Importing a Key in Ciphertext (ArkTS)

This topic walks you through on how to import an ECDH key pair. However, the example does not cover the operations such as key generation and key agreement of the service side.

For details about the scenarios and supported algorithm specifications, see Supported Algorithms.

How to Develop

  1. Convert the key to be imported from device A (device from which the key is imported) to [HUKS key material format]( material format) To_Import_Key. (This step applies only to asymmetric key pairs. If the key to be imported is a symmetric key, skip over this step.)

  2. Generate an asymmetric key pair Wrapping_Key (public key Wrapping_Pk and private key Wrapping_Sk) with the purpose of HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_UNWRAP for device B (device to which the key is imported), and export the public key Wrapping_Pk of Wrapping_Key and save it. The asymmetric key pair Wrapping_Key is used for key agreement in the encrypted import process.

  3. Use the same algorithm to generate an asymmetric key pair Caller_Key (public key Caller_Pk and private key Caller_Sk) with the purpose of HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_UNWRAP for device A, and export the public key Caller_Pk of Caller_Key and save it. The asymmetric key pair Caller_Key is used for key agreement in the encrypted import process.

  4. Generate a symmetric key Caller_Kek for device A. This key is used to encrypt To_Import_Key.

  5. Perform key agreement with the private key Caller_Sk in Caller_Key of device A and the public key Wrapping_Pk in Wrapping_Key of device B to yield a Shared_Key.

  6. Use Caller_Kek to encrypt To_Import_Key of device A and generate To_Import_Key_Enc.

  7. Use Shared_Key to encrypt Caller_Kek of device A and generate Caller_Kek_Enc.

  8. Encapsulate the key material Caller_Pk, Caller_Kek_Enc, and To_Import_Key_Enc of device A, and sends it to device B. For details about the format of the key material to be imported, see Key Material Format for Encrypted Import.

