Managing System Accounts (for System Applications Only)

The system provides APIs for managing system accounts. After applying for required permissions for your system application, you can use the APIs to create, activate, modify, and delete system accounts. For third-party applications, you can use the APIs to query basic information about system accounts to develop service logic related to system accounts.

Basic Concepts

System Account Type

Currently, only the following types of system accounts can be created:

Name Value Description
ADMIN 0 Administrator account.
NORMAL 1 Normal account.
GUEST 2 Guest account.

Account Information

For details about complete system account information, see OsAccountInfo.

Before You Start

  1. Request the ohos.permission.MANAGE_LOCAL_ACCOUNTS permission. For details, see Requesting Permissions for system_basic Applications.

  2. Import the osAccount module.

    import account_osAccount from '@ohos.account.osAccount';
  3. Obtain an AccountManager instance.

    let accountManager = account_osAccount.getAccountManager();

Creating a System Account

The default system account is created during the system initialization. The user cal also create multiple system accounts as required.


Use createOsAccount to create a system account with the specified name and type.

let name: string = 'Bob';
let type: account_osAccount.OsAccountType = account_osAccount.OsAccount.NORMAL;

accountManager.createOsAccount(name, type, (err: BusinessError, osAccountInfo: account_osAccount.OsAccountInfo)=>{
  console.log('createOsAccount err:' + JSON.stringify(err));
  console.log('createOsAccount osAccountInfo:' + JSON.stringify(osAccountInfo));

Obtaining All System Accounts

The account management page may need to display information about all the system accounts.


Use queryAllCreatedOsAccounts to obtain informatory about all system accounts.

accountManager.queryAllCreatedOsAccounts((err: BusinessError, accountArr: account_osAccount.OsAccountInfo[])=>{
  console.log('queryAllCreatedOsAccounts err:' + JSON.stringify(err));
  console.log('queryAllCreatedOsAccounts accountArr:' + JSON.stringify(accountArr));

Obtaining Information of a System Account

Detailed information about a system account can be obtained based on the account ID.


Use queryOsAccountById to obtain detailed information about a system account.

let localId: number = 100;
accountManager.queryOsAccountById(localId, (err: BusinessError, accountInfo: account_osAccount.OsAccountInfo)=>{
  console.log('queryOsAccountById err:' + JSON.stringify(err));
  console.log('queryOsAccountById accountInfo:' + JSON.stringify(accountInfo));

Changing the Profile Picture and Nickname of a System Account

Change the profile picture and nickname of a system account as required.


  1. Use setOsAccountProfilePhoto to change the profile picture of a system account.

    let localId: number = 100;
    let newPhoto: string = ''+
    accountManager.setOsAccountProfilePhoto(localId, newPhoto, (err: BusinessError)=>{
      console.log('setOsAccountProfilePhoto err:' + JSON.stringify(err));
  2. Use setOsAccountName to change the system account name.

    let localId: number = 100;
    let newName: string = 'Tom';
    accountManager.setOsAccountName(localId, newName, (err: BusinessError) => {
      if (err) {
        console.log('setOsAccountName failed, error: ' + JSON.stringify(err));
      } else {
        console.log('setOsAccountName successfully');

Activating a System Account

System accounts are not activated by default. A system account can be used only after being activated. You can use activateOsAccount to activate a system account.


Use activateOsAccount to activate a system account.

let localId: number = 101;
accountManager.activateOsAccount(localId, (err: BusinessError)=>{
  if (err) {
    console.error(`activateOsAccount failed, code is ${err.code}, message is ${err.message}`);
  } else {
    console.log('activateOsAccount successfully');

Deleting a System Account

Delete a system account that is no longer used.


Use removeOsAccount to delete a system account.

let localId: number = 101;
accountManager.removeOsAccount(localId, (err: BusinessError)=>{
  if (err) {
      console.log('removeOsAccount failed, error: ' + JSON.stringify(err));
  } else {
      console.log('removeOsAccount successfully');