Distributed Data Management Subsystem Changelog

cl.distributeddatamgr.1 OH_Rdb_CloudSync Parameter Change

Access Level


Reason for Change

After the change, the callback also returns the context.

Change Impact

This change is a non-compatible change. You need to modify the parameters in OH_Rdb_CloudSync.

API level


Change Since

OpenHarmony SDK

Key API/Component Changes

Before the change:

int OH_Rdb_CloudSync(OH_Rdb_Store *store, Rdb_SyncMode mode, const char *tables[], uint32_t count,
    Rdb_SyncCallback *callback);

After the change:

int OH_Rdb_CloudSync(OH_Rdb_Store *store, Rdb_SyncMode mode, const char *tables[], uint32_t count,
    const Rdb_ProgressObserver *observer);

Adaptation Guide

You need to add a parameter of the Rdb_ProgressObserver type. The newly added parameter includes the original callback field and a context field.

// Define the callback.
void CloudSyncObserverCallback(void *context, Rdb_ProgressDetails *progressDetails)
// Do something.
const Rdb_ProgressObserver observer = { .context = nullptr, .callback = CloudSyncObserverCallback };
OH_Rdb_CloudSync(storeTestRdbStore_, Rdb_SyncMode::SYNC_MODE_TIME_FIRST, table, TABLE_COUNT, &observer);