@ohos.usbManager (USB Manager)

The usbManager module provides USB device management functions, including USB device list query, bulk data transfer, control transfer, and permission control on the host side as well as port management, and function switch and query on the device side.


The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 9. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Modules to Import

import usb from "@ohos.usbManager";


getDevices(): Array<Readonly<USBDevice>>

Obtains the list of USB devices connected to the host. If no device is connected, an empty list is returned.

System capability: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager

Return value

Type Description
Array<Readonly<USBDevice>> USB device list.


let devicesList: Array<usb.USBDevice> = usb.getDevices();
console.log(`devicesList = ${devicesList}`);
The following is a simple example of the data structure for devicesList:
    name: "1-1",
    serial: "",
    manufacturerName: "",
    productName: "",
    version: "",
    vendorId: 7531,
    productId: 2,
    clazz: 9,
    subClass: 0,
    protocol: 1,
    devAddress: 1,
    busNum: 1,
    configs: [
        id: 1,
        attributes: 224,
        isRemoteWakeup: true,
        isSelfPowered: true,
        maxPower: 0,
        name: "1-1",
        interfaces: [
            id: 0,
            protocol: 0,
            clazz: 9,
            subClass: 0,
            alternateSetting: 0,
            name: "1-1",
            endpoints: [
                address: 129,
                attributes: 3,
                interval: 12,
                maxPacketSize: 4,
                direction: 128,
                number: 1,
                type: 3,
                interfaceId: 0,


connectDevice(device: USBDevice): Readonly<USBDevicePipe>

Connects to the USB device based on the device information returned by getDevices().

Before you do this, call usb.getDevices to obtain the USB device list and device information, and then call usb.requestRight to request the device access permission.

System capability: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager


Name Type Mandatory Description
device USBDevice Yes USB device information.

Return value

Type Description
Readonly<USBDevicePipe> USB device pipe for data transfer.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see USB Service Error Codes.

ID Error Message
14400001 Permission denied. Need call requestRight to get permission.


let devicesList: Array<usb.USBDevice> = usb.getDevices();
if (devicesList.length == 0) {
  console.log(`device list is empty`);

let device: usb.USBDevice = devicesList[0];
let devicepipe: usb.USBDevicePipe = usb.connectDevice(device);
console.log(`devicepipe = ${devicepipe}`);


hasRight(deviceName: string): boolean

Checks whether the application has the permission to access the device.

Checks whether the user, for example, the application or system, has the device access permissions. The value true is returned if the user has the device access permissions; the value false is returned otherwise.

System capability: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager


Name Type Mandatory Description
deviceName string Yes Device name.

Return value

Type Description
boolean Returns true if the application has the permission to access the device; returns false otherwise.


let devicesName: string = "1-1";
let right: boolean = usb.hasRight(devicesName);


requestRight(deviceName: string): Promise<boolean>

Requests the temporary device access permission for the application. This API uses a promise to return the result. System applications are granted the device access permission by default, and you do not need to apply for the permission separately.

System capability: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager


Name Type Mandatory Description
deviceName string Yes Device name.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<boolean> Promise used to return the result. The value true indicates that the temporary device access permissions are granted; and the value false indicates the opposite.


let devicesName: string = "1-1";
usb.requestRight(devicesName).then(ret => {
  console.log(`requestRight = ${ret}`);


removeRight(deviceName: string): boolean

Removes the device access permission for the application. System applications are granted the device access permission by default, and calling this API will not revoke the permission.

System capability: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager


Name Type Mandatory Description
deviceName string Yes Device name.

Return value

Type Description
boolean Permission removal result. The value true indicates that the access permission is removed successfully; and the value false indicates the opposite.


let devicesName: string = "1-1";
if (usb.removeRight(devicesName)) {
  console.log(`Succeed in removing right`);


claimInterface(pipe: USBDevicePipe, iface: USBInterface, force ?: boolean): number

Claims a USB interface.

Before you do this, call usb.getDevices to obtain the USB device list and USB interfaces, call usb.requestRight to request the device access permission, and call usb.connectDevice to obtain devicepipe as an input parameter.

