

Defies the the tensor structure.

It is usually used to construct data nodes and operator parameters in a model diagram. When constructing a tensor, you need to specify the data type, number of dimensions, dimension information, and quantization information.

Since: 9

Deprecated: This module is deprecated since API version 11.

Substitute: You are advised to use NN_TensorDesc.

Related module: NeuralNetworkRuntime


Member Variables

Name Description
dataType Data type of the specified tensor. The value must be of the OH_NN_DataType type.
dimensionCount Number of dimensions of the specified tensor.
dimensions Dimension information (shape) of the specified tensor.
quantParam Quantization information of the specified tensor. The data type must be OH_NN_QuantParam.
type Type of the specified tensor. The value is related to the tensor usage. If the tensor is used as the input or output of the model, set type to OH_NN_TENSOR. If the tensor is used as an operator parameter, select an enum value other than OH_NN_TENSOR from OH_NN_TensorType.

Member Variable Description


OH_NN_DataType OH_NN_Tensor::dataType


Data type of the specified tensor. The value must be of the OH_NN_DataType type.


uint32_t OH_NN_Tensor::dimensionCount


Number of dimensions of the specified tensor.


const int32_t* OH_NN_Tensor::dimensions


Dimension information (shape) of the specified tensor.


const OH_NN_QuantParam* OH_NN_Tensor::quantParam


Quantization information of the specified tensor. The data type must be OH_NN_QuantParam.


OH_NN_TensorType OH_NN_Tensor::type


Type of the specified tensor. The value is related to the tensor usage. If the tensor is used as the input or output of the model, set type to OH_NN_TENSOR. If the tensor is used as an operator parameter, select an enum value other than OH_NN_TENSOR from OH_NN_TensorType.