USB Subsystem Changelog

cl.USB.1 USB APIs Deprecated

Access Level

System APIs

Reason for Change

Permission control is added to the USB APIs. The new APIs incorporate complete functions of the old system APIs and are more standard and atomic with full compliance with community API specifications.

Change Impact

The change is not compatible with earlier versions. You are advised to use new APIs.

Deprecated Since

OpenHarmony SDK

Deprecated APIs

The authentication mode is modified. AccessTokenKit::VerifyAccessToken is used instead of the APL level of the caller process for permission verification. The caller of the new APIs needs to apply for the ohos.permission. MANAGE_USB_CONFIG permission.

API Description Substitute API
function addRight(bundleName: string, deviceName: string): boolean; Use the usb.addDeviceAccessRight API to grant device access permission for an application. function addDeviceAccessRight(bundleName: string, deviceName: string): boolean;
function usbFunctionsFromString(funcs: string): number; Use the usb.getFunctionsFromString API to convert the USB function list from strings to numeric masks. function getFunctionsFromString(funcs: string): number;
function usbFunctionsToString(funcs: FunctionType): string; Use the usb.convertFunctionsToString API to convert the USB function list from numeric masks to strings. function convertFunctionsToString(funcs: FunctionType): string;
function setCurrentFunctions(funcs: FunctionType): Promise<void>; Use the usb.setDeviceFunctions API to set the current USB function list. function setDeviceFunctions(funcs: FunctionType): Promise<void>;
function getCurrentFunctions(): FunctionType; Use the usb.getDeviceFunctions API to obtain the numeric mask combination of the USB function list. function getDeviceFunctions(): FunctionType;
function getPorts(): Array<USBPort>; Use the usb.getUsbPorts API to obtain the description of all physical USB ports. function getUsbPorts(): Array<USBPort>;
function getSupportedModes(portId: number): PortModeType; Use the usb.getUsbPortSupportModes API to obtain the numeric mask combination for the supported mode list of the USB port. function getUsbPortSupportModes(portId: number): PortModeType;
function setPortRoles(portId: number, powerRole: PowerRoleType, dataRole: DataRoleType): Promise<void>; Use the usb.setUsbPortRoles API to set the role types supported by a specified port, which can be powerRole (for charging) and dataRole (for data transfer). function setUsbPortRoles(portId: number, powerRole: PowerRoleType, dataRole: DataRoleType): Promise<void>;

Adaptation Guide

Before change: The apl field in the application configuration file xxx.cfg is system_basic or system_core. After change: Add the ohos.permission.MANAGE_USB_CONFIG permission to the permission field in the configuration file.