@ohos.data.cloudExtension (Device-Cloud Sharing Extension) (System API)

The cloudExtension module provides APIs for third-party vendors to implement the device-cloud sharing service. You can use these APIs to share the device data to the server and implement device-cloud data sharing, including sharing and unsharing data, exiting a share, changing the privilege (operation permissions) on the shared data, querying participants by data identifier or invitation code, and confirming or changing a sharing invitation.

Before you get started, it is helpful to understand the following concepts:

  • sharingResource: an identifier of the string type generated for each data record shared by an application when device-cloud sync is performed. It uniquely identifies the data record being shared.

  • Participant: all participants involved in a share, including the inviter and invitees.

  • invitationCode: an invitation code generated by the share server for a share operation. It is generated after a share is initiated and attached to an invitation to be pushed to the devices of target invitees. The target invitees then confirm the invitation via this code.

  • CloudService: device-cloud sync server, which implements data sync across devices with the same account for the same application.

  • ShareCenter: device-cloud sharing server, which implements cross-account and cross-device data sharing for the same application.


  • The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 11. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

  • The APIs provided by this module are system APIs.

Modules to Import

import cloudExtension from '@ohos.data.cloudExtension';


Represents the data sharing result.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server

Name Type Mandatory Description
code number Yes Error code.
description string No Detailed description of the error code. The default value is undefined.
value T No Value returned. The specific type is specified by the T parameter. The default value is undefined.


Represents the cloud asset information.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server

Name Type Mandatory Description
assetId string Yes Asset ID.
hash string Yes Hashed value of the asset modification time and size.


Represents an array of CloudAssets.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server

Type Description
Array<CloudAsset> Array of CloudAssets.


Represents the cloud service information.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server

Name Type Mandatory Description
enableCloud boolean Yes Whether the cloud service is enabled. The value true means the cloud service is enabled, and the value false means the opposite.
id string Yes Cloud account ID generated using SHA-256.
totalSpace number Yes Total account space on the server, in KB.
remainingSpace number Yes Available account space on the server, in KB.
user number Yes Current user ID of the device.


Enumerates the operations that can be performed on a database. Use the enum name rather than the enum value.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server

Name Value Description
INSERT 0 Insert data.
UPDATE 1 Update data.
DELETE 2 Delete data.


Represents additional information about a data record.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server

Name Type Mandatory Description
id string Yes ID of the data inserted. The value cannot be manually modified if the data is read-only.
createTime number Yes Time when the row data is created. The value cannot be manually modified if the data is read-only.
modifyTime number Yes Time when the row data is modified. The value cannot be manually modified if the data is read-only.
operation Flag Yes Operation performed.


Enumerates the types of the cloud data field. The specific type is determined by the parameter function.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server

Type Description
null The value is null.
number The value is a number.
string The value is a string.
boolean The value is true or false.
Uint8Array The value is a Uint8 array.
CloudAsset The value is of the cloud asset type.
CloudAssets The value is an array of cloud assets.


Represents the cloud information.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server

Name Type Mandatory Description
cloudInfo ServiceInfo Yes Cloud service information.
apps Record<string, AppBriefInfo> Yes Brief application information.


Represents the cloud data.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server

Name Type Mandatory Description
nextCursor string Yes Cursor for data query.
hasMore boolean Yes Whether the server has more data to be queried. The value true means the server has data to be queried, and the value false means the opposite.
values Array<Record<string, CloudType>> Yes Array of data to be queried, which consists of the data value and ExtensionValue.


Represents the brief application information.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server

Name Type Mandatory Description
appId string Yes Application ID.
bundleName string Yes Bundle name of the application.
cloudSwitch boolean Yes Whether the cloud service is enabled for the application. The value true means the cloud service is enabled; the value false means the opposite.
instanceId number Yes Application twin ID. The value 0 indicates the application itself, and the twin ID increases in ascending order.


Enumerates the types of the fields in a database table. Use the enum name rather than the enum value.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server

Name Value Description
NULL 0 Null.
NUMBER 1 Number.
REAL 2 Double-precision floating point.
TEXT 3 Text.
BOOL 4 Boolean.
BLOB 5 BLOB, which can hold a binary file.
ASSET 6 Asset.
ASSETS 7 Assets.


Represents a field in the database.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server

Name Type Mandatory Description
alias string Yes Alias of the field in the table.
colName string Yes Name of the column, in which the field is located.
type FieldType Yes Type of the field.
primary boolean Yes Whether the current column is the primary key. The value true means the current column is the primary key; the value false means the opposite.
nullable boolean Yes Whether the current column can be null. The value true means the current column can be null; the value false means the opposite.


Represents the table information.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server

Name Type Mandatory Description
alias string Yes Alias of the table in the database.
name string Yes Table name.
fields Array<Field> Yes Field information in the table.


Represents the database information.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server

Name Type Mandatory Description
name string Yes Name of the database.
alias string Yes Alias of the database on the server.
tables Array<Table> Yes Table in the database, including the detailed data information.


Represents the application database schema.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server

Name Type Mandatory Description
bundleName string Yes Bundle name of the application.
version number Yes Version of the database schema.
databases Array<Database> Yes Database information of the application.


Represents the subscription ID information.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server

Name Type Mandatory Description
databaseAlias string Yes Name of the database on the server.
id string Yes Subscription ID.


Represents the subscription information.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server

Name Type Mandatory Description
expirationTime number Yes Subscription expiration time, in ms.
subscribe Record<string, Array<SubscribeId>> Yes Subscription information.


Represents the cloud database lock information.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server

Name Type Mandatory Description
interval number Yes Lock period of the cloud database, in seconds.
lockId number Yes Lock ID.


