HUKS Access Control Development

For details about scenarios and related concepts, see HUKS Access Control Overview.

How to Develop

  1. Generate a key, enable fingerprint authentication for key access, and set related parameters. When a key is generated or imported, set HuksUserAuthType, HuksAuthAccessType, and HuksChallengeType.

    import huks from '';
    import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';
     * Set the key alias and encapsulate the key property set.
    let keyAlias = 'test_sm4_key_alias';
    let properties: Array<huks.HuksParam> = new Array();
    properties[0] = {
        tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_ALGORITHM,
        value: huks.HuksKeyAlg.HUKS_ALG_SM4,
    properties[1] = {
        tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_PURPOSE,
        value: huks.HuksKeyPurpose.HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_ENCRYPT | huks.HuksKeyPurpose.HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_DECRYPT,
    properties[2] = {
        tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_KEY_SIZE,
        value: huks.HuksKeySize.HUKS_SM4_KEY_SIZE_128,
    properties[3] = {
        tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_BLOCK_MODE,
        value: huks.HuksCipherMode.HUKS_MODE_CBC,
    properties[4] = {
        tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_PADDING,
        value: huks.HuksKeyPadding.HUKS_PADDING_NONE,
    // Set HuksUserAuthType to fingerprint authentication.
    properties[5] = {
        tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_USER_AUTH_TYPE,
        value: huks.HuksUserAuthType.HUKS_USER_AUTH_TYPE_FINGERPRINT
    // Set HuksAuthAccessType to HUKS_AUTH_ACCESS_INVALID_NEW_BIO_ENROLL, which invalidates the key when a new biometric feature (fingerprint) is enrolled.
    properties[6] = {
        tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_KEY_AUTH_ACCESS_TYPE,
        value: huks.HuksAuthAccessType.HUKS_AUTH_ACCESS_INVALID_NEW_BIO_ENROLL
    // Use the default challenge type.
    properties[7] = {
        tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_CHALLENGE_TYPE,
        value: huks.HuksChallengeType.HUKS_CHALLENGE_TYPE_NORMAL
    let huksOptions : huks.HuksOptions = {
        properties: properties,
        inData: new Uint8Array(new Array())
     * Generate a key.
    class throwObject {
        isThrow:boolean = false
    function generateKeyItem(keyAlias: string, huksOptions: huks.HuksOptions, throwObject: throwObject) {
        return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
            try {
                huks.generateKeyItem(keyAlias, huksOptions, (error, data) => {
                    if (error) {
                    } else {
            } catch (error) {
                throwObject.isThrow = true;
                throw(error as Error);
    async function publicGenKeyFunc(keyAlias:string, huksOptions:huks.HuksOptions) {`enter promise generateKeyItem`);
        let throwObject : throwObject = {isThrow: false};
        try {
            await generateKeyItem(keyAlias, huksOptions, throwObject)
            .then((data) => {
      `promise: generateKeyItem success, data = ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);
            .catch((error : BusinessError) => {
                if (throwObject.isThrow) {
                    throw(error as Error);
                } else {
                    console.error(`promise: generateKeyItem failed` + error);
        } catch (error) {
            console.error(`promise: generateKeyItem input arg invalid` + error);
    async function TestGenKeyForFingerprintAccessControl() {
        await publicGenKeyFunc(keyAlias, huksOptions);
  2. Initialize a key session to initiate fingerprint authentication. If the authentication is successful, an authentication token (AuthToken) is returned.

