Importing a Key in Ciphertext (C/C++)

This topic walks you through on how to import an ECDH key pair. However, the example does not cover the operations such as key generation and key agreement of the service side.

For details about the scenarios and supported algorithm specifications, see Supported Algorithms.

How to Develop

  1. Convert the key to be imported from device A (device from which the key is imported) to [HUKS key material format]( material format) To_Import_Key. (This step applies only to asymmetric key pairs. If the key to be imported is a symmetric key, skip over this step.)

  2. Generate an asymmetric key pair Wrapping_Key (public key Wrapping_Pk and private key Wrapping_Sk) with the purpose of HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_UNWRAP for device B (device to which the key is imported), and export the public key Wrapping_Pk of Wrapping_Key and save it. The asymmetric key pair Wrapping_Key is used for key agreement in the encrypted import process.

  3. Use the same algorithm to generate an asymmetric key pair Caller_Key (public key Caller_Pk and private key Caller_Sk) with the purpose of HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_UNWRAP for device A, and export the public key Caller_Pk of Caller_Key and save it. The asymmetric key pair Caller_Key is used for key agreement in the encrypted import process.

  4. Generate a symmetric key Caller_Kek for device A. This key is used to encrypt To_Import_Key.

  5. Perform key agreement with the private key Caller_Sk in Caller_Key of device A and the public key Wrapping_Pk in Wrapping_Key of device B to yield a Shared_Key.

  6. Use Caller_Kek to encrypt To_Import_Key of device A and generate To_Import_Key_Enc.

  7. Use Shared_Key to encrypt Caller_Kek of device A and generate Caller_Kek_Enc.

  8. Encapsulate the key material Caller_Pk, Caller_Kek_Enc, and To_Import_Key_Enc of device A, and sends it to device B. For details about the format of the key material to be imported, see Key Material Format for Encrypted Import.

