

The native_avcodec_audioencoder.h file declares the native APIs used for audio encoding.


Since: 9

Related module: AudioEncoder



Name Description
OH_AVCodec * OH_AudioEncoder_CreateByMime (const char *mime) Creates an audio encoder instance based on a Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) type.
OH_AVCodec * OH_AudioEncoder_CreateByName (const char *name) Creates an audio encoder instance based on an encoder name.
OH_AVErrCode OH_AudioEncoder_Destroy (OH_AVCodec *codec) Clears the internal resources of an audio encoder and destroys the encoder instance.
OH_AVErrCode OH_AudioEncoder_SetCallback (OH_AVCodec *codec, OH_AVCodecAsyncCallback callback, void *userData) Sets an asynchronous callback so that your application can respond to events generated by an audio encoder.
OH_AVErrCode OH_AudioEncoder_Configure (OH_AVCodec *codec, OH_AVFormat *format) Configures an audio encoder. Typically, you need to configure the description information about the audio track to be encoded.
OH_AVErrCode OH_AudioEncoder_Prepare (OH_AVCodec *codec) Prepares internal resources for an audio encoder.
OH_AVErrCode OH_AudioEncoder_Start (OH_AVCodec *codec) Starts an audio encoder. This function can be called only after the encoder is prepared successfully.
OH_AVErrCode OH_AudioEncoder_Stop (OH_AVCodec *codec) Stops an audio encoder.
OH_AVErrCode OH_AudioEncoder_Flush (OH_AVCodec *codec) Clears the input and output data in the internal buffer of an audio encoder.
OH_AVErrCode OH_AudioEncoder_Reset (OH_AVCodec *codec) Resets an audio encoder.
OH_AVFormat * OH_AudioEncoder_GetOutputDescription (OH_AVCodec *codec) Obtains the description information about the output data of an audio encoder.
OH_AVErrCode OH_AudioEncoder_SetParameter (OH_AVCodec *codec, OH_AVFormat *format) Sets dynamic parameters for an audio encoder.
OH_AVErrCode OH_AudioEncoder_PushInputData (OH_AVCodec *codec, uint32_t index, OH_AVCodecBufferAttr attr) Pushes the input buffer filled with data to an audio encoder.
OH_AVErrCode OH_AudioEncoder_FreeOutputData (OH_AVCodec *codec, uint32_t index) Frees an output buffer of an audio encoder.
OH_AVErrCode OH_AudioEncoder_IsValid (OH_AVCodec *codec, bool *isValid) Checks whether an audio encoder instance is valid. This function is used to check the encoder validity when the background recovers from a fault or an application is switched from the background.