systemTonePlayer (System Alert Tone Player) (System API)

The systemTonePlayer module provides APIs for playing and configuring SMS alert tones and notification alert tones and obtaining related information.

This module must work with @ohos.multimedia.systemSoundManager to manage system alert tones.


  • The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 11. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
  • The APIs provided by this module are system APIs.

Modules to Import

import systemSoundManager from '@ohos.multimedia.systemSoundManager';


Describes the options of system alert tones.

System API: This is a system API.

System capability: SystemCapability.Multimedia.SystemSound.Core

Name Type Mandatory Description
muteAudio boolean No Whether the sound is muted. The value true means that the sound is muted, and false means the opposite.
muteHaptics boolean No Whether haptics feedback is turned off. The value true means that haptics feedback is turned off, and false means the opposite.


Implements APIs for playing and configuring SMS alert tones and notification alert tones and obtaining related information. Before calling any API in SystemTonePlayer, you must use getSystemTonePlayer to create a SystemTonePlayer instance.


getTitle(): Promise<string>

Obtains the title of a system alert tone. This API uses a promise to return the result.

System API: This is a system API.

System capability: SystemCapability.Multimedia.SystemSound.Core

Return value

Type Description
Promise<string> Promise used to return the title obtained.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Media Error Codes.

ID Error Message
5400103 I/O error.


import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';

systemTonePlayer.getTitle().then((value: string) => {`Promise returned to indicate that the value of the system tone player title is obtained ${value}.`);
}).catch ((err: BusinessError) => {
  console.error(`Failed to get the system tone player title ${err}`);


prepare(): Promise<void>

Prepares to play a system alert tone. This API uses a promise to return the result.

System API: This is a system API.

System capability: SystemCapability.Multimedia.SystemSound.Core

Return value

Type Description
Promise<void> Promise used to return the result.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Media Error Codes.

ID Error Message
5400102 Operation not allowed.
5400103 I/O error.


import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';

systemTonePlayer.prepare().then(() => {`Promise returned to indicate a successful prepareing of system tone player.`);
}).catch ((err: BusinessError) => {
  console.error(`Failed to prepareing system tone player. ${err}`);


start(toneOptions?: SystemToneOptions): Promise<number>

Starts playing a system alert tone. This API uses a promise to return the result.

System API: This is a system API.

System capability: SystemCapability.Multimedia.SystemSound.Core

Required permissions: ohos.permission.VIBRATE


Name Type Mandatory Description
toneOptions SystemToneOptions No Options of the system alert tone.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<number> Promise used to return the stream ID.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Media Error Codes.

ID Error Message
5400102 Operation not allowed.


import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';

class SystemToneOptions {
  muteAudio: boolean = false;
  muteHaptics: boolean = false;
let systemToneOptions: SystemToneOptions = {muteAudio: true, muteHaptics: false};

systemTonePlayer.start(systemToneOptions).then((value: number) => {`Promise returned to indicate that the value of the system tone player streamID is obtained ${value}.`);
}).catch ((err: BusinessError) => {
  console.error(`Failed to start system tone player. ${err}`);


stop(id: number): Promise<void>

Stops playing a system alert tone. This API uses a promise to return the result.

System API: This is a system API.

System capability: SystemCapability.Multimedia.SystemSound.Core


Name Type Mandatory Description
id number Yes Stream ID returned by start().

Return value

Type Description
Promise<void> Promise used to return the result.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Media Error Codes.

ID Error Message
5400102 Operation not allowed.


import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';

let streamID: number = 0; // streamID is the stream ID returned by start(). Only initialization is performed here.
systemTonePlayer.stop(streamID).then(() => {`Promise returned to indicate a successful stopping of system tone player.`);
}).catch ((err: BusinessError) => {
  console.error(`Failed to stop system tone player. ${err}`);


release(): Promise<void>

Releases the system alert tone player. This API uses a promise to return the result.

System API: This is a system API.

System capability: SystemCapability.Multimedia.SystemSound.Core

Return value

Type Description
Promise<void> Promise used to return the result.


import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';

systemTonePlayer.release().then(() => {`Promise returned to indicate a successful releasing of system tone player.`);
}).catch ((err: BusinessError) => {
  console.error(`Failed to release system tone player. ${err}`);