  9. Import the encrypted key material to device B.

  10. Delete the intermediate keys (keys used for encrypting the key to import) from devices A and B.

#include "napi/native_api.h"
#include "huks/native_huks_api.h"
#include "huks/native_huks_param.h"
#include <algorithm>
OH_Huks_Result InitParamSet(struct OH_Huks_ParamSet **paramSet, const struct OH_Huks_Param *params,
                            uint32_t paramCount) {
    OH_Huks_Result ret = OH_Huks_InitParamSet(paramSet);
    if (ret.errorCode != OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
        return ret;
    ret = OH_Huks_AddParams(*paramSet, params, paramCount);
    if (ret.errorCode != OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
        return ret;
    ret = OH_Huks_BuildParamSet(paramSet);
    if (ret.errorCode != OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
        return ret;
    return ret;
struct HksImportWrappedKeyTestParams {
    // server key, for real
    struct OH_Huks_Blob *wrappingKeyAlias;
    struct OH_Huks_ParamSet *genWrappingKeyParamSet;
    uint32_t publicKeySize;
    struct OH_Huks_Blob *callerKeyAlias;
    struct OH_Huks_ParamSet *genCallerKeyParamSet;
    struct OH_Huks_Blob *callerKekAlias;
    struct OH_Huks_Blob *callerKek;
    struct OH_Huks_ParamSet *importCallerKekParamSet;
    struct OH_Huks_Blob *callerAgreeKeyAlias;
    struct OH_Huks_ParamSet *agreeParamSet;
    struct OH_Huks_ParamSet *importWrappedKeyParamSet;
    struct OH_Huks_Blob *importedKeyAlias;
    struct OH_Huks_Blob *importedPlainKey;
    uint32_t keyMaterialLen;
static const uint32_t IV_SIZE = 16;
static uint8_t IV[IV_SIZE] = "babababababab"; // Test data only. The value must be different each time.
static const uint32_t WRAPPED_KEY_IV_SIZE = 16;
static uint8_t WRAPPED_KEY_IV[IV_SIZE] = "bababababababab"; // Test data only. The value must be different each time.
static const uint32_t AAD_SIZE = 16;
static uint8_t AAD[AAD_SIZE] = "abababababababa"; // Test data only. The value must be different each time.
static const uint32_t NONCE_SIZE = 12;
static uint8_t NONCE[NONCE_SIZE] = "hahahahahah"; // Test data only. The value must be different each time.
static const uint32_t AEAD_TAG_SIZE = 16;
static const uint32_t X25519_256_SIZE = 256;
static struct OH_Huks_Blob g_wrappingKeyAliasAes256 = {.size = (uint32_t)strlen("test_wrappingKey_x25519_aes256"),
                                                       .data = (uint8_t *)"test_wrappingKey_x25519_aes256"};
static struct OH_Huks_Blob g_callerKeyAliasAes256 = {.size = (uint32_t)strlen("test_caller_key_x25519_aes256"),
                                                     .data = (uint8_t *)"test_caller_key_x25519_aes256"};
static struct OH_Huks_Blob g_callerKekAliasAes256 = {.size = (uint32_t)strlen("test_caller_kek_x25519_aes256"),
                                                     .data = (uint8_t *)"test_caller_kek_x25519_aes256"};
static struct OH_Huks_Blob g_callerAes256Kek = {.size = (uint32_t)strlen("This is kek to encrypt plain key"),
                                                .data = (uint8_t *)"This is kek to encrypt plain key"};
static struct OH_Huks_Blob g_callerAgreeKeyAliasAes256 = {.size =
                                                          .data = (uint8_t *)"test_caller_agree_key_x25519_aes256"};
static struct OH_Huks_Blob g_importedKeyAliasAes256 = {.size = (uint32_t)strlen("test_import_key_x25519_aes256"),
                                                       .data = (uint8_t *)"test_import_key_x25519_aes256"};
static struct OH_Huks_Blob g_importedAes256PlainKey = {.size = (uint32_t)strlen("This is plain key to be imported"),
                                                       .data = (uint8_t *)"This is plain key to be imported"};
static struct OH_Huks_Param g_importWrappedAes256Params[] = {
    {.tag = OH_HUKS_TAG_ALGORITHM, .uint32Param = OH_HUKS_ALG_AES},
    {.tag = OH_HUKS_TAG_KEY_SIZE, .uint32Param = OH_HUKS_AES_KEY_SIZE_256},
    {.tag = OH_HUKS_TAG_PADDING, .uint32Param = OH_HUKS_PADDING_NONE},
    {.tag = OH_HUKS_TAG_BLOCK_MODE, .uint32Param = OH_HUKS_MODE_GCM},
    {.tag = OH_HUKS_TAG_DIGEST, .uint32Param = OH_HUKS_DIGEST_NONE},
