Signing and Signature Verification Overview and Algorithm Specifications

The digital signature can be used to verify whether the data came from the stated sender and has been changed.

This topic describes the supported algorithms and specifications for signing and signature verification.


The Crypto framework supports the following padding modes for RSA signing and signature verification:

  • PKCS1: RSAES-PKCS1-V1_5 mode in RFC3447, corresponding to RSA_PKCS1_PADDING in OpenSSL.

    When this padding mode is used, the message digest (md) must be set, and the length of the MD must be less than that of the RSA modulus n, in bytes.

  • PSS: RSASSA-PSS mode in RFC 3447, corresponding to RSA_PKCS1_PSS_PADDING in OpenSSL.

    If this padding mode is used, two message digests (md and mgf1_md) must be set, and the total length of md and mgf1_md must be less than the length of the RSA key modulus.

    You can also set the salt length saltLen to obtain PSS-related parameters.

PSS-related Parameter Description
md MD algorithm.
mgf Mask generation function. Currently, only MGF1 is supported.
mgf1_md MD algorithm used in MGF1.
saltLen Salt length, in bites.
trailer_field Integer used for encoding. The value can only be 1.


When creating an RSA asymmetric signing (Sign) or signature verification (Verify) instance, you need to specify the algorithm specifications in a string parameter. The string parameter consists of the asymmetric key type, padding mode PKCS1, and MD algorithm with a vertical bar (|) in between.

In the following table, the options included in the square brackets ([]) are mutually exclusive. You can use only one of them in a string parameter. For example, if the asymmetric key type is RSA512, the padding mode is PKCS1, and the MD algorithm is MD5, the string parameter is RSA512|PKCS1|MD5.

NOTE In RSA signing and signature verification, the MD length must be less than the length of the RSA modulus (n). For example, if the RSA key is 512 bits, SHA512 cannot be used.

Asymmetric Key Type Padding Mode MD Algorithm API Version
RSA512 PKCS1 [MD5|SHA1|SHA224|SHA256] 9+
RSA768 PKCS1 [MD5|SHA1|SHA224|SHA256|SHA384|SHA512] 9+
RSA1024 PKCS1 [MD5|SHA1|SHA224|SHA256|SHA384|SHA512] 9+
RSA2048 PKCS1 [MD5|SHA1|SHA224|SHA256|SHA384|SHA512] 9+
RSA3072 PKCS1 [MD5|SHA1|SHA224|SHA256|SHA384|SHA512] 9+
RSA4096 PKCS1 [MD5|SHA1|SHA224|SHA256|SHA384|SHA512] 9+
RSA8192 PKCS1 [MD5|SHA1|SHA224|SHA256|SHA384|SHA512] 9+
RSA PKCS1 MD algorithm that meets the length requirements 10+

As indicated by the last row in the preceding table, you can specify the RSA key type without the key length to ensure compatibility with the key generated based on the key parameter. In this case, the signing or signature verification operation varies depending on the actual key length.


When creating an RSA asymmetric signing (Sign) or signature verification (Verify) instance, you need to specify the algorithm specifications in a string parameter. The string parameter consists of the asymmetric key type, padding mode PSS, MD, and mask digest with a vertical bar (|) in between.

In the following table, the options included in the square brackets ([]) are mutually exclusive. You can use only one of them in a string parameter. For example, if the asymmetric key type is RSA2048, the padding mode is PSS, the MD algorithm is SHA256, and the mask digest is MGF1_SHA256, the string parameter is RSA2048|PSS|SHA256|MGF1_SHA256.

NOTE If PSS padding mode is used in RSA signing or signature verification, the total length of md and mgf1_md must be less than the length of the RSA modulus. For example, if the RSA key is 512 bits, md and mgf1_md cannot be SHA256 at the same time.

