Service Management


Service management is implemented by using the init process to parse the service process configuration files (xxx.cfg files), which are used to configure services based on service scenarios. Currently, the supported value-added services include startup control, on-demand startup, command execution, scheduled startup, FD proxy, and sandbox management.

Description of Service Process Configuration Files

  • Naming:

    Generally, the configuration file is named in the format of serviceName.cfg, where serviceName is the service process name, for example, appspawn.cfg.

  • Format:

    The configuration file is based on the JSON format and complies with the basic rules of the JSON file.

  • Content:

    The configuration file contains the following fields. Except mandatory fields, other fields can be configured based on service features.

    Table 1 Service configuration fields

Field Configuration Supported System Type Description Remarks
name Mandatory Small and standard systems Name of the current service. (Mandatory) Type: string. The value cannot be empty and can contain a maximum of 32 bytes.
path Mandatory Small and standard systems Full path (including parameters) of the executable file for the current service. This is an array. (Mandatory) The first element is the path of the executable file, and the maximum number of elements is 20.
Each element is a string that contains a maximum of 64 bytes.
uid Mandatory Small and standard systems User ID (UID) of the current service process. Type: int or string.
gid Mandatory Small and standard systems Group ID (GID) of the current service process. Type: int, int[], string, or string array.
once Optional Small and standard systems Whether the current service process is a one-off process. 1: The current service process is a one-off process. If the process exits, the init process does not restart it.
0: The current service process is not a one-off process. If the process exits, the init process restarts it upon receiving the SIGCHLD signal.
importance Optional Small and standard systems
Standard system: service priority
Small system: service importance

Standard system: The service priority ranges from -20 to 19. A smaller value indicates a higher priority. A value beyond the range is invalid.
Small system: The value 0 indicates an unimportant process and a value greater than 0 indicates an important process.
caps Optional Small and standard systems Capabilities required by the current service. They are evaluated based on the capabilities supported by the security subsystem and configured in accordance with the principle of least permission. Type: number or string array. If you set the value to a number, use the standard Linux capability. If you set the value to a string array, use the standard macro name.
critical Optional Standard system Suppression mechanism for services. If the number of times a service is restarted exceeds the value N within the specified period T, the system will be restarted.
Standard system:
Type: int array, for example, "critical": [M, N, T].
- M: enable flag (0: disable; 1: enable).
- N: number of times the service is started.
- T: period of time, in seconds.
Both M and N are greater than 0.
Small and standard systems:
Type: int, for example, critical: M.
M: enable flag (0: disable; 1: enable).
By default, N is 4 and T is 20.
cpucore Optional Standard system Number of CPU cores bound to the service. Type: int array, for example, "cpucore": [N1, N2, ...]. N1 and N2 indicate the indices of the CPU cores to be bound. For a single-core device, cpucore is 0.
d-caps Optional Standard system Distributed service capability. Type: string array, for example, "d-caps": ["OHOS_DMS"].
apl Optional Standard system Ability privilege level. Type: string, for example, "apl": "system_core".
The value can be system_core (default), normal, or system_basic.
start-mode Optional Standard system Service startup mode. Type: string, for example, start-mode: condition.
The value can be boot, normal, or condition. For details, see init Service Startup Control.
ondemand Optional Small and standard systems Whether on-demand startup is enabled. Type: bool, for example, ondemand: true. For small systems, this feature is available only on the Linux kernel.
For details, see init Service On-Demand Startup.
disable Optional Small and standard systems Reserved. None.
sandbox Optional Standard system Whether the sandbox function is enabled. 1 (default): Enable the sandbox function.
0: Disable the sandbox function.
socket Optional Standard system Socket attribute configuration. This field is required for services that uses a socket connection.

Table 2 Description of socket fields

Field Description
name Name of the socket. It does not need to be the same as the service name. The value must not be empty and can contain a maximum of 32 bytes.
family Address family to which the socket belongs. Currently, the AF_UNIX and AF_NETLINK families are supported.
type Socket type. Currently, connection-based sockets, SOCK_SEQPACKET and SOCK_STREAM, and UDP-based connectionless socket, SOCK_DGRAM, are supported.
protocol Protocol used for socket communication. Unless otherwise required, set the value to default so that the socket automatically selects a proper protocol based on the socket address family and socket type. In addition to the default protocol, the NETLINK_KOBJECT_UEVENT protocol is also supported.
permissions Permissions of the socket node file. This field is valid only for sockets that have entity node files, such as the AF_UNIX address family.
uid User ID of the socket node file. This field is valid only for sockets that have entity node files, such as the AF_UNIX address family.
gid Group ID of the socket node file. This field is valid only for sockets that have entity node files, such as the AF_UNIX address family.
option Socket option. This field is passed when setsockopt is called. Currently, the available options include SOCKET_OPTION_PASSCRED, SOCKET_OPTION_RCVBUFFORCE, SOCK_CLOEXEC, and SOCK_NONBLOCK.

With the parallel startup and command execution capabilities, processes can be started concurrently.

  • init service on-demand startup

    If on-demand startup is enabled, the init process starts a service only when it is required. The ondemand attribute is used to determine whether to enable on-demand startup for a service.