Enumerates the device-cloud sync states. Use the enum name rather than the enum value.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server

Name Value Description
SUCCESS 0 The device-cloud sync is successful.
UNKNOWN_ERROR 1 An unknown error occurs during the device-cloud sync process.
NETWORK_ERROR 2 A network error occurs during the device-cloud sync process.
CLOUD_DISABLED 3 The cloud is unavailable.
LOCKED_BY_OTHERS 4 The device-cloud sync of another device is being performed. The sync of the local device can be performed only when the device-cloud resources are available.
RECORD_LIMIT_EXCEEDED 5 The number of records or size of the data to be synced exceeds the maximum. The maximum value is configured on the cloud.
NO_SPACE_FOR_ASSET 6 The remaining cloud space is less than the size of the data to be synced.


createCloudServiceStub(instance: CloudService): Promise<rpc.RemoteObject>

Creates a RemoteObject instance based on a CloudService instance. The system uses this object to call the APIs of the CloudService instance. This API uses a promise to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server


Name Type Mandatory Description
instance CloudService Yes Instance of the CloudService class.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<rpc.RemoteObject> Promise used to return the RemoteObject instance of CloudService.


import ServiceExtensionAbility from '@ohos.app.ability.ServiceExtensionAbility';
import Want from '@ohos.app.ability.Want';
import rpc from '@ohos.rpc';

export default class MyCloudService implements cloudExtension.CloudService {
  constructor() {}
  async connectShareCenter(userId: number, bundleName: string): Promise<rpc.RemoteObject> {
    // ...

export default class MyServiceExtension extends ServiceExtensionAbility {
  onCreate(want: Want) {
    console.info(`onCreate: ${want}`);
  onRequest(want: Want, startId: number) {
    console.info(`onRequest: ${want} ${startId}`);
  onConnect(want: Want): rpc.RemoteObject | Promise<rpc.RemoteObject> {
    console.info(`onConnect: ${want}`);
    return cloudExtension.createCloudServiceStub(new MyCloudService());
  onDisconnect(want: Want) {
    console.info(`onDisconnect: ${want}`);
  onDestroy() {


createShareServiceStub(instance: ShareCenter): Promise<rpc.RemoteObject>

Creates a RemoteObject instance based on a ShareCenter instance. The system uses this object to call the APIs of the ShareCenter instance. This API uses a promise to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server


Name Type Mandatory Description
instance ShareCenter Yes Instance of the ShareCenter class.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<rpc.RemoteObject> Promise used to return the RemoteObject instance of ShareCenter.


import rpc from '@ohos.rpc';

export default class MyShareCenter implements cloudExtension.ShareCenter {
  constructor() {}
  // ...

export default class MyCloudService implements cloudExtension.CloudService {
  constructor() {}
  async connectShareCenter(userId: number, bundleName: string): Promise<rpc.RemoteObject> {
    console.info(`connect share center, bundle: ${bundleName}`);
    return cloudExtension.createShareServiceStub(new MyShareCenter());


createCloudDBStub(instance: CloudDB): Promise<rpc.RemoteObject>

Creates a RemoteObject instance based on a CloudDB instance. The system uses this object to call the APIs of the CloudDB instance. This API uses a promise to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server


Name Type Mandatory Description
instance CloudDB Yes CloudDB instance.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<rpc.RemoteObject> Promise used to return the rpc.RemoteObject instance of CloudDB.
import rpc from '@ohos.rpc';

export default class MyCloudDB implements cloudExtension.CloudDB {
  // ...

export default class MyCloudService implements cloudExtension.CloudService {
  constructor() {}
  // ...
  async connectDB(bundleName: string, database: cloudExtension.Database): Promise<rpc.RemoteObject> {
    console.info(`connect DB, bundleName: ${bundleName}`);
    return cloudExtension.createCloudDBStub(new MyCloudDB());


createAssetLoaderStub(instance: AssetLoader): Promise<rpc.RemoteObject>

Creates a RemoteObject instance based on an AssetLoader instance. The system uses this object to call the APIs of the AssetLoader instance. This API uses a promise to return the result.


Name Type Mandatory Description
instance AssetLoader Yes AssetLoader instance.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server

Return value

Type Description
Promise<rpc.RemoteObject> Promise used to return the rpc.RemoteObject instance of AssetLoader.


import rpc from '@ohos.rpc';

export default class MyAssetLoader implements cloudExtension.AssetLoader {
  // ...

export default class MyCloudService implements cloudExtension.CloudService {
  constructor() {}
  // ...   
  async connectAssetLoader(bundleName: string, database: cloudExtension.Database): Promise<rpc.RemoteObject> {
    console.info(`connect asset loader, bundle: ${bundleName}`);
    return cloudExtension.createAssetLoaderStub(new MyAssetLoader());


Provides APIs for performing cloud database operations.


generateId(count: number): Promise<Result<Array<string>>>

Generates IDs for the data records inserted to the cloud database. The IDs are unique.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server


Name Type Mandatory Description
count number Yes Number of IDs to generate.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<Result<Array<string>> Promise used to return the generated IDs in Result.


export default class MyCloudDB implements cloudExtension.CloudDB {
  async generateId(count: number): Promise<cloudExtension.Result<Array<string>>> {
    console.info(`generate id, count: ${count}`);
    let result = new Array<string>();
    // ...
    return {
      code: cloudExtension.ErrorCode.SUCCESS,
      description: 'generateId succeeded',
      value: result
  // ...


update(table: string, values: Array<Record<string, CloudType>>, extensions: Array<Record<string, CloudType>> ): Promise<Array<Result<Record<string, CloudType>>>>

Updates data in the cloud.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server


Name Type Mandatory Description
table string Yes Name of the table to update.
values Array<Record<string, CloudType>> Yes Data to insert.
extensions Array<Record<string, CloudType>> Yes Extended information about the current data.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<Array<Result<Record<string, CloudType>>>> Promise used to return the update result and updated data.


export default class MyCloudDB implements cloudExtension.CloudDB {
  // ...
  async update(table: string, values: Array<Record<string, cloudExtension.CloudType>>, extensions: Array<Record<string, cloudExtension.CloudType>>): Promise<Array<cloudExtension.Result<Record<string, cloudExtension.CloudType>>>> {
    console.info(`update, table: ${table}`);
    let updateRes: Array<cloudExtension.Result<Record<string, cloudExtension.CloudType>>> = [];
    // ...
    // Return the data update result.
    return updateRes;
  // ...


insert(table: string, values: Array<Record<string, CloudType>>, extensions: Array<Record<string, CloudType>>): Promise<Array<Result<Record<string, CloudType>>>>

Inserts data to a cloud database table.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server


Name Type Mandatory Description
table string Yes Name of the target table.
values Array<Record<string, CloudType>> Yes Data to insert.
extensions Array<Record<string, CloudType>> Yes Extended information about the current data.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<Array<Result<Record<string, CloudType>>>> Promise used to return the inserted data and operation result.


