Graphics Subsystem Changelog

cl.graphic.1 getPixelMap Replaced by getEffectPixelMap

Access Level


Reason for Change

getPixelMap is a synchronous API. Its running takes a long time and may block the main thread. Therefore, it is deprecated and replaced by an asynchronous API.

Change Impact

The change is not compatible with earlier versions. Use the new API in your code.

API Level 9

Deprecated Since

OpenHarmony SDK

Deprecated APIs

API Description Substitute API
getPixelMap():image.PixelMap; This API takes a long time and is replaced by an asynchronous API. getEffectPixelMap():Promise<image.PixelMap>;

Adaptation Guide

In the sample code below:

import image from "@ohos.multimedia.image";
import effectKit from "@ohos.effectKit";

const color = new ArrayBuffer(96);
let opts : image.InitializationOptions = {
  editable: true,
  pixelFormat: 3,
  size: {
    height: 4,
    width: 6
image.createPixelMap(color, opts).then((pixelMap) => {
  let pixel = effectKit.createEffect(pixelMap).grayscale().getPixelMap();
  console.log('getPixelBytesNumber = ', pixel.getPixelBytesNumber());

Before change:

let pixel = effectKit.createEffect(pixelMap).grayscale().getPixelMap();

After change:

effectKit.createEffect(pixelMap).grayscale().getEffectPixelMap().then(data => {
    let pixel = data;
}).catch(ex => console.log("getEffectPixelMap error: " + ex.toString()));

In summary, replace getPixelMap with getEffectPixelMap, and use a promise to receive the pixelMap object.