  9. Import the encrypted key material to device B.

  10. Delete the intermediate keys (keys used for encrypting the key to import) from devices A and B.

import { expect } from '@ohos/hypium';
import huks from '';
import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';
let IV = '0000000000000000';
let AAD = "abababababababab";
let NONCE = "hahahahahaha";
let TAG_SIZE = 16;
let importedAes192PlainKey = "The aes192 key to import";
let callerAes256Kek = "The is kek to encrypt aes192 key";
let callerKeyAlias = "test_caller_key_ecdh_aes192";
let callerKekAliasAes256 = "test_caller_kek_ecdh_aes256";
let callerAgreeKeyAliasAes256 = "test_caller_agree_key_ecdh_aes256";
let importedKeyAliasAes192 = "test_import_key_ecdh_aes192";
let huksPubKey: Uint8Array;
let callerSelfPublicKey: Uint8Array;
let outSharedKey: Uint8Array;
let outPlainKeyEncData: Uint8Array;
let outKekEncData: Uint8Array;
let outKekEncTag: Uint8Array;
let outAgreeKeyEncTag: Uint8Array;
let mask = [0x000000FF, 0x0000FF00, 0x00FF0000, 0xFF000000];
function subUint8ArrayOf(arrayBuf: Uint8Array, start: number, end: number) {
    let arr: number[] = [];
    for (let i = start; i < end && i < arrayBuf.length; ++i) {
    return new Uint8Array(arr);
function stringToUint8Array(str: string) {
    let arr: number[] = [];
    for (let i = 0, j = str.length; i < j; ++i) {
    return new Uint8Array(arr);
function assignLength(length: number, arrayBuf: Uint8Array, startIndex: number) {
    let index = startIndex;
    for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        arrayBuf[index++] = (length & mask[i]) >> (i * 8);
    return 4;
function assignData(data: Uint8Array, arrayBuf: Uint8Array, startIndex: number) {
    let index = startIndex;
    for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
        arrayBuf[index++] = data[i];
    return data.length;
let genWrappingKeyParams: huks.HuksOptions = {
    properties: new Array<huks.HuksParam>(
            tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_ALGORITHM,
            value: huks.HuksKeyAlg.HUKS_ALG_ECC
            tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_PURPOSE,
            value: huks.HuksKeyPurpose.HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_UNWRAP
            tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_KEY_SIZE,
            value: huks.HuksKeySize.HUKS_CURVE25519_KEY_SIZE_256
            tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_PADDING,
            value: huks.HuksKeyPadding.HUKS_PADDING_NONE
let genCallerEcdhParams:huks.HuksOptions = {
    properties: new Array<huks.HuksParam>(
            tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_ALGORITHM,
            value: huks.HuksKeyAlg.HUKS_ALG_ECC
            tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_PURPOSE,
            value: huks.HuksKeyPurpose.HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_AGREE
            tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_KEY_SIZE,
            value: huks.HuksKeySize.HUKS_CURVE25519_KEY_SIZE_256
let importParamsCallerKek: huks.HuksOptions = {
    properties: new Array<huks.HuksParam>(
            tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_ALGORITHM,
            value: huks.HuksKeyAlg.HUKS_ALG_AES
            tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_PURPOSE,
            value: huks.HuksKeyPurpose.HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_ENCRYPT
            tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_KEY_SIZE,
            value: huks.HuksKeySize.HUKS_AES_KEY_SIZE_256
            tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_PADDING,
            value: huks.HuksKeyPadding.HUKS_PADDING_NONE
            tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_BLOCK_MODE,
            value: huks.HuksCipherMode.HUKS_MODE_GCM
            tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_DIGEST,
            value: huks.HuksKeyDigest.HUKS_DIGEST_NONE
            tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_IV,
            value: stringToUint8Array(IV)
    inData: stringToUint8Array(callerAes256Kek)
let importParamsAgreeKey: huks.HuksOptions = {
    properties: new Array<huks.HuksParam>(
            tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_ALGORITHM,
            value: huks.HuksKeyAlg.HUKS_ALG_AES
            tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_PURPOSE,
            value: huks.HuksKeyPurpose.HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_ENCRYPT
            tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_KEY_SIZE,
            value: huks.HuksKeySize.HUKS_AES_KEY_SIZE_256
            tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_PADDING,
            value: huks.HuksKeyPadding.HUKS_PADDING_NONE
            tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_BLOCK_MODE,
            value: huks.HuksCipherMode.HUKS_MODE_GCM
            tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_DIGEST,
