Implicit Shared Element Transition (geometryTransition)

GeometryTransition is used for implicit shared element transitions during component switching. By specifying the in and out components through GeometryTransition, you can create a spatial linkage between the transition effects (such as opacity and scale) defined through the transition mechanism. In this way, you can guide the visual focus from the out component to the in component.


This feature is supported since API version 7 and effective since API version 10. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.


Name Type Description
geometryTransition id: string,
options11+?: { follow?: boolean
- id: ID used to set up a binding relationship. If this attribute is set to an empty string "", the binding relationship is cleared. The value can be dynamically changed to refresh the binding relationship. One ID can be bound to only two components, which function as in and out components.
- follow: whether to apply the animation to components that are always in the component tree. It is available only in the if syntax. The default value is false.


For the settings to take effect, geometryTransition must be used together with animateTo. The animation duration and curve follow the settings in animateTo. animation is not supported.


// xxx.ets
struct Index {
  @State isShow: boolean = false

  build() {
    Stack({ alignContent: Alignment.Center }) {
      if (this.isShow) {
          .offset({ y: 100 })
      } else {
        // geometryTransition is bound to a container. Therefore, a relative layout must be configured for the child components of the container.
        // The multiple levels of containers here are used to demonstrate passing of relative layout constraints.
        Column() {
          Column() {
        // geometryTransition synchronizes rounded corner settings, but only for the bound component, which is the container in this example.
        // In other words, rounded corner settings of the container are synchronized, and those of the child components are not.
        // transition ensures that the component is not destructed immediately when it exits. You can customize the transition effect.
    .onClick(() => {
      animateTo({ duration: 1000 }, () => {
        this.isShow = !this.isShow