    import huks from '';
    import userIAM_userAuth from '@ohos.userIAM.userAuth';
    import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';
     * Set the key alias and encapsulate the key property set.
    let srcKeyAlias = 'test_sm4_key_alias';
    let handle : number;
    let challenge : Uint8Array;
    let fingerAuthToken : Uint8Array;
    let authType = userIAM_userAuth.UserAuthType.FINGERPRINT;
    let authTrustLevel = userIAM_userAuth.AuthTrustLevel.ATL1;
    /* Set the key generation parameter set and key encryption parameter set. */
    let properties : Array<huks.HuksParam> = new Array();
    properties[0] = {
        tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_ALGORITHM,
        value: huks.HuksKeyAlg.HUKS_ALG_SM4,
    properties[1] = {
        tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_PURPOSE,
        value: huks.HuksKeyPurpose.HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_ENCRYPT,
    properties[2] = {
        tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_KEY_SIZE,
        value: huks.HuksKeySize.HUKS_SM4_KEY_SIZE_128,
    properties[3] = {
        tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_BLOCK_MODE,
        value: huks.HuksCipherMode.HUKS_MODE_CBC,
    properties[4] = {
        tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_PADDING,
        value: huks.HuksKeyPadding.HUKS_PADDING_NONE,
    properties[5] = {
        tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_IV,
        value: StringToUint8Arry(IV),
    let huksOptions : huks.HuksOptions = {
        properties: properties,
        inData: new Uint8Array(new Array())
    class throwObject {
    function initSession(keyAlias:string, huksOptions:huks.HuksOptions, throwObject:throwObject) {
        return new Promise<huks.HuksSessionHandle>((resolve, reject) => {
            try {
                huks.initSession(keyAlias, huksOptions, (error, data) =>{
                    if (error) {
                    } else {
            } catch (error) {
                throwObject.isThrow = true;
                throw(error as Error);
    async function publicInitFunc(keyAlias:string, huksOptions:huks.HuksOptions) {`enter promise doInit`);
        let throwObject : throwObject = {isThrow: false};
        try {
            await initSession(keyAlias, huksOptions, throwObject)
            .then ((data) => {
      `promise: doInit success, data = ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);
                handle = data.handle;
                challenge = data.challenge as Uint8Array;
            .catch((error : BusinessError) => {
                if (throwObject.isThrow) {
                    throw(error as Error);
                } else {
                    console.error(`promise: doInit failed` + error);
        } catch (error) {
            console.error(`promise: doInit input arg invalid` + error);
    function userIAMAuthFinger(huksChallenge:Uint8Array) {
        // Obtain an authentication object.
        let authTypeList:userIAM_userAuth.UserAuthType[]= new Array();
        authTypeList[0] = authType;
        const authParam:userIAM_userAuth.AuthParam = {
          challenge: huksChallenge,
          authType: authTypeList,
          authTrustLevel: userIAM_userAuth.AuthTrustLevel.ATL1
        const widgetParam:userIAM_userAuth.WidgetParam = {
          title: 'Enter password',
        let auth : userIAM_userAuth.UserAuthInstance;
        try {
          auth = userIAM_userAuth.getUserAuthInstance(authParam, widgetParam);
          console.log("get auth instance success");
        } catch (error) {
          console.error("get auth instance failed" + error);
        // Subscribe to the authentication result.
        try {
          auth.on("result", {
            onResult(result) {
              console.log("[HUKS] -> [IAM]  userAuthInstance callback result = " + JSON.stringify(result));
              fingerAuthToken = result.token;
          console.log("subscribe authentication event success");
        } catch (error) {
          console.error("subscribe authentication event failed " + error);
        // Start user authentication.
        try {
"authV9 start auth success");
        } catch (error) {
          console.error("authV9 start auth failed, error = " + error);
    async function testInitAndAuthFinger() {
        /* Initialize the key session to obtain a challenge. */
        await publicInitFunc(srcKeyAlias, huksOptions);
        /* Invoke userIAM to perform user identity authentication. */
  3. Pass in AuthToken to perform data operations.