     .blob = {.size = AAD_SIZE, .data = (uint8_t *)AAD}}, // Test data only. The value varies with the caller information.
    {.tag = OH_HUKS_TAG_NONCE,
     .blob = {.size = NONCE_SIZE, .data = (uint8_t *)NONCE}}}; // Test data only. The value must be different each time.
static const uint32_t g_x25519PubKeySize = 32;
static struct OH_Huks_Param g_genWrappingKeyParams[] = {
    {.tag = OH_HUKS_TAG_ALGORITHM, .uint32Param = OH_HUKS_ALG_X25519},
    {.tag = OH_HUKS_TAG_KEY_SIZE, .uint32Param = OH_HUKS_CURVE25519_KEY_SIZE_256}};
static struct OH_Huks_Param g_genCallerX25519Params[] = {
    {.tag = OH_HUKS_TAG_ALGORITHM, .uint32Param = OH_HUKS_ALG_X25519},
    {.tag = OH_HUKS_TAG_KEY_SIZE, .uint32Param = OH_HUKS_CURVE25519_KEY_SIZE_256}};
static struct OH_Huks_Param g_importParamsCallerKek[] = {
    {.tag = OH_HUKS_TAG_ALGORITHM, .uint32Param = OH_HUKS_ALG_AES},
    {.tag = OH_HUKS_TAG_KEY_SIZE, .uint32Param = OH_HUKS_AES_KEY_SIZE_256},
    {.tag = OH_HUKS_TAG_PADDING, .uint32Param = OH_HUKS_PADDING_NONE},
    {.tag = OH_HUKS_TAG_BLOCK_MODE, .uint32Param = OH_HUKS_MODE_GCM},
    {.tag = OH_HUKS_TAG_DIGEST, .uint32Param = OH_HUKS_DIGEST_NONE},
    {.tag = OH_HUKS_TAG_IV,
     .blob = {.size = WRAPPED_KEY_IV_SIZE,
              .data = (uint8_t *)WRAPPED_KEY_IV}}}; // Test data only. The value must be different each time.
static struct OH_Huks_Param g_callerAgreeParams[] = {
    {.tag = OH_HUKS_TAG_ALGORITHM, .uint32Param = OH_HUKS_ALG_X25519},
    {.tag = OH_HUKS_TAG_KEY_SIZE, .uint32Param = OH_HUKS_CURVE25519_KEY_SIZE_256}};
static struct OH_Huks_Param g_aesKekEncryptParams[] = {
    {.tag = OH_HUKS_TAG_ALGORITHM, .uint32Param = OH_HUKS_ALG_AES},
    {.tag = OH_HUKS_TAG_KEY_SIZE, .uint32Param = OH_HUKS_AES_KEY_SIZE_256},
    {.tag = OH_HUKS_TAG_PADDING, .uint32Param = OH_HUKS_PADDING_NONE},
    {.tag = OH_HUKS_TAG_BLOCK_MODE, .uint32Param = OH_HUKS_MODE_GCM},
    {.tag = OH_HUKS_TAG_DIGEST, .uint32Param = OH_HUKS_DIGEST_NONE},
     .blob = {.size = AAD_SIZE, .data = (uint8_t *)AAD}}, // Test data only. The value varies with the caller information.
    {.tag = OH_HUKS_TAG_NONCE,
     .blob = {.size = NONCE_SIZE, .data = (uint8_t *)NONCE}}}; // Test data only. The value must be different each time.
static struct OH_Huks_Param g_importAgreeKeyParams[] = {
    {.tag = OH_HUKS_TAG_ALGORITHM, .uint32Param = OH_HUKS_ALG_AES},
    {.tag = OH_HUKS_TAG_KEY_SIZE, .uint32Param = OH_HUKS_AES_KEY_SIZE_256},
    {.tag = OH_HUKS_TAG_PADDING, .uint32Param = OH_HUKS_PADDING_NONE},
    {.tag = OH_HUKS_TAG_BLOCK_MODE, .uint32Param = OH_HUKS_MODE_GCM},
    {.tag = OH_HUKS_TAG_DIGEST, .uint32Param = OH_HUKS_DIGEST_NONE},
    {.tag = OH_HUKS_TAG_IV,
     .blob = {.size = IV_SIZE, .data = (uint8_t *)IV}}}; // Test data only. The value must be different each time.
OH_Huks_Result HuksAgreeKey(const struct OH_Huks_ParamSet *paramSet, const struct OH_Huks_Blob *keyAlias,
                            const struct OH_Huks_Blob *peerPublicKey, struct OH_Huks_Blob *agreedKey) {
    uint8_t temp[10] = {0};
    struct OH_Huks_Blob inData = {sizeof(temp), temp};
    uint8_t handleU[sizeof(uint64_t)] = {0};
    struct OH_Huks_Blob handle = {sizeof(uint64_t), handleU};
    OH_Huks_Result ret = OH_Huks_InitSession(keyAlias, paramSet, &handle, nullptr);
    if (ret.errorCode != (int32_t)OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
        return ret;
    uint8_t outDataU[1024] = {0};
    struct OH_Huks_Blob outDataUpdate = {1024, outDataU};
    ret = OH_Huks_UpdateSession(&handle, paramSet, peerPublicKey, &outDataUpdate);
    if (ret.errorCode != (int32_t)OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
        return ret;
    ret = OH_Huks_FinishSession(&handle, paramSet, &inData, agreedKey);
    if (ret.errorCode != (int32_t)OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
        return ret;
    return ret;
OH_Huks_Result MallocAndCheckBlobData(struct OH_Huks_Blob *blob, const uint32_t blobSize) {
    struct OH_Huks_Result ret;
    ret.errorCode = OH_HUKS_SUCCESS;
    blob->data = (uint8_t *)malloc(blobSize);
    if (blob->data == NULL) {
        ret.errorCode = OH_HUKS_ERR_CODE_INTERNAL_ERROR;
