

The video_output.h file declares the video output concepts.


System capability: SystemCapability.Multimedia.Camera.Core

Since: 11

Related module: OH_Camera



Name Description
struct  VideoOutput_Callbacks Defines the callbacks used for video output.


Name Description
typedef struct Camera_VideoOutput Camera_VideoOutput Defines the video output object.
typedef void(* OH_VideoOutput_OnFrameStart) (Camera_VideoOutput *videoOutput) Defines the pointer to the callback defined in the VideoOutput_Callbacks struct and used to report video output frame start events.
typedef void(* OH_VideoOutput_OnFrameEnd) (Camera_VideoOutput *videoOutput, int32_t frameCount) Defines the pointer to the callback defined in the VideoOutput_Callbacks struct and used to report video output frame end events.
typedef void(* OH_VideoOutput_OnError) (Camera_VideoOutput *videoOutput, Camera_ErrorCode errorCode) Defines the pointer to the callback defined in the VideoOutput_Callbacks struct and used to report video output errors.
typedef struct VideoOutput_Callbacks VideoOutput_Callbacks Defines the callbacks used for video output.


Name Description
Camera_ErrorCode OH_VideoOutput_RegisterCallback (Camera_VideoOutput *videoOutput, VideoOutput_Callbacks *callback) Registers a callback to listen for video output events.
Camera_ErrorCode OH_VideoOutput_UnregisterCallback (Camera_VideoOutput *videoOutput, VideoOutput_Callbacks *callback) Unregisters the callback used to listen for video output events.
Camera_ErrorCode OH_VideoOutput_Start (Camera_VideoOutput *videoOutput) Starts video output.
Camera_ErrorCode OH_VideoOutput_Stop (Camera_VideoOutput *videoOutput) Stops video output.
Camera_ErrorCode OH_VideoOutput_Release (Camera_VideoOutput *videoOutput) Releases a VideoOutput instance.