Encryption and Decryption by Segment with an RSA Asymmetric Key Pair

For details about the algorithm specifications, see RSA.


  1. Use cryptoFramework.createAsyKeyGenerator and AsyKeyGenerator.generateKeyPair to generate a 1024-bit RSA asymmetric key pair (KeyPair) with two primes. The number of primes is not specified by default. The KeyPair object includes a public key (PubKey) and a private key (PriKey).

    In addition to the example in this topic, RSA and Randomly Generating an Asymmetric Key Pair may help you better understand how to generate an RSA asymmetric key pair. Note that the input parameters in the reference documents may be different from those in the example below.

  2. Use cryptoFramework.createCipher with the string parameter 'RSA1024|PKCS1' to create a Cipher instance for encryption. The key type is RSA1024, and the padding mode is PKCS1.

  3. Use Cipher.init to initialize the Cipher instance. In Cipher.init, set opMode to CryptoMode.ENCRYPT_MODE (encryption) and key to KeyPair.PubKey (the key used for encryption).

  4. Call Cipher.doFinal multiple times to pass in the plaintext and encrypt it by segment.

    The output of doFinal may be null. To avoid exceptions, always check whether the result is null before accessing specific data.

    In this example, the plaintext is split by 64 bytes and encrypted multiple times by a 1024-bit key. A 128-byte ciphertext is generated each time.


  1. If RSA is used, the Cipher instance cannot be initialized repeatedly. Use cryptoFramework.createCipher to create a new Cipher instance.

  2. Use Cipher.init to initialize the Cipher instance. In Cipher.init, set opMode to CryptoMode.DECRYPT_MODE (decryption) and key to KeyPair.PriKey (the key used for decryption). When PKCS1 mode is used, pass in null in params.

  3. Call Cipher.doFinal multiple times to pass in the ciphertext and decrypt it by segment.

import cryptoFramework from '@ohos.security.cryptoFramework';
import buffer from '@ohos.buffer';
// Encrypt the message by segment.
async function rsaEncryptBySegment(pubKey: cryptoFramework.PubKey, plainText: cryptoFramework.DataBlob) {
  let cipher = cryptoFramework.createCipher('RSA1024|PKCS1');
  await cipher.init(cryptoFramework.CryptoMode.ENCRYPT_MODE, pubKey, null);
  let plainTextSplitLen = 64;
  let cipherText = new Uint8Array();
  for (let i = 0; i < plainText.data.length; i += plainTextSplitLen ) {
    let updateMessage = plainText.data.subarray(i, i + plainTextSplitLen );
    let updateMessageBlob: cryptoFramework.DataBlob = { data: updateMessage };
    // Split the plaintext by 64 bytes and cyclically call doFinal() to encrypt the plaintext using a 1024-bit key. A 128-byte ciphertext is generated each time.
    let updateOutput = await cipher.doFinal(updateMessageBlob);
    let mergeText = new Uint8Array(cipherText.length + updateOutput.data.length);
    mergeText.set(updateOutput.data, cipherText.length);
    cipherText = mergeText;
  let cipherBlob: cryptoFramework.DataBlob = { data: cipherText };
  return cipherBlob;
// Decrypt the message by segment.
async function rsaDecryptBySegment(priKey: cryptoFramework.PriKey, cipherText: cryptoFramework.DataBlob) {
  let decoder = cryptoFramework.createCipher('RSA1024|PKCS1');
  await decoder.init(cryptoFramework.CryptoMode.DECRYPT_MODE, priKey, null);
  let cipherTextSplitLen = 128; // Length of the ciphertext = Number of key bits/8
  let decryptText = new Uint8Array();
  for (let i = 0; i < cipherText.data.length; i += cipherTextSplitLen) {
    let updateMessage = cipherText.data.subarray(i, i + cipherTextSplitLen);
    let updateMessageBlob: cryptoFramework.DataBlob = { data: updateMessage };
    // Split the ciphertext by 128 bytes, decrypt the ciphertext, and combine the plaintext obtained each time.
    let updateOutput = await decoder.doFinal(updateMessageBlob);
    let mergeText = new Uint8Array(decryptText.length + updateOutput.data.length);
    mergeText.set(updateOutput.data, decryptText.length);
    decryptText = mergeText;
  let decryptBlob: cryptoFramework.DataBlob = { data: decryptText };
  return decryptBlob;
async function rsaEncryptLongMessage() {
  let message = "This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest!" +
    "This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest!" +
    "This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest!" +
    "This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest!" +
    "This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest!" +
    "This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest!" +
    "This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest!" +
    "This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest! This is a long plainTest!";
  let asyKeyGenerator = cryptoFramework.createAsyKeyGenerator("RSA1024");  // Create an AsyKeyGenerator object.
  let keyPair = await asyKeyGenerator.generateKeyPair(); // Randomly generate an RSA key pair.
  let plainText: cryptoFramework.DataBlob = { data: new Uint8Array(buffer.from(message, 'utf-8').buffer) };
  let encryptText = await rsaEncryptBySegment(keyPair.pubKey, plainText);
  let decryptText = await rsaDecryptBySegment(keyPair.priKey, encryptText);
  if (plainText.data.toString() === decryptText.data.toString()) {
    console.info('decrypt ok');
    console.info('decrypt plainText: ' + buffer.from(decryptText.data).toString('utf-8'));
  } else {
    console.error('decrypt failed');