    return ret;
static const uint32_t TIMES = 4;
static const uint32_t MAX_UPDATE_SIZE = 64;
static const uint32_t MAX_OUTDATA_SIZE = MAX_UPDATE_SIZE * TIMES;
#define HUKS_FREE_BLOB(blob)                                                                                           \
    do {                                                                                                               \
        if ((blob).data != nullptr) {                                                                                  \
            free((blob).data);                                                                                         \
            (blob).data = nullptr;                                                                                     \
        }                                                                                                              \
        (blob).size = 0;                                                                                               \
    } while (0)
#define OH_HUKS_KEY_BYTES(keySize) (((keySize) + 7) / 8)
static OH_Huks_Result HksEncryptLoopUpdate(const struct OH_Huks_Blob *handle, const struct OH_Huks_ParamSet *paramSet,
                                           const struct OH_Huks_Blob *inData, struct OH_Huks_Blob *outData) {
    struct OH_Huks_Result ret;
    ret.errorCode = OH_HUKS_SUCCESS;
    struct OH_Huks_Blob inDataSeg = *inData;
    uint8_t *lastPtr = inData->data + inData->size - 1;
    struct OH_Huks_Blob outDataSeg = {MAX_OUTDATA_SIZE, NULL};
    uint8_t *cur = outData->data;
    outData->size = 0;
    inDataSeg.size = MAX_UPDATE_SIZE;
    bool isFinished = false;
    while ( <= lastPtr) {
        if ( + MAX_UPDATE_SIZE <= lastPtr) {
            outDataSeg.size = MAX_OUTDATA_SIZE;
        } else {
            isFinished = true;
            inDataSeg.size = lastPtr - + 1;
        if (MallocAndCheckBlobData(&outDataSeg, outDataSeg.size).errorCode != (int32_t)OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
            ret.errorCode = OH_HUKS_ERR_CODE_INTERNAL_ERROR;
            return ret;
        ret = OH_Huks_UpdateSession(handle, paramSet, &inDataSeg, &outDataSeg);
        if (ret.errorCode != (int32_t)OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
            return ret;
        std::copy(, + outDataSeg.size, cur);
        cur += outDataSeg.size;
        outData->size += outDataSeg.size;
        if ((isFinished == false) && ( + MAX_UPDATE_SIZE > lastPtr)) {
            ret.errorCode = OH_HUKS_ERR_CODE_INTERNAL_ERROR;
            return ret;
        } += MAX_UPDATE_SIZE;
    struct OH_Huks_Blob outDataFinish = {inDataSeg.size * TIMES, NULL};
    if (MallocAndCheckBlobData(&outDataFinish, outDataFinish.size).errorCode != (int32_t)OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
        ret.errorCode = OH_HUKS_ERR_CODE_INTERNAL_ERROR;
        return ret;
    ret = OH_Huks_FinishSession(handle, paramSet, &inDataSeg, &outDataFinish);
    if (ret.errorCode != OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
        return ret;
    std::copy(, + outDataFinish.size, cur);
    outData->size += outDataFinish.size;
    return ret;
OH_Huks_Result HuksEncrypt(const struct OH_Huks_Blob *key, const struct OH_Huks_ParamSet *paramSet,
                           const struct OH_Huks_Blob *plainText, struct OH_Huks_Blob *cipherText) {
    uint8_t handle[sizeof(uint64_t)] = {0};
    struct OH_Huks_Blob handleBlob = {sizeof(uint64_t), handle};
    OH_Huks_Result ret = OH_Huks_InitSession(key, paramSet, &handleBlob, nullptr);
    if (ret.errorCode != OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
        return ret;
    ret = HksEncryptLoopUpdate(&handleBlob, paramSet, plainText, cipherText);
    return ret;
static OH_Huks_Result BuildWrappedKeyData(struct OH_Huks_Blob **blobArray, uint32_t size,
                                          struct OH_Huks_Blob *outData) {
    uint32_t totalLength = size * sizeof(uint32_t);
    struct OH_Huks_Result ret;
    ret.errorCode = OH_HUKS_SUCCESS;
    /* Data size. */
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
        totalLength += blobArray[i]->size;
