ArkUI Subsystem Changelog

cl.arkui.1 System Component Parent-Child Verification

Since API version 11, if the parent component of the following components is not as expected, a compilation error is reported: <Blank>, <FlowItem>, <GridItem>, <GridCol>, <ListItem>, <ListItemGroup>, <Option>, <Span>, <StepperItem>, and <TabContent>


struct Index {
  build() {

Change Impact

The parent component of the following components must be within if, ForEach, LazyForEach, or a method decorated by @Builder: <Blank>, <FlowItem>, <GridItem>, <GridCol>, <ListItem>, <ListItemGroup>, <Option>, <Span>, <StepperItem>, and <TabContent>. Otherwise, an error is reported during compilation.

// ArkTS:ERROR The 'Blank' component can only be nested in the 'Row,Column,Flex' parent component.

Key API/Component Changes


Adaptation Guide

For details, see <Blank>, <FlowItem>, <GridItem>, <GridCol>, <ListItem>, <ListItemGroup>, <Option>, <Span>, <StepperItem>, and <TabContent>.

cl.arkui.2 Change of constraintSize Effectiveness for the <Flex> Component in wrap Mode

Since API version 11, the constraintSize attribute takes effect on the cross axis when the <Flex> component is in wrap mode.


struct ClipExample1 {
  @State message: string = 'Hello World'
  build() {
    Row() {
      Column() {
        Flex({wrap:FlexWrap.Wrap}) {
          Text ('Seize the day').height (50).backgroundColor (Color.Gray)
          Text ('Seize the day and').height (50).backgroundColor (Color.Gray)
          Text('Seize the day and make every moment count').height(50).backgroundColor(Color.Gray)
          Text ('Seize the moment and make every').height (50).backgroundColor (Color.Gray)
          Text ('Seize the day and').height (50).backgroundColor (Color.Gray)
          Text('Seize the day and make every moment count').height(50).backgroundColor(Color.Gray)
          Text('Seize the day and make every moment count').height(50).backgroundColor(Color.Gray)
          minHeight: 50,
          maxHeight: 150

Change Impact

Before the change, the height of the <Flex> component is 200, which is not restricted by maxHeight in constraintSize. After the change, constraintSize settings take effect, with the minimum height of 50 and the maximum height of 150. The maximum and minimum width constraints take effect in the same way.

Adaptation Guide

If wrap is used and constraintSize is set on the <Flex> component in previous versions, the settings should take effect. If the constraint is not required, remove constraintSize or adjust the constraint value.

cl.arkui.3 Change of the currentOffset Return Value from any to OffsetResult for the <Scroll> Component

Change Impact

API version 10 and earlier versions: The return value of the currentOffset API is any. This is inconvenient for automatic prompt during code development in the IDE.

API version 11 and later versions: The return value of the currentOffset API is OffsetResult.