            value: huks.HuksKeyDigest.HUKS_DIGEST_NONE
            tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_IV,
            value: stringToUint8Array(IV)
let callerAgreeParams: huks.HuksOptions = {
    properties: new Array<huks.HuksParam>(
            tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_ALGORITHM,
            value: huks.HuksKeyAlg.HUKS_ALG_ECDH
            tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_PURPOSE,
            value: huks.HuksKeyPurpose.HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_AGREE
            tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_KEY_SIZE,
            value: huks.HuksKeySize.HUKS_CURVE25519_KEY_SIZE_256
let encryptKeyCommonParams: huks.HuksOptions = {
    properties: new Array<huks.HuksParam>(
            tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_ALGORITHM,
            value: huks.HuksKeyAlg.HUKS_ALG_AES
            tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_PURPOSE,
            value: huks.HuksKeyPurpose.HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_ENCRYPT
            tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_KEY_SIZE,
            value: huks.HuksKeySize.HUKS_AES_KEY_SIZE_256
            tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_PADDING,
            value: huks.HuksKeyPadding.HUKS_PADDING_NONE
            tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_BLOCK_MODE,
            value: huks.HuksCipherMode.HUKS_MODE_GCM
            tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_NONCE,
            value: stringToUint8Array(NONCE)
            tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_ASSOCIATED_DATA,
            value: stringToUint8Array(AAD)
let importWrappedAes192Params: huks.HuksOptions = {
    properties: new Array<huks.HuksParam>(
            tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_ALGORITHM,
            value: huks.HuksKeyAlg.HUKS_ALG_AES
            tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_PURPOSE,
            value: huks.HuksKeyPurpose.HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_ENCRYPT |
            tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_KEY_SIZE,
            value: huks.HuksKeySize.HUKS_AES_KEY_SIZE_192
            tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_PADDING,
            value: huks.HuksKeyPadding.HUKS_PADDING_NONE
            tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_BLOCK_MODE,
            value: huks.HuksCipherMode.HUKS_MODE_CBC
            tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_DIGEST,
            value: huks.HuksKeyDigest.HUKS_DIGEST_NONE
            tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_UNWRAP_ALGORITHM_SUITE,
            value: huks.HuksUnwrapSuite.HUKS_UNWRAP_SUITE_ECDH_AES_256_GCM_NOPADDING
            tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_IV,
            value: stringToUint8Array(IV)
async function publicGenerateItemFunc(keyAlias: string, huksOptions: huks.HuksOptions) {`enter promise generateKeyItem`);
    try {
        await huks.generateKeyItem(keyAlias, huksOptions)
        .then(data => {
  `promise: generateKeyItem success, data = ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);
        .catch((err: BusinessError) => {
            console.error(`promise: generateKeyItem failed` + err);
    } catch (err) {
        console.error(`promise: generateKeyItem invalid` + err);
async function publicImportKeyItemFunc(keyAlias: string, HuksOptions: huks.HuksOptions) {`enter promise importKeyItem`);
    try {
        await huks.importKeyItem(keyAlias, HuksOptions)
        .then(data => {
  `promise: importKeyItem success, data = ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);
        }).catch((err: BusinessError) => {
            console.error(`promise: importKeyItem failed` + err);
    } catch (err) {
        console.error(`promise: importKeyItem input arg invalid` + err);
async function publicDeleteKeyItemFunc(KeyAlias: string, HuksOptions: huks.HuksOptions) {`enter promise deleteKeyItem`);
    try {
        await huks.deleteKeyItem(KeyAlias, HuksOptions)
        .then(data => {
  `promise: deleteKeyItem key success, data = ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);
        .catch((err: BusinessError) => {
            console.error(`promise: deleteKeyItem failed` + err);
    } catch (err) {
        console.error(`promise: deleteKeyItem input arg invalid` + err);
function importWrappedKeyItem(keyAlias: string, wrappingKeyAlias: string, huksOptions: huks.HuksOptions) {
    return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
        try {
            huks.importWrappedKeyItem(keyAlias, wrappingKeyAlias, huksOptions, (error, data) => {
                if (error) {
                } else {
        } catch (error) {
async function publicImportWrappedKeyFunc(keyAlias: string, wrappingKeyAlias: string, huksOptions: huks.HuksOptions) {`enter promise importWrappedKeyItem`);
