Wi-Fi Subsystem Changelog

cl.wifi.1 Change of the Name of the API for Obtaining Wi-Fi Scan Result

The name of the API for obtaining Wi-Fi scan result is changed in API version 10 Beta1 and then changed to the names used in API version 9 release.

Change Impact

The JS API name needs to be adapted for applications developed based on earlier versions. Otherwise, relevant functions will be affected.

Key API/Component Changes

  • Involved API:

    getScanInfoList(): Array;

  • Before change:

getScanInfoList(): Array<WifiScanInfo>;
  • After change:
getScanResults(): Array<WifiScanInfo>;
getScanResultsSync(): Array<WifiScanInfo>;

Adaptation Guide


  • Call getScanResults.
function getScanResultsPromise() {
  let methodName = `${tag} getScanResultsPromise`
  wifiManager.getScanResults((err, data) => {
    if (err) {
      showToastE(`${methodName} failed ${JSON.stringify(err)}`)
    if (data == null || data.length == 0) {
      showToast(`${methodName} end data is null`)
  • Call getScanResultsSync.
function getScanResultsSync(): Array<wifiManager.WifiScanInfo> {
  let methodName = `${tag} getScanResultsSync`
  try {
    return wifiManager.getScanResultsSync();
  } catch (error) {
    showToastE(`${methodName} failed ${JSON.stringify(error)}`)
  return Array();

cl.wifi.2 Change of Wi-Fi P2P APIs

The names of P2P APIs are changed in API version 10 Beta1 and then changed to the names used in API version 9 release.

Change Impact

The JS API name needs to be adapted for applications developed based on earlier versions. Otherwise, relevant functions will be affected.

Key API/Component Changes

  • Added APIs
API Description
function updateNetwork(config: WifiDeviceConfig): number; Updates the added hotspot configuration information.
function disableNetwork(netId: number): void; Disables the added hotspot configuration.
function removeAllNetwork(): void; Deletes all hotspot configurations.
function removeDevice(id: number): void; Deletes configuration of a single hotspot.
function getStations(): Array; Obtains information about devices connected to this hotspot.
function createGroup(config: WifiP2PConfig): void; Creates a P2P group.
function removeGroup(): void; Removes a P2P group.
function startDiscoverDevices(): void; Starts P2P scan.
function stopDiscoverDevices(): void; Stops P2P scan.
function deletePersistentGroup(netId: number): void; Deletes the persistent P2P group with a specified network ID.
function setDeviceName(devName: string): void; Sets the P2P device name.
  • Deprecated APIs
API Description
function updateDeviceConfig(config: WifiDeviceConfig): number; Updates the added hotspot configuration information.
function disableDeviceConfig(networkId: number): void; Disables the added hotspot configuration.
function removeAllDeviceConfigs(): void; Deletes all hotspot configurations.
function removeDeviceConfig(networkId: number): void; Deletes configuration of a single hotspot.
function getHotspotStations(): Array; Obtains information about devices connected to this hotspot.
function createP2pGroup(config: WifiP2PConfig): void; Creates a P2P group.
function removeP2pGroup(): void; Removes a P2P group.
function startDiscoverP2pDevices(): void; Starts P2P scan.
function stopDiscoverP2pDevices(): void; Stops P2P scan.
function deletePersistentP2pGroup(netId: number): void; Deletes the persistent P2P group with a specified network ID.
function setP2pDeviceName(devName: string): void; Sets the P2P device name.