DRM Plug-in Management (ArkTS)

Before developing an application that supports digital rights protection, check whether the device supports a specific DRM scheme and if yes, create the corresponding DRM object.

In DRM Kit, the DRM scheme exists as a plug-in.

How to Develop

Read DRM for the API reference.

  1. Import the DRM module. The module provides DRM-related attributes and methods.

    import drm from '@ohos.multimedia.drm';
  2. Import the BusinessError module, which provides the error codes thrown by the APIs of the DRM module.

    import {BusinessError} from '@ohos.base';
  3. Call isMediaKeySystemSupported to check whether the device supports a certain type of DRM plug-in.


    The value false means that the device does not support the specified DRM scheme.

    function isMediaKeySystemSupported(name: string, mimeType: string, level: drm.ContentProtectionLevel): boolean {
      let isSupported = drm.isMediaKeySystemSupported(name);
      isSupported = drm.isMediaKeySystemSupported(name, mimeType);
      isSupported = drm.isMediaKeySystemSupported(name, mimeType, level);
      return isSupported;
  4. Call createMediaKeySystem(name: string) to create a MediaKeySystem instance. The result is returned synchronously. If the instance fails to be created, subsequent operations cannot be performed.


    If the creation fails, undefined is returned, indicating that the device does not support the DRM capability.

    function createMediaKeySystem(name: string): drm.MediaKeySystem {
      let mediaKeySystem: drm.MediaKeySystem = drm.createMediaKeySystem(name);
      return mediaKeySystem;
  5. Call getMediaKeySystems to obtain the names and UUIDs of the DRM plug-ins supported by the device.


    If the size of the array is null, no supported plug-in exists on the device.

    function getMediaKeySystems(): drm.MediaKeySystemDescription[]{
     let description : drm.MediaKeySystemDescription[] = [];
     try {
       description = drm.getMediaKeySystems();
     } catch (err) {
       let error = err as BusinessError;
       console.error(`getMediaKeySystems ERROR: ${error}`)
     return description;