel: userIAM_userAuth.AuthTrustLevel.ATL3,
const widgetParam: userIAM_userAuth.WidgetParam = {
  title: 'Verify identity',
try {
  // Obtain a UserAuthInstance object.
  let userAuthInstance = userIAM_userAuth.getUserAuthInstance(authParam, widgetParam);
  console.log('get userAuth instance success');
  // Start user authentication.
  console.log('auth start success');
  // Cancel the authentication.
  console.log('auth cancel success');
} catch (error) {
  const err: BusinessError = error as BusinessError;
  console.log(`auth catch error. Code is ${err?.code}, message is ${err?.message}`);