Common Events of the Ability Subsystem

This document lists the common system events provided by the Ability subsystem to applications.


Indicates that the user has finished the boot process.

  • Constant value: "usual.event.BOOT_COMPLETED"
  • Required subscriber permissions: ohos.permission.RECEIVER_STARTUP_COMPLETED

When the specified user finishes the boot process on the device, the event notification service is triggered to publish this event.


Indicates that the user has restarted the application package and killed all its processes.

  • Constant value: "usual.event.PACKAGE_RESTARTED"
  • Required subscriber permissions: none

When the specified user restarts the application and kills all its processes, the event notification service is triggered to publish this event.


Indicates that the user cleared the application package data.

  • Constant value: "usual.event.PACKAGE_DATA_CLEARED"
  • Required subscriber permissions: none

When the specified user clears the application package data on the device, the event notification service is triggered to publish this event.


Indicates the result of applying a quick fix to the application.

  • Constant value: "usual.event.QUICK_FIX_APPLY_RESULT"
  • Required subscriber permissions: none

When the specified user applies a quick fix to the application on the device, the event notification service is triggered to publish this event.


Indicates the result of revoking a quick fix to the application.

  • Constant value: "usual.event.QUICK_FIX_REVOKE_RESULT"
  • Required subscriber permissions: none

When a quick fix to the application is revoked on the device, the event notification service is triggered to publish this event.