    The following is an example configuration of the ondemand attribute:

      "services" : [{
        "name" : "serviceName",
        "path" : ["/system/bin/serviceName"]
        "ondemand" : true
  • SA process on-demand startup

    For details, see samgr Usage.

  • Socket process on-demand startup

    1. The init process creates a socket for socket processes in the pre-fork phase and listens to read/write events on this socket.
    2. If a read/write event is received over the socket, the init process starts the native service corresponding to the socket process, cancels event listening on the socket, and transfers the socket to the corresponding native service for management.
    3. The native service automatically exits if no more packets need to be processed. When reclaiming subprocesses, the init process starts event listening over the socket again based on the service configuration.
  • Hot-swap service process on-demand startup

    The hot-swap service process can be started to process hot swap events based on system parameter changes.

  • Enhanced init process startup and recycling

    The CPU core binding, priority, MAC address, and AccessToken information of the service process can be configured in the configuration file during process startup.

    • Support of CPU core binding for service processes (through modification of the .cfg file)
    • Support of priority setting for service processes (through modification of the .cfg file)
    • Support of MAC address setting (that is, SELinux tag setting) for service processes (through modification of the .cfg file)
    • Support of AccessToken setting for service processes and distributed capability setting for system service processes (through modification of the .cfg file)
    • Support of the suppression mechanism for service processes (through modification of the .cfg file)

    The following is the example configuration for enhanced init process startup and recycling:

    "services" : [{
        "name" : "serviceName",
        "path" : ["/system/bin/serviceName"]
        "importance" : 1,                  // Priority for service processes
        "cpucore" : [0],                   // CPU binding for service processes
        "critical" : [1, 5, 10],           // Suppression for service processes
        "apl" : "normal",                  // Ability privilege level for service processes
        "d-caps" : ["OHOS_DMS"],           // Distributed capabilities for service processes
        "secon" : "u:r:distributedsche:s0" // SELinux tag for service processes. In this example, the SELinux tag is u:r:distributedsche:s0.
  • Scheduled startup

    Scheduled startup means to start a service at the specified time. If the service has been started, it will not be started again. For details about the command, see Description of begetctl Commands.

    timer_start servicename timeout

Basic Process of Creating a Service Process

Configuring the Service Process Configuration File

After finishing the service process code, create the serviceName.cfg file (serviceName indicates the service process name) and configure the file content based on service features.

Install the configuration file in the corresponding directory. Configure the /base/startup/init/services/etc/ file of the init module as follows:

ohos_prebuilt_etc("watchdog.cfg") {
  source = "//base/startup/init/services/etc/watchdog.cfg"
  relative_install_dir = "init"
  part_name = "init"
  subsystem_name = "startup"

ohos_prebuilt_etc("console.cfg") {
  source = "//base/startup/init/services/etc/console.cfg"
  relative_install_dir = "init"
  part_name = "init"
  subsystem_name = "startup"

Add the build path of the configuration file to the bundle.json file of the corresponding module. For example:

    "build": {
        "group_type": {
            "base_group": [],
            "fwk_group": [],
            "service_group": [

Configuring the DAC Permission for a Service Process

Configure the DAC permission for the desired service process based on the GID and UID in the service process configuration file.

If the corresponding GID and UID do not exist, add them to the /init/services/etc/passwd and /init/services/etc/group files of the init module.

  • Description of the passwd file:

  • Each entry corresponds to a user. User information is separated by colons (:) and divided into seven fields, as shown below:


Fields in the passwd file

SN Field Description
1 User name Use a name that is easy to remember, for example, root. Based on the mapping between user names and user ID (UIDs), the system identifies a user and grants the required user permissions.
2 Password flag x indicates that a password has bee set, but not the real password. The real password is stored in the /etc/shadow file.
3 UID Each user has a unique UID. The system identifies a user based on the UID.
A valid UID ranges from 0 to 65535. Numbers in different ranges represent different UIDs.
1. 0: administrator
2. 1 to 499: system users
3. 500 to 65535: common users
4 GID A GID indicates an initial group. A user has the permissions of the initial group once logging in to the system. Each user can have only one initial group. Generally, the initial group has the same name as the user name.
5 Description This field provides a simple description of the user. It is usually left blank.
6 Home directory This field specifies the home directory of a user. For example, the home directory of the root user is /root. This field is usually left blank.
7 Default shell Shell is a Linux command interpreter and serves as a bridge between users and the Linux kernel. It is used to convert commands entered by users into machine languages that can be identified by the system. By default, the command interpreter used by the Linux system is usually /bin/bash.
  • Description of the group file

  • Each entry corresponds to a user group. User group information is separated by colons (:) and divided into four fields, as shown below:


Fields in the group file

SN Field Description
1 Group name This field indicates the user group name. For example, servicectrl indicates that the user group name is servicectrl.
2 Password flag Similar to the /etc/passwd file, x is only the password flag. The encrypted group password is stored in the /etc/gshdow file.
3 GID GIDs are used to identify different user groups.
4 Group member This field indicates the members of a user group. For example, the members of the servicectrl group include root, shell, system, samgr, hdf_devmgr, foundation, and update.
  • If the GID and UID are set to root or system, add a trustlist to the security_config/high_privilege_process_list.json file in the corresponding product directory. For example:
      "high_privilege_process_list": [
              "name": "appspawn",
              "uid": "root",
              "gid": "root"
              "name": "console",
              "uid": "root"
              "name": "testService",
              "uid": "root",
              "gid": "root"
              "name": "media_service",
              "gid": ["root", "system"]
              "name": "misc",
              "uid": "root",
              "gid": "root"
          } ... ...