    for (let i = 0; i < huksOptions.inData!.length; i++) {
        console.error(`${i}: ${huksOptions.inData![i]}`);
    try {
        await importWrappedKeyItem(keyAlias, wrappingKeyAlias, huksOptions)
        .then((data) => {
  `promise: importWrappedKeyItem success, data = ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);
        .catch((error: BusinessError) => {
            console.error(`promise: importWrappedKeyItem failed` + error);
    } catch (error) {
        console.error(`promise: importWrappedKeyItem input arg invalid` + error);
async function publicImportWrappedKeyPromise(keyAlias: string, wrappingKeyAlias: string, huksOptions: huks.HuksOptions) {`enter promise importWrappedKeyItem`);
    try {
        await huks.importWrappedKeyItem(keyAlias, wrappingKeyAlias, huksOptions)
        .then((data) => {
  `promise: importWrappedKeyItem success, data = ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);
        .catch((error: BusinessError) => {
            console.error(`promise: importWrappedKeyItem failed` + error);
    } catch (error) {
        console.error(`promise: importWrappedKeyItem input arg invalid` + error);
async function publicInitFunc(srcKeyAlias: string, HuksOptions: huks.HuksOptions) {
    let handle: number = 0;`enter promise doInit`);
    try {
        await huks.initSession(srcKeyAlias, HuksOptions)
        .then((data) => {
  `promise: doInit success, data = ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);
            handle = data.handle;
        .catch((error: BusinessError) => {
            console.error(`promise: doInit key failed` + error);
    } catch (error) {
        console.error(`promise: doInit input arg invalid` + error);
    return handle;
async function publicUpdateSessionFunction(handle: number, HuksOptions: huks.HuksOptions) {
    const maxUpdateSize = 64;
    const inData = HuksOptions.inData!;
    const lastInDataPosition = inData.length - 1;
    let inDataSegSize = maxUpdateSize;
    let inDataSegPosition = 0;
    let isFinished = false;
    let outData: number[] = [];
    while (inDataSegPosition <= lastInDataPosition) {
        if (inDataSegPosition + maxUpdateSize > lastInDataPosition) {
            isFinished = true;
            inDataSegSize = lastInDataPosition - inDataSegPosition + 1;
  `enter promise doUpdate`);
        HuksOptions.inData = new Uint8Array(
           Array.from(inData).slice(inDataSegPosition, inDataSegPosition + inDataSegSize)
        );`enter promise doUpdate`);
        try {
            await huks.updateSession(handle, HuksOptions)
            .then((data) => {
                console.error(`promise: doUpdate success, data = ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);
                outData = outData.concat(Array.from(data.outData!));
            .catch((error: BusinessError) => {
                console.error(`promise: doUpdate failed` + error);
        } catch (error) {
            console.error(`promise: doUpdate input arg invalid` + error);
        if ((!isFinished) && (inDataSegPosition + maxUpdateSize > lastInDataPosition)) {
            console.log(`update size invalid isFinished = ${isFinished}`);
            console.log(`inDataSegPosition = ${inDataSegPosition}`);
            console.log(`lastInDataPosition = ${lastInDataPosition}`);
        inDataSegPosition += maxUpdateSize;
    return outData;
async function publicFinishSession(handle: number, HuksOptions: huks.HuksOptions, inData: number[]) {
    let outData: number[] = [];`enter promise doFinish`);
    try {
        await huks.finishSession(handle, HuksOptions)
        .then((data) => {
  `promise: doFinish success, data = ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);
            outData = inData.concat(Array.from(data.outData!));
        .catch((error: BusinessError) => {
            console.error(`promise: doFinish key failed` + error);
    } catch (error) {
        console.error(`promise: doFinish input arg invalid` + error);
    return new Uint8Array(outData);
async function cipherFunction(keyAlias: string, HuksOptions: huks.HuksOptions) {
    let handle = await publicInitFunc(keyAlias, HuksOptions);
    let tmpData = await publicUpdateSessionFunction(handle, HuksOptions);
    let outData = await publicFinishSession(handle, HuksOptions, tmpData!);
    return outData;
async function agreeFunction(keyAlias: string, HuksOptions: huks.HuksOptions, huksPublicKey: Uint8Array) {
    let handle = await publicInitFunc(keyAlias, HuksOptions);
    let outSharedKey: Uint8Array = new Uint8Array;
    HuksOptions.inData = huksPublicKey;`enter promise doUpdate`);
    try {
        await huks.updateSession(handle, HuksOptions)
        .then((data) => {
            console.error(`promise: doUpdate success, data = ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);
        .catch((error: BusinessError) => {
            console.error(`promise: doUpdate failed` + error);
    } catch (error) {
        console.error(`promise: doUpdate input arg invalid` + error);