    struct OH_Huks_Blob outBlob = {0, nullptr};
    outBlob.size = totalLength;
    ret = MallocAndCheckBlobData(&outBlob, outBlob.size);
    if (ret.errorCode != OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
        return ret;
    uint32_t offset = 0;
    /* Copy data. */
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
        if (totalLength - offset >= sizeof(blobArray[i]->size)) {
            std::copy(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&blobArray[i]->size),
                      reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&blobArray[i]->size) + sizeof(blobArray[i]->size),
             + offset);
        } else {
            ret.errorCode = OH_HUKS_ERR_CODE_INTERNAL_ERROR;
            return ret;
        offset += sizeof(blobArray[i]->size);
        if (totalLength - offset >= blobArray[i]->size) {
            std::copy(blobArray[i]->data, blobArray[i]->data + blobArray[i]->size, + offset);
        } else {
            ret.errorCode = OH_HUKS_ERR_CODE_INTERNAL_ERROR;
            return ret;
        offset += blobArray[i]->size;
    outData->size = outBlob.size;
    outData->data =;
    return ret;
static OH_Huks_Result CheckParamsValid(const struct HksImportWrappedKeyTestParams *params) {
    struct OH_Huks_Result ret;
    ret.errorCode = OH_HUKS_SUCCESS;
    if (params == nullptr) {
        ret.errorCode = OH_HUKS_ERR_CODE_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT;
        return ret;
    if (params->wrappingKeyAlias == nullptr || params->genWrappingKeyParamSet == nullptr ||
        params->callerKeyAlias == nullptr || params->genCallerKeyParamSet == nullptr ||
        params->callerKekAlias == nullptr || params->callerKek == nullptr ||
        params->importCallerKekParamSet == nullptr || params->callerAgreeKeyAlias == nullptr ||
        params->agreeParamSet == nullptr || params->importWrappedKeyParamSet == nullptr ||
        params->importedKeyAlias == nullptr || params->importedPlainKey == nullptr) {
        ret.errorCode = OH_HUKS_ERR_CODE_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT;
        return ret;
    return ret;
static OH_Huks_Result GenerateAndExportHuksPublicKey(const struct HksImportWrappedKeyTestParams *params,
                                                     struct OH_Huks_Blob *huksPublicKey) {
    OH_Huks_Result ret = OH_Huks_GenerateKeyItem(params->wrappingKeyAlias, params->genWrappingKeyParamSet, nullptr);
    if (ret.errorCode != (int32_t)OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
        return ret;
    huksPublicKey->size = params->publicKeySize;
    ret = MallocAndCheckBlobData(huksPublicKey, huksPublicKey->size);
    if (ret.errorCode != (int32_t)OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
        return ret;
    ret = OH_Huks_ExportPublicKeyItem(params->wrappingKeyAlias, nullptr, huksPublicKey);
    return ret;
static OH_Huks_Result GenerateAndExportCallerPublicKey(const struct HksImportWrappedKeyTestParams *params,
                                                       struct OH_Huks_Blob *callerSelfPublicKey) {
    OH_Huks_Result ret = OH_Huks_GenerateKeyItem(params->callerKeyAlias, params->genCallerKeyParamSet, nullptr);
    if (ret.errorCode != (int32_t)OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
        return ret;
    callerSelfPublicKey->size = params->publicKeySize;
    ret = MallocAndCheckBlobData(callerSelfPublicKey, callerSelfPublicKey->size);
    if (ret.errorCode != (int32_t)OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
        return ret;
    ret = OH_Huks_ExportPublicKeyItem(params->callerKeyAlias, params->genWrappingKeyParamSet, callerSelfPublicKey);
    return ret;
static OH_Huks_Result ImportKekAndAgreeSharedSecret(const struct HksImportWrappedKeyTestParams *params,
                                                    const struct OH_Huks_Blob *huksPublicKey,
                                                    struct OH_Huks_Blob *outSharedKey) {
    OH_Huks_Result ret =
        OH_Huks_ImportKeyItem(params->callerKekAlias, params->importCallerKekParamSet, params->callerKek);
    if (ret.errorCode != (int32_t)OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
