Implementing a Custom Text Input Box

You can implement a custom text input box with the use of InputMethodController in the input method framework, by binding an InputMethodController instance to an input method and listen for text input operations, such as text insertion, deletion, selection, and cursor movement.

How to Develop

  1. In your project in DevEco Studio, create an .ets file and name it the name of the target custom component. In this example, the file is named CustomInput. Define the target custom component in the file, and import inputMethod from @kit.IMEKit.

    import { inputMethod } from '@kit.IMEKit';
    export struct CustomInput {
      build() {
  2. In the component, use the <Text> component to show text in the text input box, and the inputText state variable to specify the text to display in the text input box.

    import { inputMethod } from '@kit.IMEKit';
    export struct CustomInput {
      @State inputText: string = ''; // Specify the text to display in the text input box.
      build() {
        Text(this.inputText) // Use the <Text> component to show text in the text input box
          .border({ color: '#554455', radius: 30, width: 1 })
  3. Obtain an inputMethodController instance from the component, call the attach API of the instance to bind and start the soft keyboard when the text input box is clicked, and register listeners for text input operations, such as listeners for text insertion and removal in this example.

    import { inputMethod } from '@kit.IMEKit';
    export struct CustomInput {
      @State inputText: string = ''; // Specify the text to display in the text input box.
      private inputController: inputMethod.InputMethodController = inputMethod.getController();
      build() {
        Text(this.inputText) // Use the <Text> component to show text in the text input box
          .border({ color: '#554455', radius: 30, width: 1 })
            this.attachAndListener(); // Click the component.
      async attachAndListener() {// Bind and set a listener.
        await this.inputController.attach(true, {
          inputAttribute: {
            textInputType: inputMethod.TextInputType.TEXT,
            enterKeyType: inputMethod.EnterKeyType.SEARCH
        this.inputController.on('insertText', (text) => {
          this.inputText += text;
        this.inputController.on('deleteLeft', (length) => {
          this.inputText = this.inputText.substring(0, this.inputText.length - length);
  4. Import the component to the application UI layout. In this example, the Index.ets and CustomInput.ets files are in the same directory.

    import { CustomInput } from './CustomInput'; // Import the component.
    struct Index {
      build() {
        Column() {
          CustomInput() // Use the component.