    }`enter promise doInit`);
    try {
        await huks.finishSession(handle, HuksOptions)
        .then((data) => {
  `promise: doInit success, data = ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);
            outSharedKey = data.outData as Uint8Array;
        .catch((error: BusinessError) => {
            console.error(`promise: doInit key failed` + error);
    } catch (error) {
        console.error(`promise: doInit input arg invalid` + error);
    return outSharedKey;
async function ImportKekAndAgreeSharedSecret(callerKekAlias: string, importKekParams: huks.HuksOptions, callerKeyAlias: string, huksPublicKey: Uint8Array, agreeParams: huks.HuksOptions) {
    await publicImportKeyItemFunc(callerKekAlias, importKekParams);
    outSharedKey = await agreeFunction(callerKeyAlias, agreeParams, huksPublicKey);
    importParamsAgreeKey.inData = outSharedKey;
    await publicImportKeyItemFunc(callerAgreeKeyAliasAes256, importParamsAgreeKey);
async function generateAndExportPublicKey(keyAlias: string, HuksOptions: huks.HuksOptions, caller: Boolean) {
    await publicGenerateItemFunc(keyAlias, HuksOptions);
    try {
        await huks.exportKeyItem(keyAlias, HuksOptions)
        .then((data) => {
  `promise: exportKeyItem success, data = ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);
            if (caller) {
                callerSelfPublicKey = data.outData as Uint8Array;
            } else {
                huksPubKey = data.outData as Uint8Array;
        .catch((error: BusinessError) => {
            console.error(`promise: exportKeyItem failed` + error);
    } catch (error) {
        console.error(`promise: generate pubKey failed` + error);
async function EncryptImportedPlainKeyAndKek(keyAlias: string) {
    encryptKeyCommonParams.inData = stringToUint8Array(keyAlias)
    let plainKeyEncData = await cipherFunction(callerKekAliasAes256, encryptKeyCommonParams);
    outKekEncTag = subUint8ArrayOf(plainKeyEncData, plainKeyEncData.length - TAG_SIZE, plainKeyEncData.length)
    outPlainKeyEncData = subUint8ArrayOf(plainKeyEncData, 0, plainKeyEncData.length - TAG_SIZE)
    encryptKeyCommonParams.inData = stringToUint8Array(callerAes256Kek)
    let kekEncData = await cipherFunction(callerAgreeKeyAliasAes256, encryptKeyCommonParams)
    outAgreeKeyEncTag = subUint8ArrayOf(kekEncData, kekEncData.length - TAG_SIZE, kekEncData.length)
    outKekEncData = subUint8ArrayOf(kekEncData, 0, kekEncData.length - TAG_SIZE)
async function BuildWrappedDataAndImportWrappedKey(plainKey: string) {
    let plainKeySizeBuff = new Uint8Array(4);
    assignLength(plainKey.length, plainKeySizeBuff, 0);
    let wrappedData = new Uint8Array(
        FILED_LENGTH + huksPubKey.length +
        FILED_LENGTH + AAD.length +
        FILED_LENGTH + NONCE.length +
        FILED_LENGTH + outKekEncData.length +
        FILED_LENGTH + AAD.length +
        FILED_LENGTH + NONCE.length +
        FILED_LENGTH + plainKeySizeBuff.length +
        FILED_LENGTH + outPlainKeyEncData.length
    let index = 0;
    let AADUint8Array = stringToUint8Array(AAD);
    let NonceArray = stringToUint8Array(NONCE);
    index += assignLength(callerSelfPublicKey.length, wrappedData, index);  // 4
    index += assignData(callerSelfPublicKey, wrappedData, index); // 91
    index += assignLength(AADUint8Array.length, wrappedData, index); // 4
    index += assignData(AADUint8Array, wrappedData, index); // 16
    index += assignLength(NonceArray.length, wrappedData, index); // 4
    index += assignData(NonceArray, wrappedData, index); // 12
    index += assignLength(outAgreeKeyEncTag.length, wrappedData, index); // 4
    index += assignData(outAgreeKeyEncTag, wrappedData, index); // 16
    index += assignLength(outKekEncData.length, wrappedData, index); // 4
    index += assignData(outKekEncData, wrappedData, index); // 32
    index += assignLength(AADUint8Array.length, wrappedData, index); // 4
    index += assignData(AADUint8Array, wrappedData, index); // 16
    index += assignLength(NonceArray.length, wrappedData, index); // 4
    index += assignData(NonceArray, wrappedData, index); // 12
    index += assignLength(outKekEncTag.length, wrappedData, index); // 4
    index += assignData(outKekEncTag, wrappedData, index); // 16
    index += assignLength(plainKeySizeBuff.length, wrappedData, index); // 4
    index += assignData(plainKeySizeBuff, wrappedData, index); // 4
    index += assignLength(outPlainKeyEncData.length, wrappedData, index); // 4
    index += assignData(outPlainKeyEncData, wrappedData, index); // 24
    return wrappedData;
/* Simulate the encrypted key import scenario. Import a key from device A (remote device) to device B (local device). */
async function ImportWrappedKey() {
     * 1. If the key to be imported from device A is an asymmetric key pair, convert it into the HUKS key material format **To_Import_Key**. Skip over this step if the key is a symmetric key.
     * This example uses a 256-bit AES key (symmetric key) as an example.

