Multimodal Input Subsystem Changelog

cl.multimodalinput.1 Implementation Error of inputMonitor Corrected

When inputMonitor is used to listen for TouchEvent, TouchEvent in the callback originally references the common TouchEvent of arkui-js, which is not exposed externally (that is, not exported). However, TouchEvent of arkui-ts is used by default in IDE. Therefore, the original API becomes invalid after the ArtTS syntax update. To solve this problem, you need to change the TouchEvent reference in inputMonitor to TouchEvent of the multimodal input.

Change Impact

The field name is changed. The value of the original field is undefined.

Key API/Component Changes

If you want to use inputMonitor to listen for TouchEvent of the multimodal input, you need to import the touchEvent class of the multimodal input separately.

import touchEvent from '@ohos.multimodalInput.touchEvent';
try {
  inputMonitor.on('touch', (touchEvent: touchEvent.TouchEvent) => {
    console.log(`Monitor on success ${JSON.stringify(touchEvent)}`);
    return false;
} catch (error) {
  console.log(`Monitor on failed, error: ${JSON.stringify(error, [`code`, `message`])}`);

Adaptation Guide

Since OpenHarmony, change the field names of TouchEvent to those of the multimodal input.

Before Change After Change
type action
timestamp actionTime
deviceId deviceId
globalX screenX
globalY screenY
localX windowX
localY windowY
force pressure
touches touches
changedTouches touches