Obtaining Audio/Video Metadata

You can use AVMetadataExtractor to obtain metadata from a raw media asset. This topc walks you through on how to obtain the metadata of an audio asset. The process of obtaining the metadata of a video asset is similar. The only difference is that the process of obtaining the album cover is not required for a video asset, because no album cover is available in the video asset.

The full process of obtaining the metadata of an audio asset includes creating an AVMetadataExtractor instance, setting resources, obtaining the metadata, obtaining the album cover, and releasing the instance.

How to Develop

Read AVMetadataExtractor for the API reference.

  1. Call createAVMetadataExtractor() to create an AVMetadataExtractor instance.

  2. Set resources. Specifically, set the fdSrc attribute (indicating the file descriptor) or dataSrc attribute (indicating the data source descriptor).


    You need to check the resource validity and set either attribute based on the actual situation.

    • To set fdSrc, use ResourceManager.getRawFd to obtain the file descriptor of the resource file packed in the HAP. For details, see ResourceManager API Reference.

    • To set dataSrc, set callback in dataSrc to ensure that the corresponding resource can be correctly read when the callback is invoked, and use the application sandbox directory to access the resource. For details, see Obtaining Application File Paths. For details about the application sandbox and how to push files to the application sandbox directory, see File Management.

  3. Obtain the metadata. Specifically, call fetchMetadata() to obtain an AVMetadata object, the attributes of which are the metadata of the media asset.

  4. (Optional) Call fetchAlbumCover() to obtain the album cover.

  5. Call release() to release the AVMetadataExtractor instance.

Sample Code

Refer to the sample code below to set the file descriptor and obtain the metadata and album cover of an audio asset.

import media from '@ohos.multimedia.media'
import image from '@ohos.multimedia.image'
import type common from '@ohos.app.ability.common';
import fs from '@ohos.file.fs';

const TAG = 'MetadataDemo'
struct Index {
  @State message: string = 'Hello World'

  // Declare a pixelMap object, which is used for image display.
  @State pixelMap: image.PixelMap | undefined = undefined;

  build() {
    Row() {
      Column() {
        Button() {
          top: 20
        .onClick(() => {
          // Set fdSrc and obtain the audio metadata and album cover (callback mode).
          // Set fdSrc and obtain the audio metadata and album cover (promise mode).
          // Set dataSrc and obtain the audio metadata and album cover.
            top: 20

  // The demo below uses the resource manager API to obtain the audio file packed in the HAP. By setting fdSrc, it obtains and displays the audio metadata,
  // obtains the audio album cover, and displays it on the screen through the Image component. This demo calls APIs in callback mode.
  async testFetchMetadataFromFdSrcByCallback() {
    // Create an AVMetadataExtractor instance.
    let avMetadataExtractor: media.AVMetadataExtractor = await media.createAVMetadataExtractor()

    // Set the fdSrc attribute.
    avMetadataExtractor.fdSrc = await getContext(this).resourceManager.getRawFd('cover.mp3');

    // Obtain the metadata (callback mode).
    avMetadataExtractor.fetchMetadata((error, metadata) => {
      if (error) {
        console.error(TAG, `fetchMetadata callback failed, err = ${JSON.stringify(error)}`)
      console.info(TAG, `fetchMetadata callback success, genre: ${metadata.genre}`)

    // Obtain the album cover (callback mode).
    avMetadataExtractor.fetchAlbumCover((err, pixelMap) => {
      if (err) {
        console.error(TAG, `fetchAlbumCover callback failed, err = ${JSON.stringify(err)}`)
      this.pixelMap = pixelMap

      // Release the instance (callback mode).
      avMetadataExtractor.release((error) => {
        if (error) {
          console.error(TAG, `release failed, err = ${JSON.stringify(error)}`)
        console.info(TAG, `release success.`)

  // The demo below uses the resource manager API to obtain the audio file packed in the HAP. By setting fdSrc, it obtains and displays the audio metadata,
  // obtains the audio album cover, and displays it on the screen through the Image component. This demo calls APIs in promise mode.
  async testFetchMetadataFromFdSrcByPromise() {
    // Create an AVMetadataExtractor instance.
    let avMetadataExtractor: media.AVMetadataExtractor = await media.createAVMetadataExtractor()
    // Set the fdSrc attribute.
    avMetadataExtractor.fdSrc = await getContext(this).resourceManager.getRawFd('cover.mp3');

    // Obtain the metadata (promise mode).
    let metadata = await avMetadataExtractor.fetchMetadata()
    console.info(TAG, `get meta data, hasAudio: ${metadata.hasAudio}`)

    // Obtain the album cover (promise mode).
    this.pixelMap = await avMetadataExtractor.fetchAlbumCover()

    // Release the instance (promise mode).
    console.info(TAG, `release success.`)

  // The demo below uses the fs API to open the sandbox directory and obtain the audio file address. By setting dataSrc, it obtains and displays the audio metadata,
  // obtains the audio album cover, and displays it on the screen through the Image component.
  async testFetchMetadataFromDataSrc() {
    let context = getContext(this) as common.UIAbilityContext
    // Obtain the sandbox address filesDir through UIAbilityContext. The stage model is used as an example.
    let filePath: string = context.filesDir + '/cover.mp3';
    let fd: number = fs.openSync(filePath, 0o0).fd;
    let fileSize: number = fs.statSync(filePath).size;
    // Set the dataSrc descriptor, obtain resources from the file through a callback, and write the resources to the buffer.
    let dataSrc: media.AVDataSrcDescriptor = {
      fileSize: fileSize,
      callback: (buffer, len, pos) => {
        if (buffer == undefined || len == undefined || pos == undefined) {
          console.error(TAG, `dataSrc callback param invalid`)
          return -1

        class Option {
          offset: number | undefined = 0;
          length: number | undefined = len;
          position: number | undefined = pos;
        let options = new Option();
        let num = fs.readSync(fd, buffer, options)
        console.info(TAG, 'readAt end, num: ' + num)
        if (num > 0 && fileSize >= pos) {
          return num;
        return -1;

    // Create an AVMetadataExtractor instance.
    let avMetadataExtractor = await media.createAVMetadataExtractor()
    // Set the dataSrc attribute.
    avMetadataExtractor.dataSrc = dataSrc;

    // Obtain the metadata (promise mode).
    let metadata = await avMetadataExtractor.fetchMetadata()
    console.info(TAG, `get meta data, mimeType: ${metadata.mimeType}`)

    // Obtain the album cover (promise mode).
    this.pixelMap = await avMetadataExtractor.fetchAlbumCover()

    // Release the instance (promise mode).
    console.info(TAG, `release data source success.`)