    /* 2. Generate an asymmetric key pair Wrapping_Key (public key Wrapping_Pk and private key Wrapping_Sk) with the purpose of HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_UNWRAP for device B, export the public key Wrapping_Pk of Wrapping_Key, and save it to huksPubKey. */
    const srcKeyAliesWrap = 'HUKS_Basic_Capability_Import_0200';
    await generateAndExportPublicKey(srcKeyAliesWrap, genWrappingKeyParams, false);

    /* 3. Use the same algorithm to generate an asymmetric key pair Caller_Key (public key Caller_Pk and private key Caller_Sk) with the purpose of HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_UNWRAP for device A, export the public key Caller_Pk of Caller_Key, save it to callerSelfPublicKey. */
    await generateAndExportPublicKey(callerKeyAlias, genCallerEcdhParams, true);

     4. Generate a symmetric key Caller_Kek for device A. This key is used to encrypt To_Import_Key.
     * 5. Perform key agreement with the private key Caller_Sk in Caller_Key of device A and the public key Wrapping_Pk in Wrapping_Key of device B to yield a Shared_Key.
    await ImportKekAndAgreeSharedSecret(callerKekAliasAes256, importParamsCallerKek, callerKeyAlias, huksPubKey, callerAgreeParams);
     * 6. Use Caller_Kek to encrypt To_Import_Key of device A and generate To_Import_Key_Enc.
     * 7. Use Shared_Key to encrypt Caller_Kek of device A and generate Caller_Kek_Enc.
    await EncryptImportedPlainKeyAndKek(importedAes192PlainKey);
    /* 8. Encapsulate the key material Caller_Pk, To_Import_Key_Enc, and Caller_Kek_Enc of device A, and sends it to device B. In this example, Caller_Pk is placed in callerSelfPublicKey, To_Import_Key_Enc in PlainKeyEncData, and Caller_Kek_Enc in KekEncData. */
    let wrappedData = await BuildWrappedDataAndImportWrappedKey(importedAes192PlainKey);
    importWrappedAes192Params.inData = wrappedData;
    /* 9. Import the encapsulated key material to device B. */
    await publicImportWrappedKeyFunc(importedKeyAliasAes192, srcKeyAliesWrap, importWrappedAes192Params);
    /* 10. Delete the intermediate keys (keys used for encrypting the key to import) from devices A and B. */
    await publicDeleteKeyItemFunc(srcKeyAliesWrap, genWrappingKeyParams);
    await publicDeleteKeyItemFunc(callerKeyAlias, genCallerEcdhParams);
    await publicDeleteKeyItemFunc(importedKeyAliasAes192, importWrappedAes192Params);
    await publicDeleteKeyItemFunc(callerKekAliasAes256, callerAgreeParams);


Use huks.isKeyItemExist to check whether the key exists. If the key exists, the key is successfully imported.

import huks from '';
 * Set the key alias and encapsulate the key property set.
let keyAlias = 'test_import_key_ecdh_aes192';
let isKeyExist:Boolean;
let keyProperties: Array<huks.HuksParam> = new Array();
keyProperties[0] = {
    tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_ALGORITHM,
    value: huks.HuksKeyAlg.HUKS_ALG_AES,
let huksOptions:huks.HuksOptions = {
    properties: keyProperties, // It cannot be empty.
    inData: new Uint8Array(new Array()) // It cannot be empty.
try {
    huks.isKeyItemExist(keyAlias, huksOptions, (error, data)=> {
        if (error) {
            console.error(`callback: isKeyItemExist failed` + error);
        } else {
            if (data !== null && data.valueOf() !== null) {
                isKeyExist = data.valueOf();
      `callback: isKeyItemExist success, isKeyExist = ${isKeyExist}`);
} catch (error) {
    console.error(`callback: isKeyItemExist input arg invalid` + error);