System capability: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager


Name Type Mandatory Description
pipe USBDevicePipe Yes Device pipe, which is used to determine the bus number and device address.
iface USBInterface Yes USB interface, which is used to determine the index of the interface to claim.
force boolean No Whether to forcibly claim the USB interface. The default value is false, indicating not to forcibly claim the USB interface.

Return value

Type Description
number Returns 0 if the USB interface is successfully claimed; returns an error code otherwise.


let devicesList: Array<usb.USBDevice> = usb.getDevices();
if (devicesList.length == 0) {
  console.log(`device list is empty`);

let device: usb.USBDevice = devicesList[0];
let devicepipe: usb.USBDevicePipe = usb.connectDevice(device);
let interfaces: usb.USBInterface = device.configs[0].interfaces[0];
let ret: number= usb.claimInterface(devicepipe, interfaces);
console.log(`claimInterface = ${ret}`);


releaseInterface(pipe: USBDevicePipe, iface: USBInterface): number

Releases a USB interface.

Before you do this, ensure that you have claimed the interface by calling usb.claimInterface.

System capability: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager


Name Type Mandatory Description
pipe USBDevicePipe Yes Device pipe, which is used to determine the bus number and device address.
iface USBInterface Yes USB interface, which is used to determine the index of the interface to release.

Return value

Type Description
number Returns 0 if the USB interface is successfully released; returns an error code otherwise.


let devicesList: Array<usb.USBDevice> = usb.getDevices();
if (devicesList.length == 0) {
  console.log(`device list is empty`);

let device: usb.USBDevice = devicesList[0];
let devicepipe: usb.USBDevicePipe = usb.connectDevice(device);
let interfaces: usb.USBInterface = device.configs[0].interfaces[0];
let ret: number = usb.claimInterface(devicepipe, interfaces);
ret = usb.releaseInterface(devicepipe, interfaces);
console.log(`releaseInterface = ${ret}`);


setConfiguration(pipe: USBDevicePipe, config: USBConfiguration): number

Sets the device configuration.

Before you do this, call usb.getDevices to obtain the USB device list and device configuration, call usb.requestRight to request the device access permission, and call usb.connectDevice to obtain devicepipe as an input parameter.

System capability: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager


Name Type Mandatory Description
pipe USBDevicePipe Yes Device pipe, which is used to determine the bus number and device address.
config USBConfiguration Yes USB configuration to set.

Return value

Type Description
number Returns 0 if the USB configuration is successfully set; returns an error code otherwise.


let devicesList: Array<usb.USBDevice> = usb.getDevices();
if (devicesList.length == 0) {
  console.log(`device list is empty`);

let device: usb.USBDevice = devicesList[0];
let devicepipe: usb.USBDevicePipe = usb.connectDevice(device);
let config: usb.USBConfiguration = device.configs[0];
let ret: number= usb.setConfiguration(devicepipe, config);
console.log(`setConfiguration = ${ret}`);


setInterface(pipe: USBDevicePipe, iface: USBInterface): number

Sets a USB interface.

Before you do this, call usb.getDevices to obtain the USB device list and interfaces, call usb.requestRight to request the device access permission, call usb.connectDevice to obtain devicepipe as an input parameter, and call usb.claimInterface to claim the USB interface.

System capability: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager


Name Type Mandatory Description
pipe USBDevicePipe Yes Device pipe, which is used to determine the bus number and device address.
iface USBInterface Yes USB interface to set.

Return value

Type Description
number Returns 0 if the USB interface is successfully set; returns an error code otherwise.


let devicesList: Array<usb.USBDevice> = usb.getDevices();
if (devicesList.length == 0) {
  console.log(`device list is empty`);

let device: usb.USBDevice = devicesList[0];
let devicepipe: usb.USBDevicePipe = usb.connectDevice(device);
let interfaces: usb.USBInterface = device.configs[0].interfaces[0];
let ret: number = usb.claimInterface(devicepipe, interfaces);
ret = usb.setInterface(devicepipe, interfaces);
console.log(`setInterface = ${ret}`);


getRawDescriptor(pipe: USBDevicePipe): Uint8Array

Obtains the raw USB descriptor.

Before you do this, call usb.getDevices to obtain the USB device list, call usb.requestRight to request the device access permission, and call usb.connectDevice to obtain devicepipe as an input parameter.