        return ret;
    ret = MallocAndCheckBlobData(outSharedKey, outSharedKey->size);
    if (ret.errorCode != (int32_t)OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
        return ret;
    ret = HuksAgreeKey(params->agreeParamSet, params->callerKeyAlias, huksPublicKey, outSharedKey);
    if (ret.errorCode != (int32_t)OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
        return ret;
    struct OH_Huks_ParamSet *importAgreeKeyParams = nullptr;
    ret = InitParamSet(&importAgreeKeyParams, g_importAgreeKeyParams,
                       sizeof(g_importAgreeKeyParams) / sizeof(OH_Huks_Param));
    if (ret.errorCode != (int32_t)OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
        return ret;
    ret = OH_Huks_ImportKeyItem(params->callerAgreeKeyAlias, importAgreeKeyParams, outSharedKey);
    return ret;
static OH_Huks_Result EncryptImportedPlainKeyAndKek(const struct HksImportWrappedKeyTestParams *params,
                                                    struct OH_Huks_Blob *plainCipherText,
                                                    struct OH_Huks_Blob *kekCipherText) {
    struct OH_Huks_ParamSet *encryptParamSet = nullptr;
    OH_Huks_Result ret =
        InitParamSet(&encryptParamSet, g_aesKekEncryptParams, sizeof(g_aesKekEncryptParams) / sizeof(OH_Huks_Param));
    if (ret.errorCode != (int32_t)OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
        return ret;
    ret = HuksEncrypt(params->callerKekAlias, encryptParamSet, params->importedPlainKey, plainCipherText);
    if (ret.errorCode != (int32_t)OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
        return ret;
    ret = HuksEncrypt(params->callerAgreeKeyAlias, encryptParamSet, params->callerKek, kekCipherText);
    return ret;
static OH_Huks_Result ImportWrappedKey(const struct HksImportWrappedKeyTestParams *params,
                                       struct OH_Huks_Blob *plainCipher, struct OH_Huks_Blob *kekCipherText,
                                       struct OH_Huks_Blob *peerPublicKey, struct OH_Huks_Blob *wrappedKeyData) {
    struct OH_Huks_Blob commonAad = {.size = AAD_SIZE, .data = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(AAD)};
    struct OH_Huks_Blob commonNonce = {.size = NONCE_SIZE, .data = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(NONCE)};
    struct OH_Huks_Blob keyMaterialLen = {.size = sizeof(uint32_t), .data = (uint8_t *)&params->keyMaterialLen};
    /* Copy the AEAD tag from the ciphertext and reduce its size. */
    const uint32_t tagSize = AEAD_TAG_SIZE;
    uint8_t kekTagBuf[tagSize] = {0};
    struct OH_Huks_Blob kekTag = {.size = tagSize, .data = kekTagBuf};
    std::copy(plainCipher->data + (plainCipher->size - tagSize),
              plainCipher->data + (plainCipher->size - tagSize) + tagSize,;
    plainCipher->size -= tagSize;
    /* Copy the AEAD tag from kekCipherText and reduce the tag size. */
    uint8_t agreeKeyTagBuf[tagSize] = {0};
    struct OH_Huks_Blob agreeKeyTag = {.size = tagSize, .data = agreeKeyTagBuf};
    std::copy(kekCipherText->data + (kekCipherText->size - tagSize),
              kekCipherText->data + (kekCipherText->size - tagSize) + tagSize, agreeKeyTagBuf);
    kekCipherText->size -= tagSize;
    struct OH_Huks_Blob *blobArray[] = {peerPublicKey, &commonAad,   &commonNonce, &agreeKeyTag,    kekCipherText,
                                        &commonAad,    &commonNonce, &kekTag,      &keyMaterialLen, plainCipher};
    OH_Huks_Result ret = BuildWrappedKeyData(blobArray, OH_HUKS_IMPORT_WRAPPED_KEY_TOTAL_BLOBS, wrappedKeyData);
    if (ret.errorCode != (int32_t)OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
        return ret;
    struct OH_Huks_Param *purpose = nullptr;
    ret = OH_Huks_GetParam(params->importWrappedKeyParamSet, OH_HUKS_TAG_PURPOSE, &purpose);
    if (ret.errorCode != (int32_t)OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
        return ret;
    ret = OH_Huks_ImportWrappedKeyItem(params->importedKeyAlias, params->wrappingKeyAlias,
                                       params->importWrappedKeyParamSet, wrappedKeyData);
    return ret;
