Starting a Local PageAbility

The capabilities related to the PageAbility are provided through the featureAbility class. For example, startAbility() in featureAbility is used to the PageAbility.

Table 1 featureAbility APIs

API Description
startAbility(parameter: StartAbilityParameter) Starts an ability.
startAbilityForResult(parameter: StartAbilityParameter) Starts an ability and returns the execution result when the ability is terminated.

The following code snippet shows how to explicitly start a PageAbility through startAbility(). The parameters passed in for starting an ability include want. For details about the want parameter as well as implicit startup and explicit startup, see Want.

import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility'
import Want from '';
import Logger from '../../utils/Logger';

const TAG: string = 'PagePageAbilityFirst';
(async (): Promise<void> => {
  try {, 'Begin to start ability');
    let want: Want = {
      bundleName: 'com.samples.famodelabilitydevelop',
      moduleName: 'entry',
      abilityName: 'com.samples.famodelabilitydevelop.PageAbilitySingleton'
    await featureAbility.startAbility({ want: want });, `Start ability succeed`);
  catch (error) {
    Logger.error(TAG, 'Start ability failed with ' + error);