System capability: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager


Name Type Mandatory Description
pipe USBDevicePipe Yes Device pipe, which is used to determine the bus number and device address.

Return value

Type Description
Uint8Array Returns the raw USB descriptor if the operation is successful; returns undefined otherwise.


let devicesList: Array<usb.USBDevice> = usb.getDevices();
if (devicesList.length == 0) {
  console.log(`device list is empty`);

let devicepipe: usb.USBDevicePipe = usb.connectDevice(devicesList[0]);
let ret: Uint8Array = usb.getRawDescriptor(devicepipe);


getFileDescriptor(pipe: USBDevicePipe): number

Obtains the file descriptor.

Before you do this, call usb.getDevices to obtain the USB device list, call usb.requestRight to request the device access permission, and call usb.connectDevice to obtain devicepipe as an input parameter.

System capability: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager


Name Type Mandatory Description
pipe USBDevicePipe Yes Device pipe, which is used to determine the bus number and device address.

Return value

Type Description
number Returns the file descriptor of the USB device if the operation is successful; returns -1 otherwise.


let devicesList: Array<usb.USBDevice> = usb.getDevices();
if (devicesList.length == 0) {
  console.log(`device list is empty`);

let devicepipe: usb.USBDevicePipe = usb.connectDevice(devicesList[0]);
let ret: number = usb.getFileDescriptor(devicepipe);


controlTransfer(pipe: USBDevicePipe, controlparam: USBControlParams, timeout ?: number): Promise<number>

Performs control transfer.

Before you do this, call usb.getDevices to obtain the USB device list, call usb.requestRight to request the device access permission, and call usb.connectDevice to obtain devicepipe as an input parameter.

System capability: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager


Name Type Mandatory Description
pipe USBDevicePipe Yes USB device pipe, which is used to determine the USB device.
controlparam USBControlParams Yes Control transfer parameters.
timeout number No Timeout duration in ms. This parameter is optional. The default value is 0, indicating no timeout.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<number> Promise used to return the result, which is the size of the transmitted or received data block if the transfer is successful, or -1 if an exception has occurred.


class PARA {
  request: number = 0
  reqType: usb.USBControlRequestType = 0
  target: usb.USBRequestTargetType = 0
  value: number = 0
  index: number = 0
  data: Uint8Array = new Uint8Array()

let param: PARA = {
  request: 0,
  reqType: 0,
  value: 0,
  index: 0,
  data: new Uint8Array()

let devicesList: Array<usb.USBDevice> = usb.getDevices();
if (devicesList.length == 0) {
  console.log(`device list is empty`);

let devicepipe: usb.USBDevicePipe = usb.connectDevice(devicesList[0]);
usb.controlTransfer(devicepipe, param).then((ret: number) => {
 console.log(`controlTransfer = ${ret}`);


bulkTransfer(pipe: USBDevicePipe, endpoint: USBEndpoint, buffer: Uint8Array, timeout ?: number): Promise<number>

Performs bulk transfer.

Before you do this, call usb.getDevices to obtain the USB device list and endpoints, call usb.requestRight to request the device access permission, call usb.connectDevice to obtain devicepipe as an input parameter, and call usb.claimInterface to claim the USB interface.

System capability: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager


Name Type Mandatory Description
pipe USBDevicePipe Yes USB device pipe, which is used to determine the USB device.
endpoint USBEndpoint Yes USB endpoint, which is used to determine the USB port for data transfer.
buffer Uint8Array Yes Buffer used to write or read data.
timeout number No Timeout duration in ms. This parameter is optional. The default value is 0, indicating no timeout.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<number> Promise used to return the result, which is the size of the transmitted or received data block if the transfer is successful, or -1 if an exception has occurred.


// Call usb.getDevices to obtain a data set. Then, obtain a USB device and its access permission.
// Pass the obtained USB device as a parameter to usb.connectDevice. Then, call usb.connectDevice to connect the USB device.
// Call usb.claimInterface to claim the USB interface. After that, call usb.bulkTransfer to start bulk transfer.
let devicesList: Array<usb.USBDevice> = usb.getDevices();
if (devicesList.length == 0) {
  console.log(`device list is empty`);

let device: usb.USBDevice = devicesList[0];

let devicepipe: usb.USBDevicePipe = usb.connectDevice(device);
let interfaces: usb.USBInterface = device.configs[0].interfaces[0];
let endpoint: usb.USBEndpoint = device.configs[0].interfaces[0].endpoints[0];
let ret: number = usb.claimInterface(devicepipe, interfaces);
let buffer =  new Uint8Array(128);
usb.bulkTransfer(devicepipe, endpoint, buffer).then((ret: number) => {
  console.log(`bulkTransfer = ${ret}`);


closePipe(pipe: USBDevicePipe): number

Closes a USB device pipe.

