
PinchGesture is used to trigger a pinch gesture, which requires two to five fingers with a minimum 5 vp distance between the fingers.


This gesture is supported since API version 7. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.


PinchGesture(value?: { fingers?: number, distance?: number })


Name Type Mandatory Description
fingers number No Minimum number of fingers to trigger a pinch. The value ranges from 2 to 5.
Default value: 2
While more fingers than the minimum number can be pressed to trigger the gesture, only the first fingers of the minimum number participate in gesture calculation.
distance number No Minimum recognition distance, in vp.
Default value: 5
If the value is less than or equal to 0, it will be converted to the default value.


Name Description
onActionStart(event:(event?: GestureEvent) => void) Triggered when a pinch gesture is recognized.
onActionUpdate(event:(event?: GestureEvent) => void) Triggered when the user moves the finger in the pinch gesture on the screen.
onActionEnd(event:(event?: GestureEvent) => void) Triggered when the finger used for the pinch gesture is lift.
onActionCancel(event: () => void) Triggered when a tap cancellation event is received after the pinch gesture is recognized.
This event is triggered when the window loses focus.


Name Type Description
tag11+ string Tag for the pinch gesture. It is used to distinguish the gesture during custom gesture judgment.


// xxx.ets
struct PinchGestureExample {
  @State scaleValue: number = 1
  @State pinchValue: number = 1
  @State pinchX: number = 0
  @State pinchY: number = 0

  build() {
    Column() {
      Column() {
        Text('PinchGesture scale:\n' + this.scaleValue)
        Text('PinchGesture center:\n(' + this.pinchX + ',' + this.pinchY + ')')
      .border({ width: 3 })
      .margin({ top: 100 })
      .scale({ x: this.scaleValue, y: this.scaleValue, z: 1 })
      // The gesture event is triggered by pinching three fingers together.
      PinchGesture({ fingers: 3 })
        .onActionStart((event?: GestureEvent) => {
'Pinch start')
        .onActionUpdate((event?: GestureEvent) => {
          if (event) {
            this.scaleValue = this.pinchValue * event.scale
            this.pinchX = event.pinchCenterX
            this.pinchY = event.pinchCenterY
        .onActionEnd(() => {
          this.pinchValue = this.scaleValue
'Pinch end')