OH_Huks_Result HksImportWrappedKeyTestCommonCase(const struct HksImportWrappedKeyTestParams *params) {
    OH_Huks_Result ret = CheckParamsValid(params);
    if (ret.errorCode != (int32_t)OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
        return ret;
    struct OH_Huks_Blob huksPublicKey = {0, nullptr};
    struct OH_Huks_Blob callerSelfPublicKey = {0, nullptr};
    struct OH_Huks_Blob outSharedKey = {.size = OH_HUKS_KEY_BYTES(OH_HUKS_AES_KEY_SIZE_256), .data = nullptr};
    struct OH_Huks_Blob wrappedKeyData = {0, nullptr};
    uint8_t plainKeyCipherBuffer[OH_HUKS_MAX_KEY_SIZE] = {0};
    struct OH_Huks_Blob plainCipherText = {OH_HUKS_MAX_KEY_SIZE, plainKeyCipherBuffer};
    uint8_t kekCipherTextBuffer[OH_HUKS_MAX_KEY_SIZE] = {0};
    struct OH_Huks_Blob kekCipherText = {OH_HUKS_MAX_KEY_SIZE, kekCipherTextBuffer};
    /* Simulate the encrypted key import scenario. Import a key from device A (remote device) to device B (local device). */
    do {
         * 1. If the key to be imported from device A is an asymmetric key pair, convert it into the HUKS key material format **To_Import_Key**. Skip over this step if the key is a symmetric key.
         * This example uses a 256-bit AES key (symmetric key) as an example.
        /* 2. Generate an asymmetric key pair Wrapping_Key (public key Wrapping_Pk and private key Wrapping_Sk) with the purpose of HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_UNWRAP for device B, export the public key Wrapping_Pk of Wrapping_Key, and save it to huksPubKey.
        ret = GenerateAndExportHuksPublicKey(params, &huksPublicKey);
        if (ret.errorCode != (int32_t)OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
        /* 3. Use the same algorithm to generate an asymmetric key pair Caller_Key (public key Caller_Pk and private key Caller_Sk) with the purpose of HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_UNWRAP for device A, export the public key Caller_Pk of Caller_Key, save it to callerSelfPublicKey.
        ret = GenerateAndExportCallerPublicKey(params, &callerSelfPublicKey);
        if (ret.errorCode != (int32_t)OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
         4. Generate a symmetric key Caller_Kek for device A. This key is used to encrypt To_Import_Key.
         * 5. Perform key agreement with the private key **Caller_Sk** in **Caller_Key** of device A and the public key **Wrapping_Pk** in **Wrapping_Key** of device B to yield a **Shared_Key**.
        ret = ImportKekAndAgreeSharedSecret(params, &huksPublicKey, &outSharedKey);
        if (ret.errorCode != (int32_t)OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
         * 6. Use Caller_Kek to encrypt To_Import_Key of device A and generate To_Import_Key_Enc.
         * 7. Use Shared_Key to encrypt Caller_Kek of device A and generate Caller_Kek_Enc.
        ret = EncryptImportedPlainKeyAndKek(params, &plainCipherText, &kekCipherText);
        if (ret.errorCode != (int32_t)OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
        /* 8. Encapsulate the key material Caller_Pk, To_Import_Key_Enc, and Caller_Kek_Enc of device A, and sends it to device B.
         * In this example, Caller_Pk is placed in callerSelfPublicKey, To_Import_Key_Enc in PlainKeyEncData, and Caller_Kek_Enc in KekEncData.
         * 9. Import the encapsulated key material to device B.
        ret = ImportWrappedKey(params, &plainCipherText, &kekCipherText, &callerSelfPublicKey, &wrappedKeyData);
    } while (0);
    /* 10. Delete the intermediate keys (keys used for encrypting the key to import) from devices A and B. */
    return ret;
void HksClearKeysForWrappedKeyTest(const struct HksImportWrappedKeyTestParams *params) {
    OH_Huks_Result ret = CheckParamsValid(params);
    if (ret.errorCode != (int32_t)OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
    (void)OH_Huks_DeleteKeyItem(params->wrappingKeyAlias, nullptr);
    (void)OH_Huks_DeleteKeyItem(params->callerKeyAlias, nullptr);
    (void)OH_Huks_DeleteKeyItem(params->callerKekAlias, nullptr);
    (void)OH_Huks_DeleteKeyItem(params->callerAgreeKeyAlias, nullptr);
    (void)OH_Huks_DeleteKeyItem(params->importedKeyAlias, nullptr);
