Key Derivation (C/C++)

This topic walks you through on how to derive a 256-bit key using HKDF. For details about the scenarios and supported algorithms, see Supported Algorithms.

How to Develop

Key Generation

  1. Set the key alias.

  2. Initialize the key property set. The optional parameter OH_HUKS_TAG_DERIVED_AGREED_KEY_STORAGE_FLAG specifies how a derived key is stored.

    • OH_HUKS_STORAGE_ONLY_USED_IN_HUKS: The key is stored and managed by HUKS.
    • OH_HUKS_STORAGE_KEY_EXPORT_ALLOWED (default): The key is directly exported to the service and not managed by HUKS.
  3. Use OH_Huks_GenerateKeyItem to generate a key. For details, see Key Generation.

Alternatively, you can import a key.

Key Derivation

  1. Obtain the key alias and set the HuksOptions parameter.

    You are advised to pass in OH_Huks_KeyStorageType, which can be any of the following values:

    • OH_HUKS_STORAGE_ONLY_USED_IN_HUKS: The key is used only in HUKS.
    • OH_HUKS_STORAGE_KEY_EXPORT_ALLOWED: The key is directly exported and is not stored in HUKS.
    • If this parameter is not specified, the key can be stored in HUKS and exported by default, which poses security risks and is not recommended.
  2. Use OH_Huks_InitSession to initialize a key session. The session handle is returned after the initialization.

  3. Use OH_Huks_UpdateSessionn to process data.

  4. Use OH_Huks_FinishSession to derive a key.

Key Deletion

Use OH_Huks_DeleteKeyItem to delete the key that is not required. For details, see Deleting a Key.

#include "huks/native_huks_api.h"
#include "huks/native_huks_param.h"
#include <string.h>
OH_Huks_Result InitParamSet(
    struct OH_Huks_ParamSet **paramSet,
    const struct OH_Huks_Param *params,
    uint32_t paramCount)
    OH_Huks_Result ret = OH_Huks_InitParamSet(paramSet);
    if (ret.errorCode != OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
        return ret;
    ret = OH_Huks_AddParams(*paramSet, params, paramCount);
    if (ret.errorCode != OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
        return ret;
    ret = OH_Huks_BuildParamSet(paramSet);
    if (ret.errorCode != OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
        return ret;
    return ret;
static const uint32_t DERIVE_KEY_SIZE_32 = 32;
static struct OH_Huks_Blob g_deriveKeyAlias = {
    (uint8_t *)"test_derive"
static struct OH_Huks_Param g_genDeriveParams[] = {
        .tag =  OH_HUKS_TAG_ALGORITHM,
        .uint32Param = OH_HUKS_ALG_AES
    }, {
        .tag =  OH_HUKS_TAG_PURPOSE,
        .uint32Param = OH_HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_DERIVE
    }, {
        .tag =  OH_HUKS_TAG_DIGEST,
        .uint32Param = OH_HUKS_DIGEST_SHA256
    }, {
        .tag =  OH_HUKS_TAG_KEY_SIZE,
        .uint32Param = OH_HUKS_AES_KEY_SIZE_256
static struct OH_Huks_Param g_hkdfParams[] = {
        .tag =  OH_HUKS_TAG_ALGORITHM,
        .uint32Param = OH_HUKS_ALG_HKDF
    }, {
        .tag =  OH_HUKS_TAG_PURPOSE,
        .uint32Param = OH_HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_DERIVE
    }, {
        .tag =  OH_HUKS_TAG_DIGEST,
        .uint32Param = OH_HUKS_DIGEST_SHA256
    }, {
        .tag =  OH_HUKS_TAG_DERIVE_KEY_SIZE,
        .uint32Param = DERIVE_KEY_SIZE_32
static struct OH_Huks_Param g_hkdfFinishParams[] = {
        .uint32Param = OH_HUKS_STORAGE_ONLY_USED_IN_HUKS
    }, {
        .tag =  OH_HUKS_TAG_KEY_ALIAS,
        .blob = g_deriveKeyAlias
    }, {
        .tag =  OH_HUKS_TAG_ALGORITHM,
        .uint32Param = OH_HUKS_ALG_HKDF
    }, {
        .tag =  OH_HUKS_TAG_KEY_SIZE,
        .uint32Param = DERIVE_KEY_SIZE_32
    }, {
        .tag =  OH_HUKS_TAG_PURPOSE,
        .uint32Param = OH_HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_DERIVE
    }, {
        .tag =  OH_HUKS_TAG_DIGEST,
        .uint32Param = OH_HUKS_DIGEST_SHA256
static const uint32_t COMMON_SIZE = 2048;
static const char *g_deriveInData = "Hks_HKDF_Derive_Test_00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
static napi_value DeriveKey(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info)
    struct OH_Huks_Blob genAlias = {
        (uint8_t *)"test_signVerify"
    struct OH_Huks_Blob inData = {
        (uint8_t *)g_deriveInData
    struct OH_Huks_ParamSet *genParamSet = nullptr;
    struct OH_Huks_ParamSet *hkdfParamSet = nullptr;
    struct OH_Huks_ParamSet *hkdfFinishParamSet = nullptr;
    OH_Huks_Result ohResult;
    do {
        ohResult = InitParamSet(&genParamSet, g_genDeriveParams, sizeof(g_genDeriveParams) / sizeof(OH_Huks_Param));
        if (ohResult.errorCode != OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {

        ohResult = InitParamSet(&hkdfParamSet, g_hkdfParams, sizeof(g_hkdfParams) / sizeof(OH_Huks_Param));
        if (ohResult.errorCode != OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {

        // finish paramset
        ohResult = InitParamSet(&hkdfFinishParamSet, g_hkdfFinishParams, sizeof(g_hkdfFinishParams) / sizeof(OH_Huks_Param));
        if (ohResult.errorCode != OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {

        /* 1. Generate Key */
        ohResult = OH_Huks_GenerateKeyItem(&genAlias, genParamSet, nullptr);
        if (ohResult.errorCode != OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
        /* 2. Derive */
        // Init
        uint8_t handleD[sizeof(uint64_t)] = {0};
        struct OH_Huks_Blob handleDerive = { sizeof(uint64_t), handleD };
        ohResult = OH_Huks_InitSession(&genAlias, hkdfParamSet, &handleDerive, nullptr);
        if (ohResult.errorCode != OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
        // Update
        uint8_t tmpOut[COMMON_SIZE] = {0};
        struct OH_Huks_Blob outData = { COMMON_SIZE, tmpOut };
        ohResult = OH_Huks_UpdateSession(&handleDerive, hkdfParamSet, &inData, &outData);
        if (ohResult.errorCode != OH_HUKS_SUCCESS) {
        // Finish
        uint8_t outDataD[COMMON_SIZE] = {0};
        struct OH_Huks_Blob outDataDerive = { COMMON_SIZE, outDataD };
        ohResult = OH_Huks_FinishSession(&handleDerive, hkdfFinishParamSet, &inData, &outDataDerive);
    } while (0);
    (void)OH_Huks_DeleteKeyItem(&genAlias, nullptr);
    (void)OH_Huks_DeleteKeyItem(&g_deriveKeyAlias, nullptr);

    napi_value ret;
    napi_create_int32(env, ohResult.errorCode, &ret);
    return ret;