export default class MyCloudDB implements cloudExtension.CloudDB {
  // ...
  async insert(table: string, values: Array<Record<string, cloudExtension.CloudType>>, extensions: Array<Record<string, cloudExtension.CloudType>>): Promise<Array<cloudExtension.Result<Record<string, cloudExtension.CloudType>>>> {
    console.info(`insert, table: ${table}`);
    let insertRes: Array<cloudExtension.Result<Record<string, cloudExtension.CloudType>>> = [];
    // ...
    // Return the data insertion result.
    return insertRes;
  // ...


delete(table: string, extensions: Array<Record<string, CloudType>> ): Promise<Array<Result<Record<string, CloudType>>>>

Deletes data from a cloud database table.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server


Name Type Mandatory Description
table string Yes Name of the target table.
extensions Array<Record<string,CloudType>> Yes Extended information about the current data.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<Array<Result<Record<string, CloudType>>>> Promise used to return the deleted data and operation result.


export default class MyCloudDB implements cloudExtension.CloudDB {
  // ...
  async delete(table: string, extensions: Array<Record<string, cloudExtension.CloudType>>): Promise<Array<cloudExtension.Result<Record<string, cloudExtension.CloudType>>>> {
    console.info(`delete, table: ${table}`);
    let deleteRes: Array<cloudExtension.Result<Record<string, cloudExtension.CloudType>>> = [];
    // ...
    // Return the operation result.
    return deleteRes;
  // ...


query(table: string, fields: Array<string>, queryCount: number, queryCursor: string): Promise<Result<CloudData>>

Queries data in a cloud database table.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server


Name Type Mandatory Description
table string Yes Name of the target table.
fields Array<string> Yes Name of the fields to query.
queryCount number Yes Number of data records to query.
queryCursor string Yes Cursor for the query.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<Result<CloudData>> Promise used to return the data and operation result.


export default class MyCloudDB implements cloudExtension.CloudDB {
  // ...
    async query(table: string, fields: Array<string>, queryCount: number, queryCursor: string): Promise<cloudExtension.Result<cloudExtension.CloudData>> {
    console.info(`query, table: ${table}`);
    // ...
    // Return the operation result.
    return {
      code: cloudExtension.ErrorCode.SUCCESS,
      description: 'query succeeded',
      value: {
        nextCursor: "test_nextCursor",
        hasMore: true,
        values: []
  // ...


lock(): Promise<Result<LockInfo>>

Locks this cloud database.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server

Return value

Type Description
Promise<Result<LockInfo>> Promise used to return the lock ID and lock period.


export default class MyCloudDB implements cloudExtension.CloudDB {
  let test_time: number = 10;
  let test_lockId: number = 1;
  // ...
  async lock(): Promise<cloudExtension.Result<cloudExtension.LockInfo>> {
    console.info(`DB lock`);
    // ...
    // Return the operation result.
    return {
      code: cloudExtension.ErrorCode.SUCCESS,
      description: 'lock succeeded',
      value: {
        interval: test_time,
        lockId: test_lockId
  // ...


heartbeat(lockId: number): Promise<Result<LockInfo>>

Extends the lock period of the database.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server


Name Type Mandatory Description
lockId number Yes Lock ID.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<Result<LockInfo>> Promise used to return the lock ID and lock period.


export default class MyCloudDB implements cloudExtension.CloudDB {
  let test_lockId: number = 1;
  let test_time: number = 10;
  // ...
  async heartbeat(lockId: number): Promise<cloudExtension.Result<cloudExtension.LockInfo>> {
    console.info(`heartbeat lock`);
    // ...
    // Return the operation result.
    return {
      code: cloudExtension.ErrorCode.SUCCESS,
      description: 'heartbeat succeeded',
      value: {
        interval: test_time,
        lockId: test_lockId
  // ...


unlock(lockId: number): Promise<Result<boolean>>;

Unlocks a cloud database.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server


Name Type Mandatory Description
lockId number Yes Lock ID to release.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<Result<boolean>> Promise used to return the result. The value true means the operation is successful; the value false means the opposite.


export default class MyCloudDB implements cloudExtension.CloudDB {
    // ...
  async unlock(lockId: number): Promise<cloudExtension.Result<boolean>> {
    // ...
    // Return the operation result.
    return {
      code: cloudExtension.ErrorCode.SUCCESS,
      description: 'unlock succeeded',
      value: false
  // ...


Provides APIs for interacting with the cloud sync service. You need to inherit this class and implement APIs of this class. The system calls these APIs to connect to the cloud and use the cloud sync service.


getServiceInfo(): Promise<ServiceInfo>

Obtains the server information. This API uses a promise to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server

Return value

Type Description
Promise<ServiceInfo> Promise used to return the server information obtained.


import rpc from '@ohos.rpc';

let test_space: number = 100;
let test_userId: number = 1;

export default class MyCloudService implements cloudExtension.CloudService {
  constructor() {}
  // ...
  async getServiceInfo(): Promise<cloudExtension.ServiceInfo> {
    console.info(`get service info`);
    // ...
    return {
      enableCloud: true,
      id: "test_id",
      totalSpace: test_space,
      remainingSpace: test_space,
      user: test_userId,


getAppBriefInfo(): Promise<Record<string, AppBriefInfo>>

Obtains brief application information. This API uses a promise to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server

Return value

Type Description
Promise<Record<string, AppBriefInfo>>> Promise used to return bundleName and AppBriefInfo, in KV pairs.


export default class MyCloudService implements cloudExtension.CloudService {
  constructor() {}
  // ...
  async getAppBriefInfo(): Promise<Record<string, cloudExtension.AppBriefInfo>> {
    console.info(`get app brief info`);
    // ...
    return {
        appId: "test_appID",
        bundleName: "test_bundlename",
        cloudSwitch: true,
        instanceId: 0,


getAppSchema(bundleName: string): Promise<Result<AppSchema>>

Obtains the application database schema information. This API uses a promise to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server


Name Type Mandatory Description
bundleName string Yes Bundle name of the application.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<Result<AppSchema>> Promise used to return the schema information obtained.