Configuring the SELinux Permission for a Service Process

  • Configuring the SELinux permission

    1. Check whether the service process can be started in permissive mode. If yes, you do not need to configure the selinux tag.

    2. To configure SELinux rules, you need to set the SELinux tag in the secon field in the configuration file of the service process.

    3. Define the service process tag in the SELinux module. The procedure is as follows:

    Define the tag for program execution in the base/security/selinux_adapter/sepolicy/base/system/file_contexts file. For example:

      /system/bin/watchdog_service        u:object_r:watchdog_service_exec:s0
      /system/bin/hdcd        u:object_r:hdcd_exec:s0

    Define the applicable scope of the tag in the base/security/selinux_adapter/sepolicy/base/public/type.te file. For example:

      type watchdog_service, sadomain, domain;
      type watchdog_service_exec, exec_attr, file_attr, system_file_attr;

Error Codes

Description of error codes

Enum Value Error Message Description
INIT_OK 0 Operation success.
INIT_EPARAMETER 1 parameter Invalid parameter.
INIT_EFORMAT 2 Format string fail String format error.
INIT_ECFG 3 cfg error Configuration parsing error.
INIT_EPATH 4 Invalid path Incorrect service path.
INIT_EFORK 5 Fork fail Failed to fork a subprocess.
INIT_ESANDBOX 6 Create sandbox fail Failed to add a service to the sandbox.
INIT_EACCESSTOKEN 7 Set access token fail Failed to set the access token.
INIT_ESOCKET 8 Create socket fail Failed to create a socket.
INIT_EFILE 9 Create file fail Failed to create a file.
INIT_ECONSOLE 10 Open console fail Failed to open the console.
INIT_EHOLDER 11 Publish holder fail Failed to publish the holder.
INIT_EBINDCORE 12 Bind core fail Failed to bind cores.
INIT_EKEEPCAP 13 Set keep capability fail Failed to set keep capability.
INIT_EGIDSET 14 Set gid fail Failed to set the service GID.
INIT_ESECCOMP 15 Set SECCOMP fail Failed to set the service security policy.
INIT_EUIDSET 16 Set uid fail Failed to set the service UID.
INIT_ECAP 17 Set capability fail Failed to set the service capability.
INIT_EWRITEPID 18 Write pid fail Failed to write the PID.
INIT_ECONTENT 19 Set sub content fail Failed to set the service security context.
INIT_EPRIORITY 20 Set priority fail Failed to set the service priority.
INIT_EEXEC_CONTENT 21 Set exec content fail Failed to set the SELinux tag.
INIT_EEXEC 22 Exec fail Failed to run exec.

Service Process Configuration Example

Example Code

Example Configuration

Available APIs

Table 3 Service control APIs

Function Description Parameter Description
int ServiceControlWithExtra(const char *serviceName, int action, const char *extArgv[], int extArgc) Configures service parameters. Return value: 0 if the operation is successful; -1 otherwise.
serviceName: service name.
action: service action, which can be start, stop, or restart.
extArgv: parameter array.
extArgc: number of parameters.
int ServiceControl(const char *serviceName, int action) Controls the service behavior. Return value: 0 if the operation is successful; -1 otherwise.
serviceName: service name.
action: service action, which can be start, stop, or restart.
int ServiceWaitForStatus(const char *serviceName, ServiceStatus status, int waitTimeout) Sets the service waiting status. Return value: 0 if the operation is successful; -1 otherwise.
serviceName: service name.
status: service status.
waitTimeout: timeout interval.
int ServiceSetReady(const char *serviceName) Sets a service as being ready. Return value: 0 if the operation is successful; -1 otherwise.
serviceName: service name.
int StartServiceByTimer(const char *serviceName, uint64_t timeout) Starts a service by timer. Return value: 0 if the operation is successful; -1 otherwise.
serviceName: service name.
timeout: timeout interval.
int StopServiceTimer(const char *serviceName) Stops a service timer. Return value: 0 if the operation is successful; -1 otherwise.
serviceName: service name.
  • The service management APIs are privileged APIs. Therefore, you need to configure the DAC and SELinux permissions as follows:

  • Go to /base/startup/init/services/etc/group and add the correct user ID to servicectrl. For example:

  • SELinux configuration for service control APIs

    Add the required SELinux permissions to the init.te file. For example, grant the system parameter write permission for services such as init, samgr, and hdf_devmgr.

    allow { init samgr hdf_devmgr } servicectrl_param:parameter_service { set };


The service management module is available only for the mini system and standard system.


For details, see init Module FAQs.