@ohos.arkui.advanced.SegmentButton (Segment Button)

A segment button is a group of options, such as tabs, single-select options, and multi-select options.


This component and its child components are supported since API version 11. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Modules to Import

import { SegmentButton, SegmentButtonOptions, SegmentButtonItemOptionsArray } from '@ohos.arkui.advanced.SegmentButton'

Child Components

Not supported


SegmentButton({ options: SegmentButtonOptions, selectedIndexes: number[] })

Decorator: @Component

System capability: SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full


Name Type Mandatory Decorator Description
options SegmentButtonOptions Yes @ObjectLink Options of the segment button.
selectedIndexes number[] Yes @Link Indexes of selected options of the segment button. The index starts from 0 and increments by 1.
selectedIndexes is decorated with @Link to implement parent-child two-way synchronization. If no options are selected, an empty array [] can be passed in.


The segment button does not support the universal attributes. The segment button takes up the maximum width allowed by the content area, and evenly allocates the width among its options. It adapts its height automatically to the content (text and image), the minimum height being 28 vp.


Provides initial data and custom attributes for the segment button.


Name Type Description
type "tab" | "capsule" Type of the segment button.
multiply boolean Whether multiple options can be selected.
For the segment button consisting of tabs, only one option can be selected. In this case, setting multiply to true does not take effect.
buttons SegmentButtonItemOptionsArray Button information, including the icon and text.
fontColor ResourceColor Font color of the option when not selected.
Default value: #99182431
selectedFontColor ResourceColor Font color of the option when selected.
Default value: #ff182431
fontSize DimensionNoPercentage Font size of the option when not selected. It cannot be set in percentage.
Default value: 14.0fp
selectedFontSize DimensionNoPercentage Font size of the option when selected. It cannot be set in percentage.
Default value: 14.0fp
fontWeight FontWeight Font weight of the option when not selected.
Default value: FontWeight.Regular
selectedFontWeight FontWeight Font weight of the option when selected.
Default value: FontWeight.Medium
backgroundColor ResourceColor Background color.
Default value: #0c182431 for tabs and #0c182431 for single-select and mult-select options
selectedBackgroundColor ResourceColor Background color of the option when selected.
Default value: #ffffffff for tabs and #ff007dff for single-select and mult-select options
imageSize SizeOptions Image size.
Default value: { width: 24, height: 24 }
This attribute is effective only for buttons that contain icons.
buttonPadding Padding | Dimension Button margin.
Default value: { top: 4, right: 8, bottom: 4, left: 8 } for icon buttons and text buttons, and { top: 6, right: 8, bottom: 6, left: 8 } for icon+text buttons.
textPadding Padding | Dimension Text margin.
Default value: 0
backgroundBlurStyle BlurStyle Background blur style applied between the content and the background.
Default value: BlurStyle.NONE


constructor(options: TabSegmentButtonOptions | CapsuleSegmentButtonOptions)

Implements a constructor.


Name Type Mandatory Description
options TabSegmentButtonConstructionOptions | CapsuleSegmentButtonConstructionOptions Yes Information about the segment button.


static tab(options: TabSegmentButtonConstructionOptions): SegmentButtonOptions

Creates a SegmentButtonOptions object for the segment button consisting of tabs.


Name Type Mandatory Description
options TabSegmentButtonConstructionOptions Yes Options of the segment button.

Return value

Type Description
SegmentButtonOptions SegmentButtonOptions object.


static capsule(options: CapsuleSegmentButtonConstructionOptions): SegmentButtonOptions

Creates a SegmentButtonOptions object for the segment button consisting of single-select or multi-select options.


Name Type Mandatory Description
options CapsuleSegmentButtonConstructionOptions Yes Options of the segment button.

Return value

Type Description
SegmentButtonOptions SegmentButtonOptions object.


Represents the length union type that does not support values in percentage.

System capability: SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full

Type Description
PX The PX type is used to represent a length in px.
VP The VP type is used to represent a length in vp.
FP The FP type is used to represent a length in fp.
LPX The LPX type is used to represent a length in lpx.
Resource The Resource type is used to reference resources for setting component attributes.


Defines the attributes that can be customized for the segment button.