export default class MyCloudService implements cloudExtension.CloudService {
  constructor() {
  // ...
  async getAppSchema(bundleName: string): Promise<cloudExtension.Result<cloudExtension.AppSchema>> {
    console.info(`get app schema, bundleName:${bundleName}`);
    // ...
    return {
      code: cloudExtension.ErrorCode.SUCCESS,
      description: "get app schema success",
      value: {
        bundleName: "test_bundleName",
        version: 1,
        databases: []


subscribe(subInfo: Record<string, Array<Database>>, expirationTime: number): Promise<Result<SubscribeInfo>>

Subscribes to data. This API uses a promise to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server


Name Type Mandatory Description
subInfo Record<string, Array<Database>> Yes Data to be subscribed to, in KV pairs of the application bundle name and database information.
expirationTime number Yes Subscription expiration time.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<Result<SubscribeInfo>> Promise used to return the result, including the subscription expiration time and subscription information.


let test_time: number = 10;
export default class MyCloudService implements cloudExtension.CloudService {
  constructor() {
  // ...
  async subscribe(subInfo: Record<string, Array<cloudExtension.Database>>, expirationTime: number): Promise<cloudExtension.Result<cloudExtension.SubscribeInfo>> {
    (`subscribe expirationTime: ${expirationTime}`);
    // ...
    return {
      code: cloudExtension.ErrorCode.SUCCESS,
      description: "subscribe success",
      value: {
        expirationTime: test_time,
        subscribe: {}


unsubscribe(unsubscribeInfo: Record<string, Array<string>>): Promise<number>

Unsubscribes from data changes in the cloud. This API uses a promise to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server


Name Type Mandatory Description
unsubscribeInfo Record<string, Array<string>> Yes Data to be unsubscribed from, in an array of KV pairs consisting of the application bundle name and database information.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<number> Promise used to return the result.
export default class MyCloudService implements cloudExtension.CloudService {
  constructor() {
  // ...
  async unsubscribe(unsubscribeInfo: Record<string, Array<string>>): Promise<number> {
    // ...
    return cloudExtension.ErrorCode.SUCCESS;


connectDB(bundleName: string, database: Database): Promise<rpc.RemoteObject>

Connects to a cloud database by obtaining the RemoteObject instance of CloudDB, which is created by using createCloudDBStub. This API uses a promise to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server


Name Type Mandatory Description
bundleName string Yes Bundle name of the application.
database Database Yes Database to connect.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<rpc.RemoteObject> Promise used to return the RemoteObject instance of CloudDB.
import rpc from '@ohos.rpc';

export default class MyCloudDB implements cloudExtension.CloudDB {
  // ...

export default class MyCloudService implements cloudExtension.CloudService {
  constructor() {}
    // ...
  async connectDB(bundleName: string, database: cloudExtension.Database): Promise<rpc.RemoteObject> {
    console.info(`connect DB, bundleName: ${bundleName}`);
    return cloudExtension.createCloudDBStub(new MyCloudDB());


connectAssetLoader(bundleName: string, database: Database): Promise<rpc.RemoteObject>

Connects to an asset loader by obtaining the RemoteObject instance of AssetLoader, which is created by using createAssetLoaderStub. This API uses a promise to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server


Name Type Mandatory Description
bundleName string Yes Bundle name of the application.
database Database Yes Database to connect.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<rpc.RemoteObject> Promise used to return the RemoteObject instance of AssetLoader.
import rpc from '@ohos.rpc';

export default class MyAssetLoader implements cloudExtension.AssetLoader {
  // ...

export default class MyCloudService implements cloudExtension.CloudService {
  constructor() {}
  async connectAssetLoader(bundleName: string, database: cloudExtension.Database): Promise<rpc.RemoteObject> {
      // ...
    console.info(`connect asset loader, bundle: ${bundleName}`);
    return cloudExtension.createAssetLoaderStub(new MyAssetLoader());


connectShareCenter(userId: number, bundleName: string): Promise<rpc.RemoteObject>

Connects to ShareCenter by obtaining the RemoteObject instance of ShareCenter, which is created by using createShareServiceStub. This API uses a promise to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server


Name Type Mandatory Description
userId number Yes User ID.
bundleName string Yes Bundle name of the application.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<rpc.RemoteObject> Promise used to return the RemoteObject instance of ShareCenter.


import rpc from '@ohos.rpc';

export default class MyShareCenter implements cloudExtension.ShareCenter {
  constructor() {}
  // ...

export default class MyCloudService implements cloudExtension.CloudService {
  constructor() {}
  async connectShareCenter(userId: number, bundleName: string): Promise<rpc.RemoteObject> {
    console.info(`connect share center, bundle: ${bundleName}`);
    return cloudExtension.createShareServiceStub(new MyShareCenter());


Provides APIs for uploading and downloading assets.


download(table: string, gid: string, prefix: string, assets: Array<CloudAsset>): Promise<Array<Result<CloudAsset>>>

Downloads assets.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server


Name Type Mandatory Description
table string Yes Name of the target table.
gid string Yes Unique identifier generated for the data added to the cloud.
prefix string Yes Asset prefix information.
assets Array<CloudAsset> Yes Assets to download.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<Array<Result<CloudAsset>>> Promise used to return the asset download result, including the asset IDs and asset hash values.


export default class MyAssetLoader implements cloudExtension.AssetLoader {
  async download(table: string, gid: string, prefix: string, assets: Array<cloudExtension.CloudAsset>): Promise<Array<cloudExtension.Result<cloudExtension.CloudAsset>>> {
    console.info(`download asset loader, table: ${table}, gid: ${gid}, prefix: ${prefix}`);
    let downloadRes = Array<cloudExtension.Result<cloudExtension.CloudAsset>>();
    // ...
    return downloadRes;


upload(table: string, gid: string, assets: Array<CloudAsset>): Promise<Array<Result<CloudAsset>>>

Uploads assets.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server


Name Type Mandatory Description
table string Yes Name of the target table.
gid string Yes Unique identifier generated for the data added to the cloud.
assets Array<CloudAsset> Yes Assets to upload.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<Array<Result<CloudAsset>>> Promise used to return the asset upload result, including the asset IDs and asset hash values.


export default class MyAssetLoader implements cloudExtension.AssetLoader {
  async upload(table: string, gid: string, assets: Array<cloudExtension.CloudAsset>): Promise<Array<cloudExtension.Result<cloudExtension.CloudAsset>>> {
    console.info(`upload asset loader, table: ${table}, gid: ${gid}`);
    let uploadRes = Array<cloudExtension.Result<cloudExtension.CloudAsset>>();
    // ...
    return uploadRes;
    // ...


