PluginComponent (System API)

The <PluginComponent> allows the UI provided by an external application to be displayed in the application. To implement the update through inter-process communication (IPC), see @ohos.pluginComponent.


  • This component is supported since API version 9. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
  • The APIs provided by this component are system APIs.

Child Components

Not supported


PluginComponent(value: { template: PluginComponentTemplate, data: KVObject})

Creates a PluginComponent to display the UI provided by an external application.


Name Type Mandatory Description
value {
template: PluginComponentTemplate,
data: KVObject
Yes template: template of the PluginComponent, which is bound to the component defined by the provider.
data: data passed to the PluginComponent provider.


Name Type Description
source string Component template name.
bundleName string Bundle name of the provider ability.


The width and height of the component must be explicitly set to non-zero valid values.


The template can be provided in either of the following modes:

  • Use an absolute path. In this case, set source to the absolute path of the template and leave bundleName blank. This mode is not recommended as it is applicable only to standalone templates that do not need to load resources.

  • Use an application package. In this case, set bundleName to the application bundle name and source to the relative path of the HAP file template. In the multi-HAP scenario, a HAP file is identified based on its relative path and name.

    Example: {source: 'pages/PluginProviderExample.ets&entry', bundleName:'com.example.provider'}

    The template is provided only when source can be set to an ability name in the FA model.

    Example: {source:'plugin', bundleName:'com.example.provider'}


Only the gesture event can be distributed to and processed inside the provider page.

In addition to the universal events, the following events are supported.

Name Description
onComplete(callback: () => void) Triggered when the component loading is complete.
onError(callback: (info: { errcode: number, msg: string }) => void) Triggered when an error occurs during component loading.
errcode: error code.
msg: error information.


PluginComponent User

import plugin from "./plugin_component"
interface Info{
struct PluginUserExample {

  build() {
    Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Column, alignItems: ItemAlign.Center, justifyContent: FlexAlign.Center }) {
      Text('Hello World')
      Button('Register Request Listener')
          console.log("Button('Register Request Listener')")
        .margin({ top: 20 })
        .onClick(() => {
        template: { source: 'pages/PluginProviderExample.ets&entry', bundleName: 'com.example.plugin' },
        data: { 'countDownStartValue': 'new countDownStartValue' }
      }).size({ width: 500, height: 350 })
        .onComplete(() => {
        .onError((info:Info) => {
          console.log("onComplete" + info.errcode + ":" + info.msg)

PluginComponent Provider

import plugin from "./plugin_component"

struct PluginProviderExample {
  @State message: string = 'no click!'

  build() {
    Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Column, alignItems: ItemAlign.Center, justifyContent: FlexAlign.Center }) {
      Button('Register Push Listener')
          console.log("Button('Register Push Listener')")
          this.message = "Button('Push')"
    }.width('100%').height('100%').backgroundColor(0xDCDCDC).padding({ top: 5 })

PluginComponent Tools

FA Model

// The sample code applies only to JS source files.
import pluginComponentManager from '@ohos.pluginComponent'

function onPushListener(source, template, data, extraData) {
  console.log("onPushListener template.source=" + template.source)
  console.log("onPushListener template.ability=" + template.ability)
  console.log("onPushListener data=" + JSON.stringify(data))
  console.log("onPushListener extraData=" + JSON.stringify(extraData))

function onRequestListener(source, name, data)
    console.log("onRequestListener name=" + name);
    console.log("onRequestListener data=" + JSON.stringify(data));
    return {template:"plugintemplate", data:data};

export default {
  //register listener
  onListener() {
    pluginComponentManager.on("push", onPushListener)
    pluginComponentManager.on("request", onRequestListener)
  Push() {
    // The component provider proactively sends data.
        want: {
          bundleName: "com.example.plugin",
          abilityName: "com.example.myapplication.PluginProviderExample",
        name: "PluginProviderExample",
        data: {
          "key_1": "plugin component test",
          "key_2": 34234
        extraData: {
          "extra_str": "this is push event"
        jsonPath: "",
      (err, data) => {
        console.log("push_callback: push ok!");
  Request() {
    // The component user proactively sends data.
        want: {
          bundleName: "com.example.plugin",
          abilityName: "com.example.myapplication.PluginProviderExample",
        name: "PluginProviderExample",
        data: {
          "key_1": "plugin component test",
          "key_2": 34234
        jsonPath: "",
      (err, data) => {
        console.log("request_callback: componentTemplate.ability=" + data.componentTemplate.ability)
        console.log("request_callback: componentTemplate.source=" + data.componentTemplate.source)
        console.log("request_callback: data=" + JSON.stringify(
        console.log("request_callback: extraData=" + JSON.stringify(data.extraData))

Stage Model

// The sample code applies only to JS source files.
import pluginComponentManager from '@ohos.pluginComponent'

function onPushListener(source, template, data, extraData) {
  console.log("onPushListener template.source=" + template.source)
  console.log("onPushListener template.ability=" + template.ability)
  console.log("onPushListener data=" + JSON.stringify(data))
  console.log("onPushListener extraData=" + JSON.stringify(extraData))

function onRequestListener(source, name, data)
    console.log("onRequestListener name=" + name);
    console.log("onRequestListener data=" + JSON.stringify(data));
    return {template:"plugintemplate", data:data};

export default {
  //register listener
  onListener() {
    pluginComponentManager.on("push", onPushListener)
    pluginComponentManager.on("request", onRequestListener)
  Push() {
    // The component provider proactively sends data.
        owner: {
          bundleName: "com.example.myapplication",
          abilityName: "com.example.myapplication.MainAbility",
        target: {
          bundleName: "com.example.plugin",
          abilityName: "com.example.myapplication.PluginProviderExample",
        name: "PluginProviderExample",
        data: {
          "key_1": "plugin component test",
          "key_2": 34234
        extraData: {
          "extra_str": "this is push event"
        jsonPath: "",
      (err, data) => {
        console.log("push_callback: push ok!");
  Request() {
    // The component user proactively sends data.
        owner: {
          bundleName: "com.example.myapplication",
          abilityName: "com.example.myapplication.MainAbility",
        target: {
          bundleName: "com.example.plugin",
          abilityName: "com.example.myapplication.PluginProviderExample",
        name: "PluginProviderExample",
        data: {
          "key_1": "plugin component test",
          "key_2": 34234
        jsonPath: "",
      (err, data) => {
        console.log("request_callback: componentTemplate.ability=" + data.componentTemplate.ability)
        console.log("request_callback: componentTemplate.source=" + data.componentTemplate.source)
        console.log("request_callback: data=" + JSON.stringify(
        console.log("request_callback: extraData=" + JSON.stringify(data.extraData))