System capability: SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full


Name Type Description
fontColor ResourceColor Font color of the option when not selected.
Default value: #99182431
selectedFontColor ResourceColor Font color of the option when selected.
Default value: #ff182431
fontSize DimensionNoPercentage Font size of the option when not selected. It cannot be set in percentage.
Default value: 14.0fp
selectedFontSize DimensionNoPercentage Font size of the option when selected. It cannot be set in percentage.
Default value: 14.0fp
fontWeight FontWeight Font weight of the option when not selected.
Default value: FontWeight.Regular
selectedFontWeight FontWeight Font weight of the option when selected.
Default value: FontWeight.Medium
backgroundColor ResourceColor Background color.
Default value: #0c182431 for tabs and #0c182431 for single-select and mult-select options
selectedBackgroundColor ResourceColor Background color of the option when selected.
Default value: #ffffffff for tabs and #ff007dff for single-select and mult-select options
imageSize SizeOptions Image size.
Default value: { width: 24, height: 24 }
This attribute is effective only for buttons that contain icons.
buttonPadding Padding | Dimension Button margin.
Default value: { top: 4, right: 8, bottom: 4, left: 8 } for icon buttons and text buttons, and { top: 6, right: 8, bottom: 6, left: 8 } for icon+text buttons.
textPadding Padding | Dimension Text margin.
Default value: 0
backgroundBlurStyle BlurStyle Background blur style applied between the content and the background.
Default value: BlurStyle.NONE


Implements a SegmentButtonOptions object for the segment button consisting of tabs.

It inherits CommonSegmentButtonOptions.

System capability: SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full

Name Type Mandatory Description
buttons ItemRestriction<SegmentButtonTextItem> Yes Button information.


Implements a SegmentButtonOptions object for the segment button consisting of single-select or multi-select options.

It inherits CommonSegmentButtonOptions.

System capability: SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full

Name Type Mandatory Description
buttons SegmentButtonItemTuple Yes Button information.
multiply boolean No Whether multiple options can be selected.
Default value: false


Represents a tuple used to store button information.

Value Description
ItemRestriction<T> = [T, T, T?, T?, T?] A tuple that contains two to five elements of the same type.


A segment button supports two to five options.


Represents the tuple union type used to store button information.

System capability: SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full

Value Description
ItemRestriction<SegmentButtonTextItem> A tuple of text-only button information.
ItemRestriction<SegmentButtonIconItem> A tuple of icon-only button information.
ItemRestriction<SegmentButtonIconTextItem> A tuple of icon and text button information.


Represents the array union type used to store button information.

System capability: SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full

Value Description
Array<SegmentButtonTextItem> An array of text-only button information.
Array<SegmentButtonIconItem> An array of icon-only button information.
Array<SegmentButtonIconTextItem> An array of icon and text button information.


Implements an array for storing button information.


A segment button supports two to five options. As such, a SegmentButtonItemOptionsArray object stores information about only two to five button options.


constructor(elements: SegmentButtonItemTuple)

Implements a constructor.


Name Type Mandatory Description
elements SegmentButtonItemTuple Yes Button information.


push(...items: SegmentButtonItemArray): number

Adds the specified elements to the end of this array and returns the new length of the array.


Name Type Mandatory Description
items SegmentButtonItemArray Yes Elements to add to the end of the array.

Return value

Type Description
number Length of the array after the elements are added.


A segment button supports two to five options. As such, a SegmentButtonItemOptionsArray object stores information about only two to five button options. If the number limit is reached, this API will not work.


pop(): SegmentButtonItemOptions | undefined

Removes the last element from this array and returns that element.

Return value

Type Description
SegmentButtonItemOptions | undefined Element removed from the array.


A segment button supports two to five options. As such, a SegmentButtonItemOptionsArray object stores information about only two to five button options. If the number limit is reached, this API will not work.


shift(): SegmentButtonItemOptions | undefined

Removes the first element from this array and returns that element.

Return value

Type Description
SegmentButtonItemOptions | undefined Element removed from the array.


A segment button supports two to five options. As such, a SegmentButtonItemOptionsArray object stores information about only two to five button options. If the number limit is reached, this API will not work.


unshift(...items: SegmentButtonItemArray): number

Adds the specified elements to the beginning of this array and returns the new length of the array.


Name Type Mandatory Description
items SegmentButtonItemArray Yes Elements to add to the beginning of the array.

Return value

Type Description
number Length of the array after the elements are added.