Asymmetric Key Type Padding Mode MD Mask Digest API Version
RSA512 PSS MD5 [MGF1_MD5|MGF1_SHA1|MGF1_SHA224|MGF1_SHA256] 9+
RSA512 PSS SHA224 [MGF1_MD5|MGF1_SHA1|MGF1_SHA224|MGF1_SHA256] 9+
RSA512 PSS SHA256 [MGF1_MD5|MGF1_SHA1|MGF1_SHA224] 9+
RSA768 PSS MD5 [MGF1_MD5|MGF1_SHA1|MGF1_SHA224|MGF1_SHA256|MGF1_SHA384|MGF1_SHA512] 9+
RSA768 PSS SHA224 [MGF1_MD5|MGF1_SHA1|MGF1_SHA224|MGF1_SHA256|MGF1_SHA384|MGF1_SHA512] 9+
RSA768 PSS SHA256 [MGF1_MD5|MGF1_SHA1|MGF1_SHA224|MGF1_SHA256|MGF1_SHA384] 9+
RSA768 PSS SHA384 [MGF1_MD5|MGF1_SHA1|MGF1_SHA224|MGF1_SHA256] 9+
RSA768 PSS SHA512 [MGF1_MD5|MGF1_SHA1|MGF1_SHA224] 9+
RSA1024 PSS MD5 [MGF1_MD5|MGF1_SHA1|MGF1_SHA224|MGF1_SHA256|MGF1_SHA384|MGF1_SHA512] 9+
RSA1024 PSS SHA1 [MGF1_MD5|MGF1_SHA1|MGF1_SHA224|MGF1_SHA256|MGF1_SHA384|MGF1_SHA512] 9+
RSA1024 PSS SHA224 [MGF1_MD5|MGF1_SHA1|MGF1_SHA224|MGF1_SHA256|MGF1_SHA384|MGF1_SHA512] 9+
RSA1024 PSS SHA256 [MGF1_MD5|MGF1_SHA1|MGF1_SHA224|MGF1_SHA256|MGF1_SHA384|MGF1_SHA512] 9+
RSA1024 PSS SHA384 [MGF1_MD5|MGF1_SHA1|MGF1_SHA224|MGF1_SHA256|MGF1_SHA384|MGF1_SHA512] 9+
RSA1024 PSS SHA512 [MGF1_MD5|MGF1_SHA1|MGF1_SHA224|MGF1_SHA256|MGF1_SHA384] 9+
RSA2048 PSS MD5 [MGF1_MD5|MGF1_SHA1|MGF1_SHA224|MGF1_SHA256|MGF1_SHA384|MGF1_SHA512] 9+
RSA2048 PSS SHA1 [MGF1_MD5|MGF1_SHA1|MGF1_SHA224|MGF1_SHA256|MGF1_SHA384|MGF1_SHA512] 9+
RSA2048 PSS SHA224 [MGF1_MD5|MGF1_SHA1|MGF1_SHA224|MGF1_SHA256|MGF1_SHA384|MGF1_SHA512] 9+
RSA2048 PSS SHA256 [MGF1_MD5|MGF1_SHA1|MGF1_SHA224|MGF1_SHA256|MGF1_SHA384|MGF1_SHA512] 9+
RSA2048 PSS SHA384 [MGF1_MD5|MGF1_SHA1|MGF1_SHA224|MGF1_SHA256|MGF1_SHA384|MGF1_SHA512] 9+
RSA2048 PSS SHA512 [MGF1_MD5|MGF1_SHA1|MGF1_SHA224|MGF1_SHA256|MGF1_SHA384|MGF1_SHA512] 9+
RSA3072 PSS MD5 [MGF1_MD5|MGF1_SHA1|MGF1_SHA224|MGF1_SHA256|MGF1_SHA384|MGF1_SHA512] 9+
RSA3072 PSS SHA1 [MGF1_MD5|MGF1_SHA1|MGF1_SHA224|MGF1_SHA256|MGF1_SHA384|MGF1_SHA512] 9+
RSA3072 PSS SHA224 [MGF1_MD5|MGF1_SHA1|MGF1_SHA224|MGF1_SHA256|MGF1_SHA384|MGF1_SHA512] 9+
RSA3072 PSS SHA256 [MGF1_MD5|MGF1_SHA1|MGF1_SHA224|MGF1_SHA256|MGF1_SHA384|MGF1_SHA512] 9+
RSA3072 PSS SHA384 [MGF1_MD5|MGF1_SHA1|MGF1_SHA224|MGF1_SHA256|MGF1_SHA384|MGF1_SHA512] 9+
RSA3072 PSS SHA512 [MGF1_MD5|MGF1_SHA1|MGF1_SHA224|MGF1_SHA256|MGF1_SHA384|MGF1_SHA512] 9+
RSA4096 PSS MD5 [MGF1_MD5|MGF1_SHA1|MGF1_SHA224|MGF1_SHA256|MGF1_SHA384|MGF1_SHA512] 9+
RSA4096 PSS SHA1 [MGF1_MD5|MGF1_SHA1|MGF1_SHA224|MGF1_SHA256|MGF1_SHA384|MGF1_SHA512] 9+
RSA4096 PSS SHA224 [MGF1_MD5|MGF1_SHA1|MGF1_SHA224|MGF1_SHA256|MGF1_SHA384|MGF1_SHA512] 9+
RSA4096 PSS SHA256 [MGF1_MD5|MGF1_SHA1|MGF1_SHA224|MGF1_SHA256|MGF1_SHA384|MGF1_SHA512] 9+
RSA4096 PSS SHA384 [MGF1_MD5|MGF1_SHA1|MGF1_SHA224|MGF1_SHA256|MGF1_SHA384|MGF1_SHA512] 9+
RSA4096 PSS SHA512 [MGF1_MD5|MGF1_SHA1|MGF1_SHA224|MGF1_SHA256|MGF1_SHA384|MGF1_SHA512] 9+
RSA8192 PSS MD5 [MGF1_MD5|MGF1_SHA1|MGF1_SHA224|MGF1_SHA256|MGF1_SHA384|MGF1_SHA512] 9+
RSA8192 PSS SHA1 [MGF1_MD5|MGF1_SHA1|MGF1_SHA224|MGF1_SHA256|MGF1_SHA384|MGF1_SHA512] 9+
RSA8192 PSS SHA224 [MGF1_MD5|MGF1_SHA1|MGF1_SHA224|MGF1_SHA256|MGF1_SHA384|MGF1_SHA512] 9+
RSA8192 PSS SHA256 [MGF1_MD5|MGF1_SHA1|MGF1_SHA224|MGF1_SHA256|MGF1_SHA384|MGF1_SHA512] 9+
RSA8192 PSS SHA384 [MGF1_MD5|MGF1_SHA1|MGF1_SHA224|MGF1_SHA256|MGF1_SHA384|MGF1_SHA512] 9+
RSA8192 PSS SHA512 [MGF1_MD5|MGF1_SHA1|MGF1_SHA224|MGF1_SHA256|MGF1_SHA384|MGF1_SHA512] 9+
RSA PSS MD algorithm that meets the length requirements MGF1_ MD algorithm that meets the length requirements 10+

