Calling Back ArkTS APIs in a Non-ArkTS Thread

When to Use

ArkTS is a single-thread language. Normally, all operations on an ArkTS object through Node-API interfaces must be performed by the same ArkTS thread. The following example describes how to use napi_get_uv_event_loop and uv_queue_work to call back ArkTS functions using Node-API in a non-ArkTS thread.


  1. Declare the APIs, configure compile settings, and register the module.

    Declare the APIs.

    // index.d.ts
    export const queueWork: (cb: (arg: number) => void) => void;

    Configure compile settings.

    // CMakeLists.txt
    # Minimum version of CMake.
    cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.4.1)
    add_library(queue_work SHARED queue_work.cpp)
    target_link_libraries(queue_work PUBLIC

    Register the module.

    // queue_work.cpp
    static napi_value Init(napi_env env, napi_value exports)
        napi_property_descriptor desc[] = {
            { "queueWork", nullptr, QueueWork, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, napi_default, nullptr }
        napi_define_properties(env, exports, sizeof(desc) / sizeof(desc[0]), desc);
        return exports;
    static napi_module nativeModule = {
        .nm_version = 1,
        .nm_flags = 0,
        .nm_filename = nullptr,
        .nm_register_func = Init,
        .nm_modname = "queue_work",
        .nm_priv = nullptr,
        .reserved = { 0 },
    extern "C" __attribute__((constructor)) void RegisterQueueWorkModule()
  2. Obtain the loop corresponding to env and throw a task to an ArkTS thread.

    // queue_work.cpp
    #include <thread>
    #include "napi/native_api.h"
    #include "uv.h"
    struct CallbackContext {
        napi_env env = nullptr;
        napi_ref callbackRef = nullptr;
        int32_t retData = 0;
    void StartThread(CallbackContext* context)
        // Obtain the loop corresponding to the ArkTS thread from env, which must be saved when the JS callback is registered.
        uv_loop_s* loop = nullptr;
        napi_get_uv_event_loop(context->env, &loop);
        // Create uv_work_t to pass private data. Note that memory must be released after the callback is complete. The logic for generating the returned data is omitted here. In this example, int 1 is returned. 
        uv_work_t* work = new uv_work_t;
        context->retData = 1;
        work->data = context;
        // Throw a work object to the ArkTS thread.
            // The work_cb callback is executed in another worker thread to process asynchronous or time-consuming tasks. After the callback is executed, the subsequent callback is executed. In this example, you do not need to perform the task.
            [](uv_work_t* work) {},
            // The after_work_cb callback is executed in the ArkTS thread corresponding to env.
            [](uv_work_t* work, int status) {
                CallbackContext* context = reinterpret_cast<CallbackContext*>(work->data);
                napi_handle_scope scope = nullptr;
                // Open the handle scope to manage the lifecycle of napi_value. Otherwise, memory leakage may occur.
                napi_open_handle_scope(context->env, &scope);
                if (scope == nullptr) {
                // Call back the ArkTS function.
                napi_value callback = nullptr;
                napi_get_reference_value(context->env, context->callbackRef, &callback);
                napi_value retArg;
                napi_create_int32(context->env, context->retData, &retArg);
                napi_value ret;
                napi_call_function(context->env, nullptr, callback, 1, &retArg, &ret);
                napi_delete_reference(context->env, context->callbackRef);
                // Close the handle scope to release napi_value.
                napi_close_handle_scope(context->env, scope);
                if (work != nullptr) {
                    delete work;
                delete context;
    static napi_value QueueWork(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info)
        size_t argc = 1;
        napi_value argv[1] = {nullptr};
        napi_value thisVar = nullptr;
        void *data = nullptr;
        napi_get_cb_info(env, info, &argc, argv, &thisVar, &data);
        // Check parameters.
        if (argc < 1) {
            napi_throw_error(env, "ParameterError", "one param expected");
            return nullptr;
        napi_valuetype valueType = napi_undefined;
        napi_typeof(env, argv[0], &valueType);
        if (valueType != napi_function) {
            napi_throw_error(env, "ParameterError", "function expected");
            return nullptr;
        // Save env and the callback for subsequent invoking.
        auto asyncContext = new CallbackContext();
        asyncContext->env = env;
        napi_create_reference(env, argv[0], 1, &asyncContext->callbackRef);
        // Simulate the logic for throwing a work object to a non-JS thread.
        std::thread testThread(StartThread, asyncContext);
        return nullptr;
  3. Sample ArkTS code.

    import { queueWork }  from ''
    queueWork((result: number) => {
        console.log("result = " + result);