Provides APIs for interacting with the sharedCenter service. You need to inherit this class and implement APIs of this class. The system calls these APIs to initiate, cancel, or exit a device-cloud share.


share(userId: number, bundleName: string, sharingResource: string, participants: Array<cloudData.sharing.Participant>): Promise<Result<Array<Result<cloudData.sharing.Participant>>>>

Shares data. This API uses a promise to return the result. The application that initiates the share, shared resource ID, participants of the share need to be specified.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server


Name Type Mandatory Description
userId number Yes User ID.
bundleName string Yes Bundle name of the application.
sharingResource string Yes Shared resource ID.
participants Array<cloudData.sharing.Participant> Yes Participants of the share.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<Result<Array<Result<cloudData.sharing.Participant>>>> Promise used to return the result.


import cloudData from '@ohos.data.cloudData';

type Participant = cloudData.sharing.Participant;

export default class MyShareCenter implements cloudExtension.ShareCenter {
  constructor() {}
  async share(userId: number, bundleName: string, sharingResource: string, participants: Array<Participant>):
    Promise<cloudExtension.Result<Array<cloudExtension.Result<Participant>>>> {
    console.info(`share, bundle: ${bundleName}`);
    // Connect to ShareCenter and obtain the return value.
    // ...
    // Return the result obtained from ShareCenter.
    let result: Array<cloudExtension.Result<Participant>> = [];
    participants.forEach((item => {
        code: cloudData.sharing.SharingCode.SUCCESS,
        description: 'share succeeded'    
    return {
      code: cloudData.sharing.SharingCode.SUCCESS,
      description: 'share succeeded',
      value: result
  // ...


unshare(userId: number, bundleName: string, sharingResource: string, participants: Array<cloudData.sharing.Participant>): Promise<Result<Array<Result<cloudData.sharing.Participant>>>>

Unshares data. This API uses a promise to return the result. The application, shared resource ID, and participants for the data to unshare need to be specified.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server


Name Type Mandatory Description
userId number Yes User ID.
bundleName string Yes Bundle name of the application.
sharingResource string Yes Shared resource ID.
participants Array<cloudData.sharing.Participant> Yes Participants of the share.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<Result<Array<Result<cloudData.sharing.Participant>>>> Promise used to return the result.


import cloudData from '@ohos.data.cloudData';

type Participant = cloudData.sharing.Participant;

export default class MyShareCenter implements cloudExtension.ShareCenter {
  constructor() {}
  async unshare(userId: number, bundleName: string, sharingResource: string, participants: Array<Participant>):
    Promise<cloudExtension.Result<Array<cloudExtension.Result<Participant>>>> {
    console.info(`unshare, bundle: ${bundleName}`);
    // Connect to ShareCenter and obtain the return value of the unshare operation.
    // ...
    // Return the result obtained from ShareCenter.
    let result: Array<cloudExtension.Result<Participant>> = [];
    participants.forEach((item => {
        code: cloudData.sharing.SharingCode.SUCCESS,
        description: 'unshare succeeded'    
    return {
      code: cloudData.sharing.SharingCode.SUCCESS,
      description: 'unshare succeeded',
      value: result
  // ...


exit(userId: number, bundleName: string, sharingResource: string): Promise<Result<void>>

Exits a device-cloud share. This API uses a promise to return the result. The application and shared resource ID need to be specified.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server


Name Type Mandatory Description
userId number Yes User ID.
bundleName string Yes Bundle name of the application.
sharingResource string Yes Shared resource ID.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<Result<void>> Promise used to return the result.


import cloudData from '@ohos.data.cloudData';

export default class MyShareCenter implements cloudExtension.ShareCenter {
  constructor() {}
  async exit(userId: number, bundleName: string, sharingResource: string):
    Promise<cloudExtension.Result<void>> {
    console.info(`exit share, bundle: ${bundleName}`);
    // Connect to ShareCenter and obtain the return value of the exit operation.
    // ...
    // Return the result obtained from ShareCenter.
    return {
      code: cloudData.sharing.SharingCode.SUCCESS,
      description: 'exit share succeeded'
  // ...


changePrivilege(userId: number, bundleName: string, sharingResource: string, participants: Array<cloudData.sharing.Participant>): Promise<Result<Array<Result<cloudData.sharing.Participant>>>>

Changes the privilege (operation permissions) on the shared data. This API uses a promise to return the result. The application, shared resource ID, and the participants with new privilege need to be specified.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server


Name Type Mandatory Description
userId number Yes User ID.
bundleName string Yes Bundle name of the application.
sharingResource string Yes Shared resource ID.
participants Array<cloudData.sharing.Participant> Yes Participants of the share.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<Result<Array<Result<cloudData.sharing.Participant>>>> Promise used to return the result.


import cloudData from '@ohos.data.cloudData';

type Participant = cloudData.sharing.Participant;

export default class MyShareCenter implements cloudExtension.ShareCenter {
  constructor() {}
  async changePrivilege(userId: number, bundleName: string, sharingResource: string, participants: Array<Participant>):
    Promise<cloudExtension.Result<Array<cloudExtension.Result<Participant>>>> {
    console.info(`change privilege, bundle: ${bundleName}`);
    // Connect to ShareCenter and obtain the return value of the privilege change operation.
    // ...
    // Return the result obtained from ShareCenter.
    let result: Array<cloudExtension.Result<Participant>> = [];
    participants.forEach((item => {
        code: cloudData.sharing.SharingCode.SUCCESS,
        description: 'change privilege succeeded'    
    return {
      code: cloudData.sharing.SharingCode.SUCCESS,
      description: 'change privilege succeeded',
      value: result
  // ...


queryParticipants(userId: number, bundleName: string, sharingResource: string): Promise<Result<Array<cloudData.sharing.Participant>>>

Queries the participants of a share. This API uses a promise to return the result. The application and shared resource ID need to be specified.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server


