Image Decoding (C/C++)

Image decoding refers to the process of decoding an archived image in a supported format into a pixel map for image display or processing. Currently, the following image formats are supported: JPEG, PNG, GIF, WebP, BMP, SVG, and ICO.

How to Develop

Read Image for APIs related to image decoding.

Adding Dependencies

Open the src/main/cpp/CMakeLists.txt file of the native project, add,,, and (on which the native log APIs depend) to the target_link_libraries dependency.

target_link_libraries(entry PUBLIC

Adding API Mappings

Open the src/main/cpp/hello.cpp file and add the following API mappings to the Init function:

static napi_value Init(napi_env env, napi_value exports)
    napi_property_descriptor desc[] = {
        { "getSyncPixelMap", nullptr, getSyncPixelMap, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, napi_default, nullptr },

    napi_define_properties(env, exports, sizeof(desc) / sizeof(desc[0]), desc);
    return exports;

Calling APIs on the JS Side

  1. Open src\main\cpp\types*libentry\index.d.ts* (where libentry varies according to the project name), and import the following files:

    import image from '@ohos.multimedia.image'
    import resourceManager from '@ohos.resourceManager'
    export const getSyncPixelMap: (resMgr: resourceManager.ResourceManager, src: string) => image.PixelMap;
  2. Prepare an image resource file, named example.jpg in this example, and import it to **src\main\resources\rawfile**.

  3. Open src\main\ets\pages\index.ets, import (where libentry varies according to the project name), call the native APIs, and pass in the JS resource object. The following is an example:

    import testNapi from ''
    import image from '@ohos.multimedia.image'
    struct Index {
      @State pixelMap : PixelMap | undefined = undefined;
      aboutToAppear() {
         this.pixelMap = testNapi.getSyncPixelMap(getContext(this).resourceManager, "example.jpg")
      build() {
         Row() {
            Column() {

Calling the Native APIs

For details about the APIs, see Image API Reference.

Obtain the JS resource object from the hello.cpp file and convert it to a native resource object. Then you can call native APIs.

Adding Reference Files

   #include <multimedia/image_framework/image_source_mdk.h>
   #include <multimedia/image_framework/image_pixel_map_mdk.h>
   #include <rawfile/raw_file.h>
   #include <rawfile/raw_file_manager.h>
   #include <hilog/log.h>
   static napi_value getSyncPixelMap(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info)
      size_t argc = 2;
      napi_value args[2] = {nullptr};

      napi_get_cb_info(env, info, &argc, args , nullptr, nullptr);
      napi_valuetype srcType;
      napi_typeof(env, args[0], &srcType);

      NativeResourceManager * mNativeResMgr = OH_ResourceManager_InitNativeResourceManager(env, args[0]);
      size_t strSize;
      char srcBuf[2048];
      napi_get_value_string_utf8(env, args[1], srcBuf, sizeof(srcBuf), &strSize);

      RawFile * rawFile = OH_ResourceManager_OpenRawFile(mNativeResMgr, srcBuf);
      if (rawFile != NULL) {
         long len = OH_ResourceManager_GetRawFileSize(rawFile);
         uint8_t * data = static_cast<uint8_t *>(malloc(len));
         int res = OH_ResourceManager_ReadRawFile(rawFile, data, len);

         OhosImageSource imageSource_c;
         imageSource_c.buffer = data;
         imageSource_c.bufferSize = len;

         OhosImageSourceOps ops{};
         napi_value imageSource;
         napi_value pixelMap;

         int32_t ret = OH_ImageSource_Create(env, &imageSource_c, &ops, &imageSource);

         ImageSourceNative * imageSourceNative_c = OH_ImageSource_InitNative(env, imageSource);
         OhosImageDecodingOps decodingOps{};
         OH_ImageSource_CreatePixelMap(imageSourceNative_c, &decodingOps, &pixelMap);

         // The following APIs are used for the GIF format.
         // napi_value pixelMapList;
         // OH_ImageSource_CreatePixelMapList(imageSourceNative_c, &decodingOps, &pixelMapList);
         // OhosImageSourceDelayTimeList list{};
         // OH_ImageSource_GetDelayTime(imageSourceNative_c, &list);
         // uint32_t count;
         // OH_ImageSource_GetFrameCount(imageSourceNative_c, &count);

