

The AVDemuxer module provides the functions for audio and video demuxing.

System capability: SystemCapability.Multimedia.Media.Spliter

Since: 10



Name Description
native_avdemuxer.h Declares the native APIs used for audio and video demuxing.
File to include: <multimedia/player_framework/native_avdemuxer.h>
Library: libnative_media_avdemuxer.so


Name Description
OH_AVDemuxer * OH_AVDemuxer_CreateWithSource (OH_AVSource *source) Creates an OH_AVDemuxer instance based on an OH_AVSource instance.
OH_AVErrCode OH_AVDemuxer_Destroy (OH_AVDemuxer *demuxer) Destroys an OH_AVDemuxer instance and clears internal resources.
OH_AVErrCode OH_AVDemuxer_SelectTrackByID (OH_AVDemuxer *demuxer, uint32_t trackIndex) Selects a track, from which the demuxer reads data.
OH_AVErrCode OH_AVDemuxer_UnselectTrackByID (OH_AVDemuxer *demuxer, uint32_t trackIndex) Deselects a track. The demuxer no longer reads data from a track after it is deselected.
OH_AVErrCode OH_AVDemuxer_ReadSample (OH_AVDemuxer *demuxer, uint32_t trackIndex, OH_AVMemory *sample, OH_AVCodecBufferAttr *info) Obtains the compressed frame and related information at the current position from the selected track.
OH_AVErrCode OH_AVDemuxer_ReadSampleBuffer (OH_AVDemuxer *demuxer, uint32_t trackIndex, OH_AVBuffer *sample) Obtains the compressed frame and related information at the current position from the selected track.
OH_AVErrCode OH_AVDemuxer_SeekToTime (OH_AVDemuxer *demuxer, int64_t millisecond, OH_AVSeekMode mode) Seeks to the specified time for all the selected tracks based on a seek mode.
OH_AVErrCode OH_AVDemuxer_SetMediaKeySystemInfoCallback (OH_AVDemuxer *demuxer, DRM_MediaKeySystemInfoCallback callback) Sets an asynchronous callback for obtaining the media key system information.
OH_AVErrCode OH_AVDemuxer_GetMediaKeySystemInfo (OH_AVDemuxer *demuxer, DRM_MediaKeySystemInfo *mediaKeySystemInfo) Obtains the media key system information.

Function Description


OH_AVDemuxer* OH_AVDemuxer_CreateWithSource (OH_AVSource *source)


Creates an OH_AVDemuxer instance based on an OH_AVSource instance. You can release the instance by calling OH_AVDemuxer_Destroy.

System capability: SystemCapability.Multimedia.Media.Spliter

Since: 10


Name Description
source Pointer to an OH_AVSource instance.


Returns the pointer to an OH_AVDemuxer instance.


OH_AVErrCode OH_AVDemuxer_Destroy (OH_AVDemuxer *demuxer)


Destroys an OH_AVDemuxer instance and clears internal resources. An instance can be destroyed only once.

The destroyed instance cannot be used until it is re-created. You are advised to set the pointer to NULL after the instance is destroyed.

System capability: SystemCapability.Multimedia.Media.Spliter

Since: 10


Name Description
demuxer Pointer to an OH_AVDemuxer instance.


Returns AV_ERR_OK if the operation is successful; returns an error code defined in OH_AVErrCode otherwise.


OH_AVErrCode OH_AVDemuxer_GetMediaKeySystemInfo (OH_AVDemuxer *demuxer, DRM_MediaKeySystemInfo *mediaKeySystemInfo)


Obtains the media key system information.

System capability: SystemCapability.Multimedia.Media.Spliter

Since: 11


Name Description
demuxer Pointer to an OH_AVDemuxer instance.
mediaKeySystemInfo Pointer to the media key system information. For details, see DRM_MediaKeySystemInfo.


Returns AV_ERR_OK if the operation is successful; returns an error code defined in OH_AVErrCode otherwise.


OH_AVErrCode OH_AVDemuxer_ReadSample (OH_AVDemuxer *demuxer, uint32_t trackIndex, OH_AVMemory *sample, OH_AVCodecBufferAttr *info)


Obtains the compressed frame and related information at the current position from the selected track.