static OH_Huks_Result InitCommonTestParamsAndDoImport(struct HksImportWrappedKeyTestParams *importWrappedKeyTestParams,
                                                      const struct OH_Huks_Param *importedKeyParamSetArray,
                                                      uint32_t arraySize) {
    struct OH_Huks_ParamSet *genX25519KeyParamSet = nullptr;
    struct OH_Huks_ParamSet *genCallerKeyParamSet = nullptr;
    struct OH_Huks_ParamSet *callerImportParamsKek = nullptr;
    struct OH_Huks_ParamSet *agreeParamSet = nullptr;
    struct OH_Huks_ParamSet *importPlainKeyParams = nullptr;
    OH_Huks_Result ret;
    do {
        ret = InitParamSet(&genX25519KeyParamSet, g_genWrappingKeyParams,
                           sizeof(g_genWrappingKeyParams) / sizeof(OH_Huks_Param));
        if (ret.errorCode != OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
        importWrappedKeyTestParams->genWrappingKeyParamSet = genX25519KeyParamSet;
        importWrappedKeyTestParams->publicKeySize = g_x25519PubKeySize;
        ret = InitParamSet(&genCallerKeyParamSet, g_genCallerX25519Params,
                           sizeof(g_genCallerX25519Params) / sizeof(OH_Huks_Param));
        if (ret.errorCode != OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
        importWrappedKeyTestParams->genCallerKeyParamSet = genCallerKeyParamSet;
        ret = InitParamSet(&callerImportParamsKek, g_importParamsCallerKek,
                           sizeof(g_importParamsCallerKek) / sizeof(OH_Huks_Param));
        if (ret.errorCode != OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
        importWrappedKeyTestParams->importCallerKekParamSet = callerImportParamsKek;
        ret = InitParamSet(&agreeParamSet, g_callerAgreeParams, sizeof(g_callerAgreeParams) / sizeof(OH_Huks_Param));
        if (ret.errorCode != OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
        importWrappedKeyTestParams->agreeParamSet = agreeParamSet;
        ret = InitParamSet(&importPlainKeyParams, importedKeyParamSetArray, arraySize);
        if (ret.errorCode != OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
        importWrappedKeyTestParams->importWrappedKeyParamSet = importPlainKeyParams;
        ret = HksImportWrappedKeyTestCommonCase(importWrappedKeyTestParams);
    } while (0);
    return ret;
static napi_value ImportWrappedKey(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info) {
    struct HksImportWrappedKeyTestParams importWrappedKeyTestParams001 = {0};
    importWrappedKeyTestParams001.wrappingKeyAlias = &g_wrappingKeyAliasAes256;
    importWrappedKeyTestParams001.keyMaterialLen = g_importedAes256PlainKey.size;
    importWrappedKeyTestParams001.callerKeyAlias = &g_callerKeyAliasAes256;
    importWrappedKeyTestParams001.callerKekAlias = &g_callerKekAliasAes256;
    importWrappedKeyTestParams001.callerKek = &g_callerAes256Kek;
    importWrappedKeyTestParams001.callerAgreeKeyAlias = &g_callerAgreeKeyAliasAes256;
    importWrappedKeyTestParams001.importedKeyAlias = &g_importedKeyAliasAes256;
    importWrappedKeyTestParams001.importedPlainKey = &g_importedAes256PlainKey;
    OH_Huks_Result ohResult =
        InitCommonTestParamsAndDoImport(&importWrappedKeyTestParams001, g_importWrappedAes256Params,
                                        sizeof(g_importWrappedAes256Params) / sizeof(struct OH_Huks_Param));
    napi_value ret;
    napi_create_int32(env, ohResult.errorCode, &ret);
    return ret;


Use OH_Huks_IsKeyItemExist to check whether the key exists. If the key exists, the key is successfully imported.

#include "huks/native_huks_api.h"
#include "huks/native_huks_param.h"
#include <string.h>
static napi_value IsKeyExist(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info)
    /* 1. Set the key alias. */
    struct OH_Huks_Blob keyAlias = {
        (uint8_t *)"test_key"
    /* 2. Call OH_Huks_IsKeyItemExist to check whether the key exists. */
    struct OH_Huks_Result ohResult = OH_Huks_IsKeyItemExist(&keyAlias, NULL);
    if (ohResult.errorCode != OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
        // Operation failed.
    } else {
        // Operation successful.