Obtaining Video Thumbnails

You can use AVImageGenerator to obtain the thumbnail of a video at the specified time from the raw media asset.

The full process of obtaining the video thumbnail includes creating an AVImageGenerator instance, setting resources, obtaining the thumbnail, and releasing the instance.

How to Develop

Read AVImageGenerator for the API reference.

  1. Call createAVImageGenerator() to create an AVImageGenerator instance.

  2. Set resources. Specifically, set the fdSrc attribute (indicating the file descriptor).


    You need to check the resource validity and set fdSrc based on the actual situation. You can use ResourceManager.getRawFd to obtain the file descriptor of the resource file packed in the HAP. For details, see ResourceManager API Reference.

  3. Obtain the thumbnail. Specifically, call fetchFrameByTime() to obtain a PixelMap object, which can be used for image display.

  4. Call release() to release the AVImageGenerator instance.

Sample Code

Refer to the sample code below to set the file descriptor and obtain the thumbnail of a video at the specified time.

import media from '@ohos.multimedia.media'
import image from '@ohos.multimedia.image'

const TAG = 'MetadataDemo'
struct Index {
  @State message: string = 'Hello World'

  // Declare a pixelMap object, which is used for image display.
  @State pixelMap: image.PixelMap | undefined = undefined;

  build() {
    Row() {
      Column() {
        Button() {
          top: 20
        .onClick(() => {
          // Set fdSrc and obtain the video thumbnail.
            top: 20

  // The demo below uses the resource manager API to obtain the video file packaged in the HAP. By setting fdSrc,
  // it obtains the thumbnail of the video at the specified time, and displays the thumbnail on the screen through the Image component.
  async testFetchFrameByTime() {
    // Create an AVImageGenerator instance.
    let avImageGenerator: media.AVImageGenerator = await media.createAVImageGenerator()
    // Set the fdSrc attribute.
    avImageGenerator.fdSrc = await getContext(this).resourceManager.getRawFd('demo.mp4');

    // Initialize input parameters.
    let timeUs = 0
    let queryOption = media.AVImageQueryOptions.AV_IMAGE_QUERY_NEXT_SYNC
    let param: media.PixelMapParams = {
      width : 300,
      height : 300,
      colorFormat : media.PixelFormat.RGB_565

    // Obtain the thumbnail (promise mode).
    this.pixelMap = await avImageGenerator.fetchFrameByTime(timeUs, queryOption, param)

    // Release the instance (promise mode).
    console.info(TAG, `release success.`)