    * The following uses a 128-bit SM4 key as an example.
    import huks from '';
    import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';
    * Determine the key property set to be encapsulated.
    let IV = '1234567890123456';
    let cipherInData = 'Hks_SM4_Cipher_Test_101010101010101010110_string';
    let handle: number;
    let fingerAuthToken: Uint8Array;
    let finishOutData: Uint8Array;
    class throwObject {
        isThrow: boolean = false;
    /* Set the key generation parameter set and key encryption parameter set. */
    class propertyEncryptType {
        tag: huks.HuksTag = huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_ALGORITHM;
        value: huks.HuksKeyAlg | huks.HuksKeyPurpose | huks.HuksKeySize | huks.HuksKeyPadding | huks.HuksCipherMode

| Uint8Array = huks.HuksKeyAlg.HUKS_ALG_SM4; } let propertiesEncrypt: propertyEncryptType[] = [ { tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_ALGORITHM, value: huks.HuksKeyAlg.HUKS_ALG_SM4, }, { tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_PURPOSE, value: huks.HuksKeyPurpose.HUKS_KEY_PURPOSE_ENCRYPT, }, { tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_KEY_SIZE, value: huks.HuksKeySize.HUKS_SM4_KEY_SIZE_128, }, { tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_PADDING, value: huks.HuksKeyPadding.HUKS_PADDING_NONE, }, { tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_BLOCK_MODE, value: huks.HuksCipherMode.HUKS_MODE_CBC, }, { tag: huks.HuksTag.HUKS_TAG_IV, value: StringToUint8Array(IV), } ] let encryptOptions: huks.HuksOptions = { properties: propertiesEncrypt, inData: new Uint8Array(new Array()) } function StringToUint8Array(str: string) { let arr: number[] = []; for (let i = 0, j = str.length; i < j; ++i) { arr.push(str.charCodeAt(i)); } return new Uint8Array(arr); } function updateSession(handle: number, huksOptions: huks.HuksOptions, token: Uint8Array, throwObject: throwObject) { return new Promise<huks.HuksReturnResult>((resolve, reject) => { try { huks.updateSession(handle, huksOptions, token, (error, data) => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { resolve(data); } }); } catch (error) { throwObject.isThrow = true; throw(error as Error); } }); } async function publicUpdateFunc(handle: number, token: Uint8Array, huksOptions: huks.HuksOptions) { promise doUpdate); let throwObject: throwObject = {isThrow: false}; try { await updateSession(handle, huksOptions, token, throwObject) .then ((data) => { doUpdate success, data = ${JSON.stringify(data)}); }) .catch((error: BusinessError) => { if (throwObject.isThrow) { throw(error as Error); } else { console.error(promise: doUpdate failed + error); } }); } catch (error) { console.error(promise: doUpdate input arg invalid + error); } } function finishSession(handle: number, huksOptions: huks.HuksOptions, token: Uint8Array, throwObject: throwObject) { return new Promise<huks.HuksReturnResult>((resolve, reject) => { try { huks.finishSession(handle, huksOptions, token, (error, data) => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { resolve(data); } }); } catch (error) { throwObject.isThrow = true; throw(error as Error); } }); } async function publicFinishFunc(handle: number, token: Uint8Array, huksOptions: huks.HuksOptions) { promise doFinish); let throwObject: throwObject = {isThrow: false}; try { await finishSession(handle, huksOptions, token, throwObject) .then ((data) => { finishOutData = data.outData as Uint8Array; doFinish success, data = ${JSON.stringify(data)}); }) .catch((error: BusinessError) => { if (throwObject.isThrow) { throw(error as Error); } else { console.error(promise: doFinish failed + error); } }); } catch (error) { console.error(promise: doFinish input arg invalid + error); } } async function testSm4Cipher() { encryptOptions.inData = StringToUint8Array(cipherInData); /* Pass in AuthToken. / await publicUpdateFunc(handle, fingerAuthToken, encryptOptions); / Pass in AuthToken. */ await publicFinishFunc(handle, fingerAuthToken, encryptOptions); if (finishOutData === StringToUint8Array(cipherInData)) {'test finish encrypt err '); } else {'test finish encrypt success'); } }