Managing Domain Accounts (for System Applications Only)

The user can add a domain account to a device so that the domain account user can log in to the system and use the device.

Before You Start

  1. Request the following permissions. For details, see Requesting Permissions for system_basic Applications.

    • ohos.permission.MANAGE_LOCAL_ACCOUNTS
    • ohos.permission.GET_DOMAIN_ACCOUNTS
  2. Import the osAccount module.

    import account_osAccount from '@ohos.account.osAccount';
    import { AsyncCallback, BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';
  3. Obtain an AccountManager instance of the system account.

    let osAccountMgr = account_osAccount.getAccountManager();

Checking for a Domain Account

Before adding a domain account, the user may need to check whether the domain account exists. You can use hasAccount to check whether a domain account exists.


  1. Define the domain account to check.

    let domainAccountInfo: account_osAccount.DomainAccountInfo = {
      accountName: 'testAccountName',
      domain: 'testDomain'
  2. Use hasAccount to check whether the domain account exists.

    let isAccountExisted: boolean = await account_osAccount.DomainAccountManager.hasAccount(domainAccountInfo);

Adding a Domain Account

The user can add a domain account in Settings to allow the domain account user to log in to and use the device. You can use createOsAccountForDomain to implement this operation.


  1. Define domain account information, including the domain name, account name, and account ID (optional).

    let domainInfo: account_osAccount.DomainAccountInfo = {
      domain: 'testDomain',
      accountName: 'testAccountName'
  2. Use createOsAccountForDomain to create a domain account on the device.

    try {
      accountMgr.createOsAccountForDomain(account_osAccount.OsAccountType.NORMAL, domainInfo,
      (err: BusinessError, osAccountInfo: account_osAccount.OsAccountInfo)=>{
        console.log('createOsAccountForDomain err:' + JSON.stringify(err));
        console.log('createOsAccountForDomain osAccountInfo:' + JSON.stringify(osAccountInfo));
    } catch (e) {
    console.log('createOsAccountForDomain exception: ' + JSON.stringify(e));

Deleting a Domain Account

The user can delete the domain account that is not required. Since a domain account is in one-to-one relationship with a system account, you can use removeOsAccount to delete the system account. The domain account is deleted as well.


  1. Use getOsAccountLocalIdForDomain to obtain the system account ID based on the domain account information.

    let domainInfo: account_osAccount.DomainAccountInfo = {
        domain: 'testDomain',
        accountName: 'testAccountName'
    try {
      let localId: number = accountMgr.getOsAccountLocalIdForDomain(domainInfo);
    } catch (err) {
      console.log('getOsAccountLocalIdForDomain exception: ' + JSON.stringify(err));
  2. Use removeOsAccount to delete the system account.

    try {
      accountMgr.removeOsAccount(osAccountInfo.localId, (err: BusinessError)=>{
        if (err) {
            console.log('removeOsAccount failed, error: ' + JSON.stringify(err));
        } else {
            console.log('removeOsAccount successfully');
    } catch (err) {
      console.log('removeOsAccount exception: ' + JSON.stringify(err));

Obtaining Domain Account Information

After passing the authentication, the user can query their own or others' domain account information. You can use getAccountInfo to implement this operation.


  1. Specify the query options, including the domain name and account name. The option type is GetDomainAccountInfoOptions.

    let options: account_osAccount.GetDomainAccountInfoOptions = {
        domain: 'testDomain',
        accountName: 'testAccountName'
  2. Use getAccountInfo to obtain domain account information.

    try {
        (err: BusinessError, result: account_osAccount.DomainAccountInfo) => {
        if (err) {
            console.log('call getAccountInfo failed, error: ' + JSON.stringify(err));
        } else {
            console.log('getAccountInfo result: ' + result);
    } catch (err) {
        console.log('getAccountInfo exception = ' + JSON.stringify(err));