A segment button supports two to five options. As such, a SegmentButtonItemOptionsArray object stores information about only two to five button options. If the number limit is reached, this API will not work.


splice(start: number, deleteCount: number, ...items: SegmentButtonItemOptions[]): SegmentButtonItemOptions[]

Changes the contents of this array by removing the specified number of elements from the specified position and adding new elements in place. This API returns an array containing the removed elements.


Name Type Mandatory Description
start number Yes Index of the position starting from which elements are to be removed.
deleteCount number Yes Number of elements to remove.
items SegmentButtonItemOptions[] No Elements to add to the array.

Return value

Type Description
SegmentButtonItemOptions[] An array containing the removed elements.


A segment button supports two to five options. As such, a SegmentButtonItemOptionsArray object stores information about only two to five button options. If the number limit is reached, this API will not work.


static create(elements: SegmentButtonItemTuple): SegmentButtonItemOptionsArray

Creates a SegmentButtonItemOptionsArray object.


Name Type Mandatory Description
elements SegmentButtonItemTuple Yes Button information.

Return value

Type Description
SegmentButtonItemOptionsArray Created SegmentButtonItemOptionsArray object.


Provides the options of the segment button consisting of tabs. It inherits TabSegmentButtonConstructionOptions.

System capability: SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full

Name Type Description
type "tab" Segment button consisting of tabs.


Provides the options of the segment button consisting of single-select or multi-select options. It inherits CapsuleSegmentButtonConstructionOptions.

System capability: SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full

Name Type Description
type "capsule" Segment button consisting of single-select or multi-select options.


Provides text button information.

System capability: SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full

Name Type Mandatory Description
text ResourceStr Yes Button text.


Provides icon button information.

System capability: SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full

Name Type Mandatory Description
icon ResourceStr Yes Icon of the option when not selected.
selectedIcon ResourceStr Yes Icon of the option when selected.


For the settings to take effect, both icon and selectedIcon must be set.


Provides icon+text button information.

System capability: SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full

Name Type Mandatory Description
icon ResourceStr Yes Icon of the option when not selected.
selectedIcon ResourceStr Yes Icon of the option when selected.
text ResourceStr Yes Button text.


For the settings to take effect, both icon and selectedIcon must be set.


Describes options of the segment button.


Name Type Mandatory Description
icon ResourceStr No Icon of the option when not selected.
selectedIcon ResourceStr No Icon of the option when selected.
text ResourceStr No Button text.


constructor(options: SegmentButtonItemOptionsConstructorOptions)

Implements a constructor.


Name Type Mandatory Description
options SegmentButtonItemOptionsConstructorOptions Yes Options of the segment button.


Describes the constructor parameters of SegmentButtonItemOptions.

System capability: SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full

Name Type Mandatory Description
icon ResourceStr No Icon of the option when not selected.
selectedIcon ResourceStr No Icon of the option when selected.
text ResourceStr No Button text.


Example 1

// xxx.ets
import {
} from '@ohos.arkui.advanced.SegmentButton'