As indicated by the last row in the preceding table, you can specify the RSA key type without the key length to ensure compatibility with the key generated based on the key parameter. In this case, the signing or signature verification operation varies depending on the actual key length.

Getting and Setting of PSS Parameters

The following table lists the parameters that can be set or obtained when the PSS mode is used. The symbol "√" indicates that the parameter can be obtained or set.

PSS Parameter Value Get Set
mgf1_md PSS_MGF1_MD_STR -
trailer_field PSS_TRAILER_FIELD_NUM -


Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) is a digital signature algorithm (DSA) based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC). Compared with the ordinary Discrete Logarithm Problem (DLP) and Integer Factorization Problem (IFP), the ECC provides a higher unit bit strength than other public-key cryptographic systems.

The Crypto Framework provides ECDSA signing and signature verification capabilities that combine a variety of elliptic curves and digest algorithms.

When creating an ECDSA asymmetric signing (Sign) or signature verification (Verify) instance, you need to specify the algorithm specifications in a string parameter. The string parameter consists of the asymmetric key type and MD with a vertical bar (|) in between.

In the following table, the options included in the square brackets ([]) are mutually exclusive. You can use only one of them in a string parameter. For example, if the asymmetric key type is ECC224 and the MD algorithm is SHA256, the string parameter is ECC224|SHA256.