         OhosImageSourceInfo info{};
         OH_ImageSource_GetImageInfo(imageSourceNative_c, 0, &info);
         OH_LOG_Print(LOG_APP, LOG_INFO, 0xFF00, "[decode]", "imageInfo width:%{public}d , height:%{public}d", info.size.width, info.size.height);
         OhosImageSourceProperty target;
         char exifKey_c[] = "ImageWidth";
         target.size = strlen(exifKey_c);
         target.value = exifKey_c;

         OhosImageSourceProperty dstValue;
         char dstValue_c[] = "2000";
         dstValue.size = strlen(dstValue_c);
         dstValue.value = dstValue_c;
         OH_ImageSource_ModifyImageProperty(imageSourceNative_c, &target, &dstValue);

         OhosImageSourceProperty response{};
         response.size = 20;
         response.value = static_cast<char *>(malloc(20));
         OH_ImageSource_GetImageProperty(imageSourceNative_c, &target, &response);
         OH_LOG_Print(LOG_APP, LOG_INFO, 0xFF00, "[decode]", "ImageProperty width after modify:%{public}s", response.value);

         return pixelMap;
      return nullptr;

The image framework supports incremental decoding. The method is as follows:

   #include <multimedia/image_framework/image_source_mdk.h>
   #include <multimedia/image_framework/image_pixel_map_mdk.h>
   #include <rawfile/raw_file.h>
   #include <rawfile/raw_file_manager.h>
   #include <hilog/log.h>
   static napi_value getSyncPixelMap(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info)
      size_t argc = 2;
      napi_value args[2] = {nullptr};

      napi_get_cb_info(env, info, &argc, args , nullptr, nullptr);
      napi_valuetype srcType;
      napi_typeof(env, args[0], &srcType);

      NativeResourceManager * mNativeResMgr = OH_ResourceManager_InitNativeResourceManager(env, args[0]);
      size_t strSize;
      char srcBuf[2048];
      napi_get_value_string_utf8(env, args[1], srcBuf, sizeof(srcBuf), &strSize);

      RawFile * rawFile = OH_ResourceManager_OpenRawFile(mNativeResMgr, srcBuf);
      if (rawFile != NULL) {
         long len = OH_ResourceManager_GetRawFileSize(rawFile);
         if (len > 2048) {
            uint8_t * data = static_cast<uint8_t *>(malloc(len));
            int res = OH_ResourceManager_ReadRawFile(rawFile, data, len);
            uint8_t * holderdata = static_cast<uint8_t *>(malloc(len));

            OhosImageSource imageSource_c;
            imageSource_c.buffer = holderdata;
            imageSource_c.bufferSize = len;
            OhosImageSourceOps ops{};
            napi_value imageSource;
            OH_ImageSource_CreateIncremental(env, &imageSource_c, &ops, &imageSource);

            ImageSourceNative * imageSourceNative_c = OH_ImageSource_InitNative(env, imageSource);

            // The following simulates the segment loading scenario.
            OhosImageSourceUpdateData firstData{};
            firstData.buffer = data;
            firstData.bufferSize = len;
            firstData.isCompleted = false;
            firstData.offset = 0;
            firstData.updateLength = 2048;
            OH_ImageSource_UpdateData(imageSourceNative_c, &firstData);

            OhosImageSourceUpdateData secondData{};
            secondData.buffer = data;
            secondData.bufferSize = len;
            secondData.isCompleted = true;
            secondData.offset = 2048;
            secondData.updateLength = len - 2048;
            OH_ImageSource_UpdateData(imageSourceNative_c, &secondData);

            napi_value pixelMap;
            OhosImageDecodingOps decodingOps{};
            decodingOps.index = 0;
            OH_ImageSource_CreatePixelMap(imageSourceNative_c, &decodingOps, &pixelMap);

            return pixelMap;
         uint8_t * data = static_cast<uint8_t *>(malloc(len));
         int res = OH_ResourceManager_ReadRawFile(rawFile, data, len);

         OhosImageSource imageSource_c;
         imageSource_c.buffer = data;
         imageSource_c.bufferSize = len;

         OhosImageSourceOps ops{};
         napi_value imageSource;
         napi_value pixelMap;

         int32_t ret = OH_ImageSource_Create(env, &imageSource_c, &ops, &imageSource);

         ImageSourceNative * imageSourceNative_c = OH_ImageSource_InitNative(env, imageSource);
         OhosImageDecodingOps decodingOps{};
         OH_ImageSource_CreatePixelMap(imageSourceNative_c, &decodingOps, &pixelMap);

         return pixelMap;
      return nullptr;