Managing App Accounts

You can use the application account SDK to manage app accounts.

When an app is uninstalled, the account data of the app will be automatically deleted. When a local account is deleted, the account data of all apps of the local account will be automatically deleted.

Before You Start

  1. Import the appAccount module.

    import account_appAccount from '@ohos.account.appAccount';
  2. Obtain an AppAccountManager instance.

    const appAccountManager = account_appAccount.createAppAccountManager();

Creating an App Account

Create an app account for an application user.


  1. Specify the account name and optional parameters.

    let name: string = "ZhangSan";
    let options: account_appAccount.CreateAccountOptions = {
      customData: {
        age: '10'
  2. Use createAccount to create an app account based on the specified parameters.

    try {
      await appAccountManager.createAccount(name, options);
      console.log('createAccount successfully');
    } catch (err: BusinessError) {
      console.log('createAccount failed, error: ' + JSON.stringify(err));

Obtaining App Account List


  1. Specify the account owner.

    let owner: string = 'com.example.accountjsdemo2';
  2. Use getAllAccounts to obtain the app account list.

    appAccountManager.getAllAccounts().then((data: account_appAccount.AppAccountInfo[]) => {
        console.debug('getAllAccounts successfully, data: ' + JSON.stringify(data));
    }).catch((err: BusinessError) => {
        console.debug('getAllAccounts failed, error: ' + JSON.stringify(err));

Accessing Account Credentials


  1. Specify the account name, credential type, and credential.

    let name: string = 'ZhangSan';
    let credentialType: string = 'PIN_SIX';
    let credential: string = 'xxxxxx';
  2. Use getCredential to obtain the account credential.

    appAccountManager.getCredential(name, credentialType).then((data: string) => {
        console.log('getCredential successfully, data: ' + data);
    }).catch((err: BusinessError) => {
        console.log('getCredential failed, error: ' + JSON.stringify(err));
  3. Use setCredential to set the account credential.

    appAccountManager.setCredential(name, credentialType, credential).then(() => {
        console.log('setCredential successfully');
    }).catch((err: BusinessError) => {
        console.log('setCredential failed: ' + JSON.stringify(err));

Accessing Custom Account Data


  1. Specify the account name and custom data.

    let name: string = 'ZhangSan';
    let key: string = 'age';
    let value: string = '12';
  2. Use setCustomData to customize account data.

    appAccountManager.setCustomData(name, key, value).then(() => {
        console.log('setCustomData successfully');
    }).catch((err: BusinessError) => {
        console.log('setCustomData failed: ' + JSON.stringify(err));
  3. Use getCustomData to obtain the custom account data.

    appAccountManager.getCustomData(name, key).then((data: string) => {
        console.log('getCustomData successfully, data: ' + data);
    }).catch((err: BusinessError) => {
        console.log('getCustomData failed, error: ' + JSON.stringify(err));

Accessing the Account Authentication Token


  1. Specify the account name, account owner, authorization type, and authentication token.

    let name: string = 'ZhangSan';
    let owner: string = 'com.example.accountjsdemo';
    let authType: string = 'getSocialData';
    let token: string = 'xxxxxx';
  2. Use setAuthToken to set an authorization token for the specified authentication type.

    appAccountManager.setAuthToken(name, authType, token).then(() => {
        console.log('setAuthToken successfully');
    }).catch((err: BusinessError) => {
        console.log('setAuthToken failed: ' + JSON.stringify(err));
  3. Use getAuthToken to obtain the authentication token of the specified authentication type.

    appAccountManager.getAuthToken(name, owner, authType).then((data: string) => {
        console.log('getAuthToken successfully, data: ' + data);
    }).catch((err: BusinessError) => {
        console.log('getAuthToken failed, error: ' + JSON.stringify(err));

Deleting an App Account

Delete the app account after the user logs out of the system.


  1. Use removeAccount to delete the app account.

    let name: string = 'Zhangsan';
    appAccountManager.removeAccount(name).then(() => {
        console.log('removeAccount successfully');
    }).catch((err: BusinessError) => {
        console.log('removeAccount failed, error: ' + JSON.stringify(err));