You must select a track before reading data. After this API is called, the demuxer automatically proceeds to the next frame.

System capability: SystemCapability.Multimedia.Media.Spliter

Since: 10

Deprecated from: 11

Substitute API: OH_AVDemuxer_ReadSampleBuffer


Name Description
demuxer Pointer to an OH_AVDemuxer instance.
trackIndex Index of the track from which the compressed frame is to be read.
sample Pointer to the OH_AVMemory instance for storing the compressed frame data.
info Pointer to the OH_AVCodecBufferAttr instance for storing the compressed frame information.


Returns AV_ERR_OK if the operation is successful; returns an error code defined in OH_AVErrCode otherwise.


OH_AVErrCode OH_AVDemuxer_ReadSampleBuffer (OH_AVDemuxer *demuxer, uint32_t trackIndex, OH_AVBuffer *sample)


Obtains the compressed frame and related information at the current position from the selected track.

You must select a track before reading data. After this API is called, the demuxer automatically proceeds to the next frame.

System capability: SystemCapability.Multimedia.Media.Spliter

Since: 11


Name Description
demuxer Pointer to an OH_AVDemuxer instance.
trackIndex Index of the track from which the compressed frame is to be read.
sample Pointer to the OH_AVBuffer instance for storing the compressed frame data and related information.


Returns AV_ERR_OK if the operation is successful; returns an error code defined in OH_AVErrCode otherwise.


OH_AVErrCode OH_AVDemuxer_SeekToTime (OH_AVDemuxer *demuxer, int64_t millisecond, OH_AVSeekMode mode)


Seeks to the specified time for all the selected tracks based on a seek mode.

System capability: SystemCapability.Multimedia.Media.Spliter

Since: 10


Name Description
demuxer Pointer to an OH_AVDemuxer instance.
millisecond Time to seek to, in milliseconds. The timestamp is relative to the start position of the file.
mode Seek mode. For details, see OH_AVSeekMode.


Returns AV_ERR_OK if the operation is successful; returns an error code defined in OH_AVErrCode otherwise.


OH_AVErrCode OH_AVDemuxer_SelectTrackByID (OH_AVDemuxer *demuxer, uint32_t trackIndex)


Selects a track, from which the demuxer reads data.

You can select multiple tracks by calling this API multiple times, with a different track index passed in each time.

When OH_AVDemuxer_ReadSample is called, only the data in the selected track is read. If the same track is selected multiple times, AV_ERR_OK is returned and the API call takes effect only once.

System capability: SystemCapability.Multimedia.Media.Spliter

Since: 10


Name Description
demuxer Pointer to an OH_AVDemuxer instance.
trackIndex Index of the track.


Returns AV_ERR_OK if the operation is successful; returns an error code defined in OH_AVErrCode otherwise.


OH_AVErrCode OH_AVDemuxer_SetMediaKeySystemInfoCallback (OH_AVDemuxer *demuxer, DRM_MediaKeySystemInfoCallback callback)


Sets an asynchronous callback for obtaining the media key system information.

System capability: SystemCapability.Multimedia.Media.Spliter

Since: 11


Name Description
demuxer Pointer to an OH_AVDemuxer instance.
callback Callback. For details, see DRM_MediaKeySystemInfoCallback.


Returns AV_ERR_OK if the operation is successful; returns an error code defined in OH_AVErrCode otherwise.


OH_AVErrCode OH_AVDemuxer_UnselectTrackByID (OH_AVDemuxer *demuxer, uint32_t trackIndex)


Deselects a track. The demuxer no longer reads data from a track after it is deselected.

You can deselect multiple tracks by calling this API multiple times, with a different track index passed in each time.

If the same track is deselected multiple times, AV_ERR_OK is returned and the API call takes effect only once.

System capability: SystemCapability.Multimedia.Media.Spliter

Since: 10


Name Description
demuxer Pointer to an OH_AVDemuxer instance.
trackIndex Index of the track.


Returns AV_ERR_OK if the operation is successful; returns an error code defined in OH_AVErrCode otherwise.