Creating an ArkTS Widget

You can create a widget in either of the following modes:

  • When creating a project, select Application. The project created this way does not have a widget by default. You can right-click a module folder and choose New > Service Widget to create a widget.
  • When creating a project, select Atomic Service. You can right-click a module folder and choose New > Service Widget to create a widget.



The UI may be different in DevEco Studio of a different version.

To create an ArkTS widget in an existing project, perform the following steps:

  1. Right-click a module folder and choose New > Service Widget.



In a project of API version 10 in the stage model, you can directly create a dynamic or static service widget from the Service Widget menu. After a service widget is created, you can change its type by setting isDynamic in the form_config.json configuration file. If isDynamic is left empty or set to true, the widget is a dynamic widget. If isDynamic is set to false, the widget is a static widget.

  1. Select a widget template based on the actual service scenario.


  1. Set Language to ArkTS and click Finish.


    After an ArkTS widget is created, the following widget-related files are automatically added to the project directory: EntryFormAbility.ets (widget lifecycle management file), WidgetCard.ets (widget page file), and form_config.json (widget configuration file).