Name Type Mandatory Description
userId number Yes User ID.
bundleName string Yes Bundle name of the application.
sharingResource string Yes Shared resource ID.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<Result<Array<cloudData.sharing.Participant>>> Promise used to return the participants obtained.


import cloudData from '@ohos.data.cloudData';

type Participant = cloudData.sharing.Participant;

export default class MyShareCenter implements cloudExtension.ShareCenter {
  constructor() {}
  async queryParticipants(userId: number, bundleName: string, sharingResource: string):
    Promise<cloudExtension.Result<Array<Participant>>> {
    console.info(`query participants, bundle: ${bundleName}`);
    // Connect to ShareCenter and obtain the return value of the query operation.
    // ...
    // Return the result obtained from ShareCenter.
    let participants = new Array<cloudData.sharing.Participant>();
      identity: '000000000',
      role: cloudData.sharing.Role.ROLE_INVITEE,
      state: cloudData.sharing.State.STATE_ACCEPTED,
      privilege: {
        writable: false,
        readable: true,
        creatable: false,
        deletable: false,
        shareable: false
      attachInfo: ''
      identity: '111111111',
      role: cloudData.sharing.Role.ROLE_INVITEE,
      state: cloudData.sharing.State.STATE_ACCEPTED,
      privilege: {
        writable: false,
        readable: true,
        creatable: false,
        deletable: false,
        shareable: false
      attachInfo: ''
    return {
      code: cloudData.sharing.SharingCode.SUCCESS,
      description: 'query participants succeeded',
      value: participants
  // ...


queryParticipantsByInvitation(userId: number, bundleName: string, invitationCode: string): Promise<Result<Array<cloudData.sharing.Participant>>>

Queries the participants of a share based on the invitation code. This API uses a promise to return the result. The application and the invitation code of the shared data need to be specified.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server


Name Type Mandatory Description
userId number Yes User ID.
bundleName string Yes Bundle name of the application.
invitationCode string Yes Invitation code for the share.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<Result<Array<cloudData.sharing.Participant>>> Promise used to return the participants obtained.


import cloudData from '@ohos.data.cloudData';

type Participant = cloudData.sharing.Participant;

export default class MyShareCenter implements cloudExtension.ShareCenter {
  constructor() {}
  async queryParticipantsByInvitation(userId: number, bundleName: string, invitationCode: string):
    Promise<cloudExtension.Result<Array<Participant>>> {
    console.info(`query participants by invitation, bundle: ${bundleName}`);
    // Connect to ShareCenter and obtain the return value of the query operation.
    // ...
    // Return the result obtained from ShareCenter.
    let participants = new Array<cloudData.sharing.Participant>();
      identity: '000000000',
      role: cloudData.sharing.Role.ROLE_INVITEE,
      state: cloudData.sharing.State.STATE_ACCEPTED,
      privilege: {
        writable: false,
        readable: true,
        creatable: false,
        deletable: false,
        shareable: false
      attachInfo: ''
      identity: '111111111',
      role: cloudData.sharing.Role.ROLE_INVITEE,
      state: cloudData.sharing.State.STATE_ACCEPTED,
      privilege: {
        writable: false,
        readable: true,
        creatable: false,
        deletable: false,
        shareable: false
      attachInfo: ''
    return {
      code: cloudData.sharing.SharingCode.SUCCESS,
      description: 'query participants by invitation succeeded',
      value: participants
  // ...


confirmInvitation(userId: number, bundleName: string, invitationCode: string, state: cloudData.sharing.State): Promise<Result<string>>

Confirms the invitation for a share. This API uses a promise to return the result. The application, invitation code for the share, and the confirmation state need to be specified.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server


Name Type Mandatory Description
userId number Yes User ID.
bundleName string Yes Bundle name of the application.
invitationCode string Yes Invitation code for the share.
state cloudData.sharing.State Yes Confirmation state of the invitation.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<Result<string>> Promise used to return the shared resource ID.


import cloudData from '@ohos.data.cloudData';

export default class MyShareCenter implements cloudExtension.ShareCenter {
  constructor() {}
  async confirmInvitation(userId: number, bundleName: string, invitationCode: string, state: cloudData.sharing.State):
    Promise<cloudExtension.Result<string>> {
    console.info(`confirm invitation, bundle: ${bundleName}`);
    // Connect to ShareCenter and obtain the return value of the invitation confirmation operation.
    // ...
    // Return the result obtained from ShareCenter.
    return {
      code: cloudData.sharing.SharingCode.SUCCESS,
      description: 'confirm invitation succeeded',
      value: 'sharing_resource_test'
  // ...


changeConfirmation(userId: number, bundleName: string, sharingResource: string, state: cloudData.sharing.State): Promise<Result<void>>

Changes the confirmation state of a share invitation. This API uses a promise to return the result. The application, shared resource ID, and the new conformation state need to be specified.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.CloudSync.Server


Name Type Mandatory Description
userId number Yes User ID.
bundleName string Yes Bundle name of the application.
sharingResource string Yes Shared resource ID.
state cloudData.sharing.State Yes New confirmation state.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<Result<void>> Promise used to return the result.


import cloudData from '@ohos.data.cloudData';

export default class MyShareCenter implements cloudExtension.ShareCenter {
  constructor() {}
  async changeConfirmation(userId: number, bundleName: string, sharingResource: string, state: cloudData.sharing.State):
    Promise<cloudExtension.Result<void>> {
    console.info(`change confirm, bundle: ${bundleName}`);
    // Connect to ShareCenter and obtain the return value of the state change operation.
    // ...
    // Return the result obtained from ShareCenter.
    return {
      code: cloudData.sharing.SharingCode.SUCCESS,
      description: 'change confirm succeeded'
  // ...

