
A dialog is a modal window. Before it disappears, users cannot perform any operation.

How to Use

  • Use a dialog to display information or operations that users need or must pay attention to. In other cases, use a non-modal window such as a notification window.

  • Include a combination of different components, for example, text (in different formats, such as indentation, link, or bold), list, text box, grid, icon, and image, in a dialog. It is generally used to select or confirm information.


  • Dialog without a title

  • Dialog with a title

  • Dialog with text only

Dialog Without a Title

A dialog does not have a title.

If the content is not displayed in a list, leave a margin of 24 vp both above and below the content.

1 2
Content only Content and button

Dialog with a Title

In the title area, there can be a pure title in one or two lines. Alternatively, there can be a title followed by an operation icon.

Title and content

If the content is not displayed in a list, leave a margin of 24 vp both above and below the content.

Dialog with Text Only

If there is only a title, the title is centered.


Height and Position

The height and location of a dialog differs in portrait and landscape orientations.


Maximum height of a dialog = 0.8 x (Screen height – Status bar height – Navigation bar height)

Position: Always above the navigation bar (even if the navigation bar is hidden)


Maximum height of a dialog = 0.9 x (Screen height – Status bar)
Position: Center aligned the screen height excluding the status bar

Writing Instructions

Dialog for Operation Confirmation


  • Short and complete. No period is required if a statement is used.

  • Exclamation marks and question marks are required for exclamatory and interrogative sentences, respectively.

  • Concise and clear. Titles can be a phrase (verb + noun).

Content text

  • Describe the content that needs to be confirmed by users. The content can be questions or statements. Try not to provide additional information. If necessary, avoid repeating the title.


  • Buttons allow the user to choose whether to proceed with the next action. Use operation content for buttons.

  • Button contents are usually the same as the verbs in the title. Do not use "Yes" or "No".

Dialog for Information Confirmation

Content text

  • Use statements to describe the specific items that need to be notified to users. For example, no updates available.


  • Use OK.

Rules for Handling Ultra-Long UI Strings

Title in a Dialog

  • Decrease the font size to 15 fp level by level.


  • Wrap lines if the length exceeds the upper limit.

  • If the text still cannot fit in, use "..." for truncation.

Button in a Dialog

  • Do not wrap lines for button texts.


  • Change the buttons from horizontal alignment to vertical alignment.


  • Reduce the font size level by level until the minimum font size 9 fp is reached.

  • If the text still cannot fit in, use "..." for truncation.



For details about the dialog box, see the API Reference.