Menu Control

A context menu – a vertical list of items – can be bound to a component and displayed by long-pressing, clicking, or right-clicking the component.


  • The APIs of this module are supported since API version 7. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

  • CustomBuilder does not support the use of bindMenu and bindContextMenu methods. To display a multi-level menu, use the <Menu> component instead.

  • The text in the context menu cannot be selected by long-pressing.


bindMenu(content: Array<MenuElement> | CustomBuilder, options?: MenuOptions)

Menu bound to the component, which is displayed when the user clicks the component. A menu item can be a combination of text and icons or a custom component.

System capability: SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full


Name Type Mandatory Description
content Array<MenuElement> | CustomBuilder Yes Array of menu item icons and text, or custom component.
options MenuOptions No Parameters of the context menu.


bindMenu(isShow: boolean, content: Array<MenuElement> | CustomBuilder, options?: MenuOptions)

Menu bound to the component, which is displayed when the user clicks the component. A menu item can be a combination of text and icons or a custom component.

System capability: SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full


Name Type Mandatory Description
isShow11+ boolean Yes Whether to show the menu. The default value is false. Menus can be displayed only after all pages are constructed. Therefore, this parameter cannot be set to true during page construction. Otherwise, display position and shape errors will occur. Two-way binding is not supported.
content Array<MenuElement> | CustomBuilder Yes Array of menu item icons and text, or custom component.
options MenuOptions No Parameters of the context menu.


bindContextMenu(content: CustomBuilder, responseType: ResponseType, options?: ContextMenuOptions)

Context menu bound to the component, which is displayed when the user long-presses or right-clicks the component. Only custom menu items are supported.

System capability: SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full


Name Type Mandatory Description
content CustomBuilder Yes Array of menu item icons and text, or custom component.
responseType ResponseType Yes How the context menu is triggered, which can be long-press or right-click.
options MenuOptions No Parameters of the context menu.
Name Type Mandatory Description
value string Yes Menu item text.
icon10+ ResourceStr No Menu item icon.
enabled11+ boolean No Whether to enable interactions with the menu item.
Default value: true, indicating that interactions with the menu item are enabled.
action () => void Yes Action triggered when a menu item is clicked.

Inherited from ContextMenuOptions.

Name Type Mandatory Description
title string No Menu title.
This parameter is effective only when content is set to Array<MenuElement>.
offset Position No Offset for showing the context menu, which should not cause the menu to extend beyond the screen.
When the menu is displayed relative to the parent component area, the width or height of the area is automatically counted into the offset based on the placement attribute of the menu.
When the menu is displayed above the parent component (that is, placement is set to Placement.TopLeft, Placement.Top, or Placement.TopRight), a positive value of x indicates rightward movement relative to the parent component, and a positive value of y indicates upward movement.
When the menu is displayed below the parent component (that is, placement is set to Placement.BottomLeft, Placement.Bottom, or Placement.BottomRight), a positive value of x indicates rightward movement relative to the parent component, and a positive value of y indicates downward movement.
When the menu is displayed on the left of the parent component (that is, placement is set to Placement.LeftTop, Placement.Left, or Placement.LeftBottom), a positive value of x indicates leftward movement relative to the parent component, and a positive value of y indicates downward movement.
When the menu is displayed on the right of the parent component (that is, placement is set to Placement.RightTop, Placement.RightTop, or Placement.RightBottom), a positive value of x indicates rightward movement relative to the parent component, and a positive value of y indicates downward movement.
If the display position of the menu is adjusted (different from the main direction of the initial placement value), the offset value is invalid.
placement Placement No Preferred position of the context menu. If the set position is insufficient for holding the component, it will be automatically adjusted.
If placement is set to undefined or null or is not set, the default value BottomLeft is used, and the position is relative to the parent component.
onAppear () => void No Callback triggered when the menu is displayed.
onDisappear () => void No Callback triggered when the menu is hidden.
showInSubWindow11+ boolean No Whether to show the menu in a subwindow.


