Test Subsystem ChangeLog

cl.testfwk_arkxtest.1 Change to the WindowFilter Attribute Names

Access Level


Reason for Change

This change is a compatible change.

Change Impact

This change affects the WindowFilter API provided by @ohos.uitest. If you have used the WindowFilter API of @ohos.uitest-api9 during test case development, adaptation is required so that the compilation can be successful in the SDK environment of the new version.

Change Since

OpenHarmony SDK

Key API/Component Changes


Before change

Name Type Readable Writable Description
bundleName string Yes No Bundle name of the application to which the window belongs.
title string Yes No Title of the window.
focused boolean Yes No Whether the window is in focused state.
actived boolean Yes No Whether the window is interacting with the user.

After change

Name Type Readable Writable Description
bundleName string Yes No Bundle name of the application to which the window belongs.
title string Yes No Title of the window.
focused boolean Yes No Whether the window is in focused state.
active boolean Yes No Whether the window is interacting with the user.

Adaptation Guide

Replace actived with active.

cl.testfwk_arkxtest.2 Deprecation of the UiWindow.isActived API

Access Level


Reason for Change

The API capability is enhanced.

Change Impact

This change affects the UiWindow.isActived API provided by @ohos.uitest. If you have used the UiWindow.isActived API of @ohos.uitest-api9 during test case development, adaptation is required so that the compilation can be successful in the SDK environment of the new version.

Deprecated Since

OpenHarmony SDK

Deprecated APIs/Components

API Description Substitute
isActived(): Promise<boolean>; Replaced by isActive(). isActive(): Promise<boolean>;

Adaptation Guide

Replace isActived() with isActive().