Complete Sample Code

The classes in the preceding examples are implemented using implements, and the sample code cannot be executed independently until all the methods in the parent classes are implemented. The following provides complete sample code for your reference.

import cloudExtension from '@ohos.data.cloudExtension';
import ServiceExtensionAbility from '@ohos.app.ability.ServiceExtensionAbility';
import Want from '@ohos.app.ability.Want';
import rpc from '@ohos.rpc';
import cloudData from '@ohos.data.cloudData';

type Participant = cloudData.sharing.Participant;
let test_lockId: number = 1;
let test_time: number = 10;
let test_space: number = 100;
let test_userId: number = 1;

class MyCloudDB implements cloudExtension.CloudDB {
  async generateId(count: number): Promise<cloudExtension.Result<Array<string>>> {
    console.info(`generate id, count: ${count}`);
    let result = new Array<string>();
    // ...
    // Return the ID generated.
    return {
      code: cloudExtension.ErrorCode.SUCCESS,
      description: 'generateId succeeded',
      value: result

  async update(table: string, values: Array<Record<string, cloudExtension.CloudType>>, extensions: Array<Record<string, cloudExtension.CloudType>>): Promise<Array<cloudExtension.Result<Record<string, cloudExtension.CloudType>>>> {
    console.info(`update, table: ${table}`);
    let updateRes: Array<cloudExtension.Result<Record<string, cloudExtension.CloudType>>> = [];
    // ...
    // Return the data update result.
    return updateRes;

  async insert(table: string, values: Array<Record<string, cloudExtension.CloudType>>, extensions: Array<Record<string, cloudExtension.CloudType>>): Promise<Array<cloudExtension.Result<Record<string, cloudExtension.CloudType>>>> {
    console.info(`insert, table: ${table}`);
    let insertRes: Array<cloudExtension.Result<Record<string, cloudExtension.CloudType>>> = [];
    // ...
    // Return the data insertion result.
    return insertRes;

  async delete(table: string, extensions: Array<Record<string, cloudExtension.CloudType>>): Promise<Array<cloudExtension.Result<Record<string, cloudExtension.CloudType>>>> {
    console.info(`delete, table: ${table}`);
    let deleteRes: Array<cloudExtension.Result<Record<string, cloudExtension.CloudType>>> = [];
    // ...
    // Return the operation result.
    return deleteRes;

  async query(table: string, fields: Array<string>, queryCount: number, queryCursor: string): Promise<cloudExtension.Result<cloudExtension.CloudData>> {
    console.info(`query, table: ${table}`);
    // ...
    // Return the operation result.
    return {
      code: cloudExtension.ErrorCode.SUCCESS,
      description: 'query succeeded',
      value: {
        nextCursor: "test_nextCursor",
        hasMore: true,
        values: []

  async lock(): Promise<cloudExtension.Result<cloudExtension.LockInfo>> {
    console.info(`DB lock`);
    // ...
    // Return the operation result.
    return {
      code: cloudExtension.ErrorCode.SUCCESS,
      description: 'lock succeeded',
      value: {
        interval: test_time,
        lockId: test_lockId

  async heartbeat(lockId: number): Promise<cloudExtension.Result<cloudExtension.LockInfo>> {
    console.info(`heartbeat lock`);
    // ...
    // Return the operation result.
    return {
      code: cloudExtension.ErrorCode.SUCCESS,
      description: 'heartbeat succeeded',
      value: {
        interval: test_time,
        lockId: test_lockId

  async unlock(lockId: number): Promise<cloudExtension.Result<boolean>> {
    // ...
    // Return the operation result.
    return {
      code: cloudExtension.ErrorCode.SUCCESS,
      description: 'unlock succeeded',
      value: false

class MyAssetLoader implements cloudExtension.AssetLoader {
  async download(table: string, gid: string, prefix: string, assets: Array<cloudExtension.CloudAsset>): Promise<Array<cloudExtension.Result<cloudExtension.CloudAsset>>> {
    console.info(`download asset loader, table: ${table}, gid: ${gid}, prefix: ${prefix}`);
    let downloadRes = Array<cloudExtension.Result<cloudExtension.CloudAsset>>();
    // ...
    return downloadRes;

  async upload(table: string, gid: string, assets: Array<cloudExtension.CloudAsset>): Promise<Array<cloudExtension.Result<cloudExtension.CloudAsset>>> {
    console.info(`upload asset loader, table: ${table}, gid: ${gid}`);
    let uploadRes = Array<cloudExtension.Result<cloudExtension.CloudAsset>>();
    // ...
    return uploadRes;

class MyShareCenter implements cloudExtension.ShareCenter {
  constructor() {

  async share(userId: number, bundleName: string, sharingResource: string, participants: Array<Participant>):
    Promise<cloudExtension.Result<Array<cloudExtension.Result<Participant>>>> {
    console.info(`share, bundle: ${bundleName}`);
    // Connect to ShareCenter and obtain the return value.
    // ...
    // Return the result obtained from ShareCenter.
    let result: Array<cloudExtension.Result<Participant>> = [];
    participants.forEach((item => {
        code: cloudData.sharing.SharingCode.SUCCESS,
        description: 'share succeeded'
    return {
      code: cloudData.sharing.SharingCode.SUCCESS,
      description: 'share succeeded',
      value: result

  async unshare(userId: number, bundleName: string, sharingResource: string, participants: Array<Participant>):
    Promise<cloudExtension.Result<Array<cloudExtension.Result<Participant>>>> {
    console.info(`unshare, bundle: ${bundleName}`);
    // Connect to ShareCenter and obtain the return value of the unshare operation.
    // ...
    // Return the result obtained from ShareCenter.
    let result: Array<cloudExtension.Result<Participant>> = [];
    participants.forEach((item => {
        code: cloudData.sharing.SharingCode.SUCCESS,
        description: 'unshare succeeded'
    return {
      code: cloudData.sharing.SharingCode.SUCCESS,
      description: 'unshare succeeded',
      value: result

  async exit(userId: number, bundleName: string, sharingResource: string):
    Promise<cloudExtension.Result<void>> {
    console.info(`exit share, bundle: ${bundleName}`);
    // Connect to ShareCenter and obtain the return value of the exit operation.
    // ...
    // Return the result obtained from ShareCenter.
    return {
      code: cloudData.sharing.SharingCode.SUCCESS,
      description: 'exit share succeeded'

  async changePrivilege(userId: number, bundleName: string, sharingResource: string, participants: Array<Participant>):
    Promise<cloudExtension.Result<Array<cloudExtension.Result<Participant>>>> {
    console.info(`change privilege, bundle: ${bundleName}`);
    // Connect to ShareCenter and obtain the return value of the privilege change operation.
    // ...
    // Return the result obtained from ShareCenter.
    let result: Array<cloudExtension.Result<Participant>> = [];
    participants.forEach((item => {
        code: cloudData.sharing.SharingCode.SUCCESS,
        description: 'change privilege succeeded'
    return {
      code: cloudData.sharing.SharingCode.SUCCESS,
      description: 'change privilege succeeded',
      value: result