struct Index {
  @State tabOptions: SegmentButtonOptions = SegmentButtonOptions.tab({
    buttons: [{ text: 'Tab 1' }, { text: 'Tab 2' }, {
      text: 'Tab 3'
    }] as ItemRestriction<SegmentButtonTextItem>,
    backgroundBlurStyle: BlurStyle.BACKGROUND_THICK
  @State singleSelectCapsuleOptions: SegmentButtonOptions = SegmentButtonOptions.capsule({
    buttons: [{ text: 'Single-select 1' }, { text: 'Single-select 2' }, { text: 'Single-select 3' }] as SegmentButtonItemTuple,
    multiply: false,
    backgroundBlurStyle: BlurStyle.BACKGROUND_THICK
  @State multiplySelectCapsuleOptions: SegmentButtonOptions = SegmentButtonOptions.capsule({
    buttons: [{ text: 'Multi-select 1' }, { text: 'Multi-select 2' }, { text: 'Multi-select 3' }] as SegmentButtonItemTuple,
    multiply: true
  @State iconCapsuleOptions: SegmentButtonOptions = SegmentButtonOptions.capsule({
    buttons: [
      { icon: $r('sys.media.ohos_ic_public_email'), selectedIcon: $r('sys.media.ohos_ic_public_clock') },
      { icon: $r('sys.media.ohos_ic_public_email'), selectedIcon: $r('sys.media.ohos_ic_public_clock') },
      { icon: $r('sys.media.ohos_ic_public_email'), selectedIcon: $r('sys.media.ohos_ic_public_clock') },
      { icon: $r('sys.media.ohos_ic_public_email'), selectedIcon: $r('sys.media.ohos_ic_public_clock') }
    ] as SegmentButtonItemTuple,
    multiply: false,
    backgroundBlurStyle: BlurStyle.BACKGROUND_THICK
  @State iconTextCapsuleOptions: SegmentButtonOptions = SegmentButtonOptions.capsule({
    buttons: [
      { text: 'Icon 1', icon: $r('sys.media.ohos_ic_public_email'), selectedIcon: $r('sys.media.ohos_ic_public_clock') },
      { text: 'Icon 2', icon: $r('sys.media.ohos_ic_public_email'), selectedIcon: $r('sys.media.ohos_ic_public_clock') },
      { text: 'Icon 3', icon: $r('sys.media.ohos_ic_public_email'), selectedIcon: $r('sys.media.ohos_ic_public_clock') },
      { text: 'Icon 4', icon: $r('sys.media.ohos_ic_public_email'), selectedIcon: $r('sys.media.ohos_ic_public_clock') },
      { text: 'Icon 5', icon: $r('sys.media.ohos_ic_public_email'), selectedIcon: $r('sys.media.ohos_ic_public_clock') }
    ] as SegmentButtonItemTuple,
    multiply: true
  @State tabSelectedIndexes: number[] = [1]
  @State singleSelectCapsuleSelectedIndexes: number[] = [0]
  @State multiplySelectCapsuleSelectedIndexes: number[] = [0, 1]
  @State singleSelectIconCapsuleSelectedIndexes: number[] = [3]
  @State multiplySelectIconTextCapsuleSelectedIndexes: number[] = [1, 2]

  build() {
    Row() {
      Column() {
        Column({ space: 25 }) {
          SegmentButton({ options: this.tabOptions,
            selectedIndexes: $tabSelectedIndexes })
          SegmentButton({ options: this.singleSelectCapsuleOptions,
            selectedIndexes: $singleSelectCapsuleSelectedIndexes })
            options: this.multiplySelectCapsuleOptions,
            selectedIndexes: $multiplySelectCapsuleSelectedIndexes })
          SegmentButton({ options: this.iconCapsuleOptions,
            selectedIndexes: $singleSelectIconCapsuleSelectedIndexes })
          SegmentButton({ options: this.iconTextCapsuleOptions,
            selectedIndexes: $multiplySelectIconTextCapsuleSelectedIndexes })


Example 2

// xxx.ets
import {
} from '@ohos.arkui.advanced.SegmentButton'

