

The drawing_color_filter.h file declares the functions related to the color filter in the drawing module.

File to include: <native_drawing/drawing_color_filter.h>

Library: libnative_drawing.so

Since: 11

Related module: Drawing



Name Description
OH_Drawing_ColorFilter * OH_Drawing_ColorFilterCreateBlendMode (uint32_t color, OH_Drawing_BlendMode) Creates an OH_Drawing_ColorFilter object with a given blend mode.
OH_Drawing_ColorFilter * OH_Drawing_ColorFilterCreateCompose (OH_Drawing_ColorFilter *colorFilter1, OH_Drawing_ColorFilter *colorFilter2) Creates an OH_Drawing_ColorFilter object by combining another two color filters.
OH_Drawing_ColorFilter * OH_Drawing_ColorFilterCreateMatrix (const float matrix[20]) Creates an OH_Drawing_ColorFilter object with a given 5x4 color matrix.
OH_Drawing_ColorFilter * OH_Drawing_ColorFilterCreateLinearToSrgbGamma (void) Creates an OH_Drawing_ColorFilter object that applies the sRGB gamma curve to the RGB channels.
OH_Drawing_ColorFilter * OH_Drawing_ColorFilterCreateSrgbGammaToLinear (void) Creates an OH_Drawing_ColorFilter object that applies the RGB channels to the sRGB gamma curve.
OH_Drawing_ColorFilter * OH_Drawing_ColorFilterCreateLuma (void) Creates an OH_Drawing_ColorFilter object that multiplies the passed-in luma into the alpha channel and sets the RGB channels to zero.
void OH_Drawing_ColorFilterDestroy (OH_Drawing_ColorFilter *) Destroys an OH_Drawing_ColorFilter object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.