Name Type Mandatory Description
offset Position No Offset for showing the context menu, which should not cause the menu to extend beyond the screen.
When the menu is displayed relative to the parent component area, the width or height of the area is automatically counted into the offset based on the placement attribute of the menu.
When the menu is displayed above the parent component (that is, placement is set to Placement.TopLeft, Placement.Top, or Placement.TopRight), a positive value of x indicates rightward movement relative to the parent component, and a positive value of y indicates upward movement.
When the menu is displayed below the parent component (that is, placement is set to Placement.BottomLeft, Placement.Bottom, or Placement.BottomRight), a positive value of x indicates rightward movement relative to the parent component, and a positive value of y indicates downward movement.
When the menu is displayed on the left of the parent component (that is, placement is set to Placement.LeftTop, Placement.Left, or Placement.LeftBottom), a positive value of x indicates leftward movement relative to the parent component, and a positive value of y indicates downward movement.
When the menu is displayed on the right of the parent component (that is, placement is set to Placement.RightTop, Placement.RightTop, or Placement.RightBottom), a positive value of x indicates rightward movement relative to the parent component, and a positive value of y indicates downward movement.
If the display position of the menu is adjusted (different from the main direction of the initial placement value), the offset value is invalid.
placement Placement No Preferred position of the context menu. If the set position is insufficient for holding the component, it will be automatically adjusted.
Setting placement to undefined or null is equivalent to not setting it at all, and the context menu is displayed where the mouse is clicked.
enableArrow boolean No Whether to display an arrow. If the size and position of the context menu are insufficient for holding an arrow, no arrow is displayed.
Default value: false, indicating that no arrow is displayed
When enableArrow is true, an arrow is displayed in the position specified by placement. If placement is not set or its value is invalid, the arrow is displayed above the target. If the position is insufficient for holding the arrow, it is automatically adjusted. When enableArrow is undefined, no arrow is displayed.
arrowOffset Length No Offset of the arrow relative to the context menu. When the arrow is placed in a horizontal position with the context menu: The value indicates the distance from the arrow to the leftmost; the arrow is centered by default. When the arrow is placed in a vertical position with the context menu: The value indicates the distance from the arrow to the top; the arrow is centered by default. The offset settings take effect only when the value is valid, can be converted to a number greater than 0, and does not cause the arrow to extend beyond the safe area of the context menu. The value of placement determines whether the offset is horizontal or vertical.
preview11+ MenuPreviewMode| CustomBuilder No Preview displayed when the context menu is triggered by a long-press. It can be a screenshot of the target component or custom content.
Default value: MenuPreviewMode.NONE, indicating no preview.
- This parameter is effective only when responseType is set to ResponseType.LongPress.
- If preview is set to MenuPreviewMode.NONE or is not set, the enableArrow parameter is effective.
- If preview is set to MenuPreviewMode.IMAGE or CustomBuilder, no arrow will be displayed even when enableArrow is true.
previewAnimationOptions11+ ContextMenuAnimationOptions No Start scale ratio and end scale ratio (relative to the original preview image) of the preview animation displayed when the component is long pressed
Default value: {scale: [0.95, 1.1]}
- If the value of this parameter is less than or equal to 0, this parameter does not take effect.
- This parameter takes effect only when preview is set to MenuPreviewMode.IMAGE.
onAppear () => void No Callback triggered when the menu is displayed.
onDisappear () => void No Callback triggered when the menu is hidden.
aboutToAppear () => void No Callback triggered when the menu is about to appear.
aboutToDisappear () => void No Callback triggered when the menu is about to disappear.
backgroundColor11+ ResourceColor No Backplane color of the dialog box.
Default value: Color.Transparent
backgroundBlurStyle11+ BlurStyle No Background blur style of the dialog box.
Default value: BlurStyle.COMPONENT_ULTRA_THICK


Name Type Mandatory Description
scale AnimationRange<number> No Scale ratio of the preview image when the animation starts and scale ratio when the animation ends.


Describes the scale ratio of the preview image when the animation starts and scale ratio when the animation ends.

System capability: SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full

Value Range Description
[from: T, to: T] from indicates the scale ratio of the preview image when the animation starts, and to indicates the scale ratio when the animation ends.


Example 1

Menu with Textual Menu Items

// xxx.ets
struct MenuExample {
  build() {
    Column() {
      Text('click for Menu')
    .margin({ top: 5 })
        value: 'Menu1',
        action: () => {
'handle Menu1 select')
        value: 'Menu2',
        action: () => {
'handle Menu2 select')


Example 2

Menu with Custom Menu Items

struct MenuExample {
  @State listData: number[] = [0, 0, 0]

  @Builder MenuBuilder() {
    Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Column, justifyContent: FlexAlign.Center, alignItems: ItemAlign.Center }) {
      ForEach(this.listData, (item:number, index) => {
        Column() {
          Row() {
            Image($r("")).width(20).height(20).margin({ right: 5 })
            Text(`Menu${index as number + 1}`).fontSize(20)
          .onClick(() => {
  `Menu${index as number + 1} Clicked!`)

          if (index != this.listData.length - 1) {

  build() {
    Column() {
      Text('click for menu')
        .margin({ top: 20 })


Example 3

Context Menu Displayed Upon Right-Click

// xxx.ets
struct ContextMenuExample {
  @Builder MenuBuilder() {
    Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Column, justifyContent: FlexAlign.Center, alignItems: ItemAlign.Center }) {
      Text('Test menu item 1')
      Text('Test menu item 2')
  build() {
    Column() {
      Text('rightclick for menu')
    .margin({ top: 5 })
    .bindContextMenu(this.MenuBuilder, ResponseType.RightClick)

Example 4

Directive Menu Displayed Upon Right-Click

// xxx.ets
struct DirectiveMenuExample {
  @Builder MenuBuilder() {
    Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Column, alignItems: ItemAlign.Center, justifyContent: FlexAlign.Center }) {

  build() {
    Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Column, alignItems: ItemAlign.Center, justifyContent: FlexAlign.Center }) {
      Column() {
          .bindContextMenu(this.MenuBuilder, ResponseType.RightClick, {
            enableArrow: true,
            placement: Placement.Bottom


Example 5

Context Menu Displayed Upon Long-Pressing (with Preview of Component Screenshot)

// xxx.ets
struct Index {
  private iconStr: ResourceStr = $r("")

  MyMenu() {
    Menu() {
      MenuItem({ startIcon: this.iconStr, content: "Menu option" })
      MenuItem({ startIcon: this.iconStr, content: "Menu option" })
      MenuItem({ startIcon: this.iconStr, content: "Menu option" })

  build() {
    Column({ space: 50 }) {
      Column() {
        Column() {
            .bindContextMenu(this.MyMenu, ResponseType.LongPress,
              { preview: MenuPreviewMode.IMAGE,
                previewAnimationOptions: {scale: [0.8, 1.0]},


Example 6

Context Menu Displayed Upon Long-Pressing (with Preview of Custom Content)

// xxx.ets
struct Index {
  private iconStr: ResourceStr = $r("")

  MyMenu() {
    Menu() {
      MenuItem({ startIcon: this.iconStr, content: "Menu option" })
      MenuItem({ startIcon: this.iconStr, content: "Menu option" })
      MenuItem({ startIcon: this.iconStr, content: "Menu option" })

  MyPreview() {
    Column() {

  build() {
    Column({ space: 50 }) {
      Column() {
        Column() {
            .bindContextMenu(this.MyMenu, ResponseType.LongPress,
                preview: this.MyPreview
