EffectComponent (System API)

The <EffectComponent> component defines combined special effects for child components to optimize the special effect drawing performance.


  • This component is supported since API version 10. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

  • The APIs provided by this component are system APIs.

  • Currently, this component provides only combined background blur effects for child components.

  • To use this component for combined background blur effects, first replace the backgroundBlurStyle(BlurStyle) attribute of the target child components with useEffect(true).

Child Components




Creates an <EffectComponent> component.


The universal events are not supported.


The universal attributes are supported. Currently, this component only works with the backgroundBlurStyle attribute.


struct Index {
  build() {
    Stack() {
      EffectComponent() {
        Column({ space: 20 }) {
          // Use backgroundBlurStyle to apply a background blur effect.
          Text("Normal text with backgroundBlurStyle")

          // Do not apply a background blur effect.
          Text("Normal text without blur effect")
            .border({ width: 1 })

          // Use useEffect to combine drawing of the background blur effect, with blur settings inherited from <EffectComponent>.
          Text("Normal text with useeffcet blur 1")

          // Use useEffect to combine drawing of the background blur effect, with blur settings inherited from <EffectComponent>.
          Text("Normal text with useeffcet blur 2")