struct Index {
  @State tabOptions: SegmentButtonOptions = SegmentButtonOptions.tab({
    buttons: [{ text: 'Tab 1' }, { text: 'Tab 2' }, {
      text: 'Tab 3'
    }] as ItemRestriction<SegmentButtonTextItem>,
    backgroundColor: Color.Green,
    selectedBackgroundColor: Color.Orange,
    textPadding: { top: 10, right: 10, bottom: 10, left: 10 },
  @State singleSelectCapsuleOptions: SegmentButtonOptions = SegmentButtonOptions.capsule({
    buttons: [{ text: 'Single-select 1' }, { text: 'Single-select 2' }, { text: 'Single-select 3' }] as SegmentButtonItemTuple,
    multiply: false,
    fontColor: Color.Black,
    selectedFontColor: Color.Yellow,
    backgroundBlurStyle: BlurStyle.BACKGROUND_THICK
  @State multiplySelectCapsuleOptions: SegmentButtonOptions = SegmentButtonOptions.capsule({
    buttons: [{ text: 'Multi-select 1' }, { text: 'Multi-select 2' }, { text: 'Multi-select 3' }] as SegmentButtonItemTuple,
    multiply: true,
    fontSize: 18,
    selectedFontSize: 18,
    fontWeight: FontWeight.Bolder,
    selectedFontWeight: FontWeight.Lighter,
  @State iconCapsuleOptions: SegmentButtonOptions = SegmentButtonOptions.capsule({
    buttons: [
      { icon: $r('sys.media.ohos_ic_public_email'), selectedIcon: $r('sys.media.ohos_ic_public_clock') },
      { icon: $r('sys.media.ohos_ic_public_email'), selectedIcon: $r('sys.media.ohos_ic_public_clock') },
      { icon: $r('sys.media.ohos_ic_public_email'), selectedIcon: $r('sys.media.ohos_ic_public_clock') },
      { icon: $r('sys.media.ohos_ic_public_email'), selectedIcon: $r('sys.media.ohos_ic_public_clock') }
    ] as SegmentButtonItemTuple,
    multiply: false,
    imageSize: { width: 40, height: 40 },
    buttonPadding: { top: 6, right: 10, bottom: 6, left: 10 },
    backgroundBlurStyle: BlurStyle.BACKGROUND_THICK
  @State iconTextCapsuleOptions: SegmentButtonOptions = SegmentButtonOptions.capsule({
    buttons: [
      { text: 'Icon 1', icon: $r('sys.media.ohos_ic_public_email'), selectedIcon: $r('sys.media.ohos_ic_public_clock') },
      { text: 'Icon 2', icon: $r('sys.media.ohos_ic_public_email'), selectedIcon: $r('sys.media.ohos_ic_public_clock') },
      { text: 'Icon 3', icon: $r('sys.media.ohos_ic_public_email'), selectedIcon: $r('sys.media.ohos_ic_public_clock') },
      { text: 'Icon 4', icon: $r('sys.media.ohos_ic_public_email'), selectedIcon: $r('sys.media.ohos_ic_public_clock') },
      { text: 'Icon 5', icon: $r('sys.media.ohos_ic_public_email'), selectedIcon: $r('sys.media.ohos_ic_public_clock') }
    ] as SegmentButtonItemTuple,
    multiply: true,
    imageSize: { width: 10, height: 10 },
  @State tabSelectedIndexes: number[] = [0]
  @State singleSelectCapsuleSelectedIndexes: number[] = [0]
  @State multiplySelectCapsuleSelectedIndexes: number[] = [0, 1]
  @State singleSelectIconCapsuleSelectedIndexes: number[] = [3]
  @State multiplySelectIconTextCapsuleSelectedIndexes: number[] = [1, 2]

  build() {
    Row() {
      Column() {
        Column({ space: 20 }) {
          SegmentButton({ options: this.tabOptions, selectedIndexes: $tabSelectedIndexes })
          SegmentButton({ options: this.singleSelectCapsuleOptions,
            selectedIndexes: $singleSelectCapsuleSelectedIndexes })
          SegmentButton({ options: this.multiplySelectCapsuleOptions,
            selectedIndexes: $multiplySelectCapsuleSelectedIndexes })
          SegmentButton({ options: this.iconCapsuleOptions,
            selectedIndexes: $singleSelectIconCapsuleSelectedIndexes })
          SegmentButton({ options: this.iconTextCapsuleOptions,
            selectedIndexes: $multiplySelectIconTextCapsuleSelectedIndexes })


Example 3

import {
} from '@ohos.arkui.advanced.SegmentButton'

struct Index {
  @State singleSelectCapsuleOptions: SegmentButtonOptions = SegmentButtonOptions.capsule({
    buttons: [{ text: '1' }, { text: '2' }, { text: '3' },
      { text: '4' }, { text: '5' }] as SegmentButtonItemTuple,
    multiply: false,
    backgroundBlurStyle: BlurStyle.BACKGROUND_THICK
  @State capsuleSelectedIndexes: number[] = [0]

  build() {
    Row() {
      Column() {
        Column({ space: 10 }) {
          SegmentButton({ options: this.singleSelectCapsuleOptions,
            selectedIndexes: $capsuleSelectedIndexes })
          Button ("Delete First Option")
            .onClick(() => {
          Button ("Delete Last Option")
            .onClick(() => {
          Button ("Add push to End")
            .onClick(() => {
              this.singleSelectCapsuleOptions.buttons.push({ text: 'push' })
          Button ("Add unshift to Beginning")
            .onClick(() => {
              this.singleSelectCapsuleOptions.buttons.unshift(({ text: 'unshift' }))
          Button ("Replace Options 2 and 3 with splice1 and splice2")
            .onClick(() => {
              this.singleSelectCapsuleOptions.buttons.splice(1, 2, new SegmentButtonItemOptions({
                text: 'splice1'
              }), new SegmentButtonItemOptions({ text: 'splice2' }))
          Button ("Change All Button Text")
            .onClick(() => {
              this.singleSelectCapsuleOptions.buttons =
              SegmentButtonItemOptionsArray.create([{ text: 'a' }, { text: 'b' },
                { text: 'c' }, { text: 'd' }, { text: 'e' }])