Before you do this, call usb.getDevices to obtain the USB device list, call usb.requestRight to request the device access permission, and call usb.connectDevice to obtain devicepipe as an input parameter.

System capability: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager


Name Type Mandatory Description
pipe USBDevicePipe Yes USB device pipe.

Return value

Type Description
number Returns 0 if the USB device pipe is closed successfully; returns an error code otherwise.


let devicesList: Array<usb.USBDevice> = usb.getDevices();
if (devicesList.length == 0) {
  console.log(`device list is empty`);

let devicepipe: usb.USBDevicePipe = usb.connectDevice(devicesList[0]);
let ret: number = usb.closePipe(devicepipe);
console.log(`closePipe = ${ret}`);


Represents the USB endpoint from which data is sent or received. You can obtain the USB endpoint through USBInterface.

System capability: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager

Name Type Mandatory Description
address number Yes Endpoint address.
attributes number Yes Endpoint attributes.
interval number Yes Endpoint interval.
maxPacketSize number Yes Maximum size of data packets on the endpoint.
direction USBRequestDirection Yes Endpoint direction.
number number Yes Endpoint number.
type number Yes Endpoint type.
interfaceId number Yes Unique ID of the interface to which the endpoint belongs.


Represents a USB interface. One USBConfiguration object can contain multiple USBInterface instances, each providing a specific function.

System capability: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager

Name Type Mandatory Description
id number Yes Unique ID of the USB interface.
protocol number Yes Interface protocol.
clazz number Yes Device type.
subClass number Yes Device subclass.
alternateSetting number Yes Settings for alternating between descriptors of the same USB interface.
name string Yes Interface name.
endpoints Array<USBEndpoint> Yes Endpoints that belong to the USB interface.


Represents the USB configuration. One USBDevice can contain multiple USBConfig instances.

System capability: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager

Name Type Mandatory Description
id number Yes Unique ID of the USB configuration.
attributes number Yes Configuration attributes.
maxPower number Yes Maximum power consumption, in mA.
name string Yes Configuration name, which can be left empty.
isRemoteWakeup boolean Yes Support for remote wakeup.
isSelfPowered boolean Yes Support for independent power supplies.
interfaces Array <USBInterface> Yes Supported interface attributes.


Represents the USB device information.

System capability: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager

Name Type Mandatory Description
busNum number Yes Bus address.
devAddress number Yes Device address.
serial string Yes Sequence number.
name string Yes Device name.
manufacturerName string Yes Device manufacturer.
productName string Yes Product name.
version string Yes Version number.
vendorId number Yes Vendor ID.
productId number Yes Product ID.
clazz number Yes Device class.
subClass number Yes Device subclass.
protocol number Yes Device protocol code.
configs Array<USBConfiguration> Yes Device configuration descriptor information.


Represents a USB device pipe, which is used to determine a USB device.

System capability: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager

Name Type Mandatory Description
busNum number Yes Bus address.
devAddress number Yes Device address.


Represents control transfer parameters.

System capability: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager

Name Type Mandatory Description
request number Yes Request type.
target USBRequestTargetType Yes Request target type.
reqType USBControlRequestType Yes Control request type.
value number Yes Request parameter value.
index number Yes Index of the request parameter value.
data Uint8Array Yes Buffer for writing or reading data.


Enumerates request target types.

System capability: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager

Name Value Description


Enumerates control request types.

System capability: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager

Name Value Description


Enumerates request directions.

System capability: SystemCapability.USB.USBManager

Name Value Description
USB_REQUEST_DIR_TO_DEVICE 0 Request for writing data from the host to the device.
USB_REQUEST_DIR_FROM_DEVICE 0x80 Request for reading data from the device to the host.