  async queryParticipants(userId: number, bundleName: string, sharingResource: string):
    Promise<cloudExtension.Result<Array<Participant>>> {
    console.info(`query participants, bundle: ${bundleName}`);
    // Connect to ShareCenter and obtain the return value of the query operation.
    // ...
    // Return the result obtained from ShareCenter.
    let participants = new Array<cloudData.sharing.Participant>();
      identity: '000000000',
      role: cloudData.sharing.Role.ROLE_INVITEE,
      state: cloudData.sharing.State.STATE_ACCEPTED,
      privilege: {
        writable: false,
        readable: true,
        creatable: false,
        deletable: false,
        shareable: false
      attachInfo: ''
      identity: '111111111',
      role: cloudData.sharing.Role.ROLE_INVITEE,
      state: cloudData.sharing.State.STATE_ACCEPTED,
      privilege: {
        writable: false,
        readable: true,
        creatable: false,
        deletable: false,
        shareable: false
      attachInfo: ''
    return {
      code: cloudData.sharing.SharingCode.SUCCESS,
      description: 'query participants succeeded',
      value: participants

  async queryParticipantsByInvitation(userId: number, bundleName: string, invitationCode: string):
    Promise<cloudExtension.Result<Array<Participant>>> {
    console.info(`query participants by invitation, bundle: ${bundleName}`);
    // Connect to ShareCenter and obtain the return value of the query operation.
    // ...
    // Return the result obtained from ShareCenter.
    let participants = new Array<cloudData.sharing.Participant>();
      identity: '000000000',
      role: cloudData.sharing.Role.ROLE_INVITEE,
      state: cloudData.sharing.State.STATE_ACCEPTED,
      privilege: {
        writable: false,
        readable: true,
        creatable: false,
        deletable: false,
        shareable: false
      attachInfo: ''
      identity: '111111111',
      role: cloudData.sharing.Role.ROLE_INVITEE,
      state: cloudData.sharing.State.STATE_ACCEPTED,
      privilege: {
        writable: false,
        readable: true,
        creatable: false,
        deletable: false,
        shareable: false
      attachInfo: ''
    return {
      code: cloudData.sharing.SharingCode.SUCCESS,
      description: 'query participants by invitation succeeded',
      value: participants

  async confirmInvitation(userId: number, bundleName: string, invitationCode: string, state: cloudData.sharing.State):
    Promise<cloudExtension.Result<string>> {
    console.info(`confirm invitation, bundle: ${bundleName}`);
    // Connect to ShareCenter and obtain the return value of the invitation confirmation operation.
    // ...
    // Return the result obtained from ShareCenter.
    return {
      code: cloudData.sharing.SharingCode.SUCCESS,
      description: 'confirm invitation succeeded',
      value: 'sharing_resource_test'

  async changeConfirmation(userId: number, bundleName: string, sharingResource: string, state: cloudData.sharing.State):
    Promise<cloudExtension.Result<void>> {
    console.info(`change confirm, bundle: ${bundleName}`);
    // Connect to ShareCenter and obtain the return value of the state change operation.
    // ...
    // Return the result obtained from ShareCenter.
    return {
      code: cloudData.sharing.SharingCode.SUCCESS,
      description: 'change confirm succeeded'

class MyCloudService implements cloudExtension.CloudService {
  constructor() {

  async getServiceInfo(): Promise<cloudExtension.ServiceInfo> {
    console.info(`get service info`);
    // ...
    return {
      enableCloud: true,
      id: "test_id",
      totalSpace: test_space,
      remainingSpace: test_space,
      user: test_userId,

  async getAppBriefInfo(): Promise<Record<string, cloudExtension.AppBriefInfo>> {
    console.info(`get app brief info`);
    // ...
    return {
        appId: "test_appID",
        bundleName: "test_bundlename",
        cloudSwitch: true,
        instanceId: 0,

  async getAppSchema(bundleName: string): Promise<cloudExtension.Result<cloudExtension.AppSchema>> {
    console.info(`get app schema, bundleName:${bundleName}`);
    // ...
    return {
      code: cloudExtension.ErrorCode.SUCCESS,
      description: "get app schema success",
      value: {
        bundleName: "test_bundleName",
        version: 1,
        databases: []

  async subscribe(subInfo: Record<string, Array<cloudExtension.Database>>, expirationTime: number): Promise<cloudExtension.Result<cloudExtension.SubscribeInfo>> {
    (`subscribe expirationTime: ${expirationTime}`);
    // ...
    return {
      code: cloudExtension.ErrorCode.SUCCESS,
      description: "subscribe success",
      value: {
        expirationTime: test_time,
        subscribe: {}

  async unsubscribe(unsubscribeInfo: Record<string, Array<string>>): Promise<number> {
    // ...
    return cloudExtension.ErrorCode.SUCCESS;

  async connectDB(bundleName: string, database: cloudExtension.Database): Promise<rpc.RemoteObject> {
    console.info(`connect DB, bundleName: ${bundleName}`);
    return cloudExtension.createCloudDBStub(new MyCloudDB());

  async connectAssetLoader(bundleName: string, database: cloudExtension.Database): Promise<rpc.RemoteObject> {
    console.info(`connect asset loader, bundle: ${bundleName}`);
    return cloudExtension.createAssetLoaderStub(new MyAssetLoader());

  async connectShareCenter(userId: number, bundleName: string): Promise<rpc.RemoteObject> {
    console.info(`connect share center, bundle: ${bundleName}`);
    // ...
    return cloudExtension.createShareServiceStub(new MyShareCenter());

export default class MyServiceExtension extends ServiceExtensionAbility {
  onCreate(want: Want) {
    console.info(`onCreate: ${want}`);

  onRequest(want: Want, startId: number) {
    console.info(`onRequest: ${want} ${startId}`);

  onConnect(want: Want): rpc.RemoteObject | Promise<rpc.RemoteObject> {
    console.info(`onConnect: ${want}`);
    return cloudExtension.createCloudServiceStub(new MyCloudService());

  onDisconnect(want: Want) {
    console.info(`onDisconnect: ${want}`);

  onDestroy() {