Asymmetric Key Type MD API Version
ECC224 [SHA1|SHA224|SHA256|SHA384|SHA512] 9+
ECC256 [SHA1|SHA224|SHA256|SHA384|SHA512] 9+
ECC384 [SHA1|SHA224|SHA256|SHA384|SHA512] 9+
ECC521 [SHA1|SHA224|SHA256|SHA384|SHA512] 9+
ECC_BrainPoolP160r1 [SHA1|SHA224|SHA256|SHA384|SHA512] 11+
ECC_BrainPoolP160t1 [SHA1|SHA224|SHA256|SHA384|SHA512] 11+
ECC_BrainPoolP192r1 [SHA1|SHA224|SHA256|SHA384|SHA512] 11+
ECC_BrainPoolP192t1 [SHA1|SHA224|SHA256|SHA384|SHA512] 11+
ECC_BrainPoolP224r1 [SHA1|SHA224|SHA256|SHA384|SHA512] 11+
ECC_BrainPoolP224t1 [SHA1|SHA224|SHA256|SHA384|SHA512] 11+
ECC_BrainPoolP256r1 [SHA1|SHA224|SHA256|SHA384|SHA512] 11+
ECC_BrainPoolP256t1 [SHA1|SHA224|SHA256|SHA384|SHA512] 11+
ECC_BrainPoolP320r1 [SHA1|SHA224|SHA256|SHA384|SHA512] 11+
ECC_BrainPoolP320t1 [SHA1|SHA224|SHA256|SHA384|SHA512] 11+
ECC_BrainPoolP384r1 [SHA1|SHA224|SHA256|SHA384|SHA512] 11+
ECC_BrainPoolP384t1 [SHA1|SHA224|SHA256|SHA384|SHA512] 11+
ECC_BrainPoolP512r1 [SHA1|SHA224|SHA256|SHA384|SHA512] 11+
ECC_BrainPoolP512t1 [SHA1|SHA224|SHA256|SHA384|SHA512] 11+
ECC [SHA1|SHA224|SHA256|SHA384|SHA512] 10+

As indicated by the last row in the preceding table, you can specify the key type without the key length and curve name to ensure compatibility with the key generated based on the key parameter. In this case, the signing or signature verification operation varies depending on the actual key length.


The Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) stands out with great compatibility and applicability.

When creating a DSA asymmetric signing (Sign) or signature verification (Verify) instance, you need to specify the algorithm specifications in a string parameter. The string parameter consists of the asymmetric key type and MD with a vertical bar (|) in between.

In the following table, the options included in the square brackets ([]) are mutually exclusive. You can use only one of them in a string parameter. For example, if the asymmetric key type is DSA1024 and the MD algorithm is SHA256, the string parameter is DSA1024|SHA256.

Asymmetric Key Type MD API Version
DSA1024 [NoHash|SHA1|SHA224|SHA256|SHA384|SHA512] 10+
DSA2048 [NoHash|SHA1|SHA224|SHA256|SHA384|SHA512] 10+
DSA3072 [NoHash|SHA1|SHA224|SHA256|SHA384|SHA512] 10+
DSA [NoHash|SHA1|SHA224|SHA256|SHA384|SHA512] 10+

As indicated by the last row in the preceding table, you can specify the DSA key type without the key length to ensure compatibility with the key generated based on the key parameter. In this case, the signing or signature verification operation varies depending on the actual key length.


SM2 is a digital signature algorithm based on ECC.

When creating an SM2 asymmetric signing (Sign) or signature verification (Verify) instance, you need to specify the algorithm specifications in a string parameter. The string parameter consists of the asymmetric key type and MD with a vertical bar (|) in between.

Currently, SM2 signing support only SM3.

Asymmetric Key Type MD String Parameter API Version
SM2_256 SM3 SM2_256|SM3 10+
SM2 SM3 SM2|SM3 10+

As indicated by the last row in the preceding table, you can specify the SM2 key type without the key length to ensure compatibility with the key generated based on the key parameter. In this case, the signing or signature verification operation varies depending on the actual key length.


Ed25519 is a signing and signature verification algorithm based on the ECC.

When creating an Ed25519 asymmetric signing (Sign) or signature verification (Verify) instance, you need to specify the algorithm specifications in a string parameter.

Asymmetric Key Type String Parameter API Version
Ed25519 Ed25519 11+