@ohos.arkui.advanced.Counter (Counter)

A counter is a component used to accurately adjust values.


This component is supported since API version 11. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Modules to Import

import {CounterType, CounterComponent, CounterOptions, DateData} from '@ohos.arkui.advanced.Counter';

Child Components

Not supported


CounterComponent({ options: CounterOptions } )

Defines a counter.

Decorator: @Component

System capability: SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full


Name Type Mandatory Decorator Description
options CounterOptions Yes @Prop Parameters of the counter.


Defines the type and style parameters of the counter.

System capability: SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full

Name Type Mandatory Description
type CounterType Yes Type of the current counter.
numberOptions NumberStyleOptions No Parameters of the number style counter.
inlineOptions InlineStyleOptions No Parameters of the inline number style counter.
dateOptions DateStyleOptions No Parameters of the inline date style counter.

A counter type must go with parameters of the matching counter style. Below is a mapping between the counter types and counter styles.

Counter Type Counter Style
CounterType.LIST NumberStyleOptions
CounterType.COMPACT NumberStyleOptions
CounterType.INLINE InlineStyleOptions
CounterType.INLINE_DATE DateStyleOptions


Enumerates the counter types.

System capability: SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full

Name Description
LIST List counter.
COMPACT Compact counter.
INLINE Inline number counter.
INLINE_DATE Inline date counter.


Defines common attributes and events of counters.

System capability: SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full

Name Type Mandatory Default Value Description
focusable boolean No true Whether the counter is focusable.
step number No 1 Step of the counter.
Value range: an integer greater than or equal to 1.
onHoverIncrease (isHover: boolean) =>void No - Callback invoked when the mouse pointer is moved over or away from the Increase button of the counter.
isHover: whether the mouse pointer hovers over the component. The value true means that the mouse pointer enters the component, and the value false means that the mouse pointer leaves the component.
onHoverDecrease (isHover: boolean) =>void No - Callback invoked when the mouse pointer is moved over or away from the Decrease button of the counter.
isHover: whether the mouse pointer hovers over the component. The value true means that the mouse pointer enters the component, and the value false means that the mouse pointer leaves the component.


Defines the attributes and events of the inline number style counter.

Inherited from CommonOptions.

System capability: SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full

Name Type Mandatory Default Value Description
value number No 0 Initial value of the counter.
min number No 0 Minimum value of the counter.
max number No 999 Maximum value of the counter.
textWidth number No 0 Text width of the counter.
onChange (value: number) =>void No - Callback invoked when the value changes. The current value is returned.
value: current value.


Defines the attributes and events of the number style counter.

Inherited from InlineStyleOptions.

System capability: SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full

Name Type Mandatory Default Value Description
label ResourceStr No - Label of the counter.
onFocusIncrease () =>void No - Callback invoked when the Increase button of the counter gains focus.
onFocusDecrease () =>void No - Callback invoked when the Decrease button of the counter gains focus.
onBlurIncrease () =>void No - Callback invoked when the Increase button of the counter loses focus.
onBlurDecrease () =>void No - Callback invoked when the Decrease button of the counter loses focus.


Defines the attributes and events of the inline date style counter.

Inherited from CommonOptions.

System capability: SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full

Name Type Mandatory Default Value Description
year number No 1 Initial year of the counter.
month number No 1 Initial month of the counter.
day number No 1 Initial day of the counter.
onDateChange (date: DateData)=>void No - Callback invoked when the date changes. The current date is returned.
date: current date.


Defines common date attributes and methods.

System capability: SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full

Name Type Description
year number Initial year of the counter.
month number Initial month of the counter.
day number Initial day of the counter.
toString() string Current date.


Example 1

import {CounterType, CounterComponent} from '@ohos.arkui.advanced.Counter';

struct ListCounterExample {
  build() {
    Column() {
      // List counter
      CounterComponent({ options: {
        type: CounterType.LIST,
        numberOptions: {
          label: "Price",
          min: 0,
          value: 5,
          max: 10,


Example 2

import {CounterType, CounterComponent} from '@ohos.arkui.advanced.Counter';

struct CompactCounterExample {
  build() {
    Column() {
      // Compact counter
      CounterComponent({ options: {
        type: CounterType.COMPACT,
        numberOptions: {
          label: "Quantity",
          value: 10,
          min: 0,
          max: 100,
          step: 10


Example 3

import {CounterType, CounterComponent} from '@ohos.arkui.advanced.Counter';

struct NumberStyleExample {
  build() {
    Column() {
      // Inline number counter
      CounterComponent({ options: {
        type: CounterType.INLINE,
        inlineOptions: {
          value: 100,
          min: 10,
          step: 2,
          max: 1000,
          textWidth: 100,
          onChange: (value: number) => {
            console.log("onDateChange Date: " + value.toString());
        } }


Example 4

import {CounterType, CounterComponent, DateData} from '@ohos.arkui.advanced.Counter';
struct DataStyleExample {
  build() {
    Column() {
      // Inline date counter
      CounterComponent({ options: {
        type: CounterType.INLINE_DATE,
        dateOptions: {
          year: 2016,
          onDateChange: (date: DateData) => {
            console.log("onDateChange Date: " + date.toString());
        } }
