Authorizing Access to Application Files

The system prevents unauthorized access to application files. An application can access a file or folder after obtaining the path to the file or folder. You can implement authorized access to application files in the following scenarios:

  • Obtain the access to a user directory by declaring the permission.
  • Obtain a temporary permission on a file or folder using FilePicker and persist the temporary permission.
  • Obtain the URI of a file or folder using APIs.
  • Obtain user directories and the directory of a built-in or external card using APIs.

Only certain devices support the access authorization operations.

The following walks you through common file operations.

Declaring the Permission on the Download Directory

  1. Set the permission on the Download directory.

    "requestPermissions" : [
        "name": "ohos.permission.READ_WRITE_DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY"
  2. Use the ohos.file.environment API to obtain the path to Download. After obtaining the directory path, the application can access the directory and perform operations.

import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';
import environment from '@ohos.file.environment';
import fs from '@ohos.file.fs';

async function getUserDownloadDirExample() {
  try {
    let path = environment.getUserDownloadDir();
    console.log(`success to getUserDownloadDir: ${JSON.stringify(path)}`);
    await fs.mkdir(path + "/brower");
    let fd = await + "/brower/1.txt", fs.OpenMode.CREATE);
    await fs.close(fd);
  } catch (error) {
    let err: BusinessError = error as BusinessError;
    console.error(`failed to getUserDownloadDir because: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);

Persisting a Temporary Permission Obtained by FilePicker

Use FilePicker to select a file or folder, and set permanent authorization for your application on the file or folder. When the application restarts, the permission needs to be activated. You can use ohos.fileshare to implement file authorization.

  1. Use the select() API of FilePicker to select and save an URI. After the file or folder corresponding to the URI is selected and saved by the user, the application obtains a temporary permission to access the file or folder.

    The following sample code demonstrates how to obtain the URI of a folder.

import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';
import picker from '@ohos.file.picker';

async function selectExample() {
  try {
    let DocumentSelectOptions = new picker.DocumentSelectOptions();
    DocumentSelectOptions.selectMode = picker.DocumentSelectMode.FOLDER;
    let documentPicker = new picker.DocumentViewPicker();
    let uris = await;
  } catch (error) {
    let err: BusinessError = error as BusinessError;
    console.error('select failed with err: ' + JSON.stringify(err));
  1. Persist the permission on the path as required. The parameter uri is the path obtained by FilePicker in step 1.

    The following sample code demonstrates how to persist a permission on a URI.

import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';
import fileshare from '@ohos.fileshare';
import fs from '@ohos.file.fs';

async function persistPermissionExample() {
  try {
    let uri = "file://docs/storage/Users/username/1.txt";
    let policyInfo: fileshare.PolicyInfo = {
      uri: uri,
      operationMode: fileshare.OperationMode.READ_MODE,
    let policies: Array<fileshare.PolicyInfo> = [policyInfo];
    fileshare.persistPermission(policies).then(() => {"persistPermission successfully");
    }).catch((err: BusinessError<Array<fileshare.PolicyErrorResult>>) => {"persistPermission failed with error message: " + err.message + ", error code: " + err.code);
      if (err.code == 13900001) {
        console.log("error data : " + JSON.stringify(;
    let fd = await;
    await fs.close(fd);
  } catch (error) {
    let err: BusinessError = error as BusinessError;
    console.error('persistPermission failed with err: ' + JSON.stringify(err));
  1. Revoke the persistent permission on the path as required. The parameter uri is the path obtained by FilePicker in step 1.

    The following sample code demonstrates how to revoke a persistent permission from a URI.

import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';
import fileshare from '@ohos.fileshare';
import fs from '@ohos.file.fs';

async function revokePermissionExample() {
  try {
    let uri = "file://docs/storage/Users/username/1.txt";
    let policyInfo: fileshare.PolicyInfo = {
      uri: uri,
      operationMode: fileshare.OperationMode.READ_MODE,
    let policies: Array<fileshare.PolicyInfo> = [policyInfo];
    fileshare.revokePermission(policies).then(() => {"revokePermission successfully");
    }).catch((err: BusinessError<Array<fileshare.PolicyErrorResult>>) => {"revokePermission failed with error message: " + err.message + ", error code: " + err.code);
      if (err.code == 13900001) {
        console.log("error data : " + JSON.stringify(;
    let fd = await;
    await fs.close(fd);
  } catch (error) {
    let err: BusinessError = error as BusinessError;
    console.error('revokePermission failed with err: ' + JSON.stringify(err));
  1. Activate the persistent permission on the URI when the application restarts. The activatePermission method must be used with persistPermission() together.

    The following sample code demonstrates how to activate the persistent permission on a URI when the application restarts. The parameter uri specifies a recently accessed file to be read after the application is restarted.

import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';
import fileshare from '@ohos.fileshare';
import fs from '@ohos.file.fs';

async function activatePermissionExample01() {
  try {
    let uri = "file://docs/storage/Users/username/tmp.txt";
    let policyInfo: fileshare.PolicyInfo = {
      uri: uri,
      operationMode: fileshare.OperationMode.READ_MODE,
    let policies: Array<fileshare.PolicyInfo> = [policyInfo];
    fileshare.activatePermission(policies).then(() => {"activatePermission successfully");
    }).catch((err: BusinessError<Array<fileshare.PolicyErrorResult>>) => {"activatePermission failed with error message: " + err.message + ", error code: " + err.code);
    let fd = await;
    await fs.close(fd);
  } catch (error) {
    let err: BusinessError = error as BusinessError;
    console.error('activatePermission failed with err: ' + JSON.stringify(err));
  1. Deactivate a persistent permission as required. The parameter uri specifies a recently accessed file read after the application is restarted.

    The following sample code demonstrates how to deactivate a persistent permission.

import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';
import fileshare from '@ohos.fileshare';
import fs from '@ohos.file.fs';

async function deactivatePermissionExample01() {
  try {
    let uri = "file://docs/storage/Users/username/tmp.txt";
    let policyInfo: fileshare.PolicyInfo = {
      uri: uri,
      operationMode: fileshare.OperationMode.READ_MODE,
    let policies: Array<fileshare.PolicyInfo> = [policyInfo];
    fileshare.deactivatePermission(policies).then(() => {"deactivatePermission successfully");
    }).catch((err: BusinessError<Array<fileshare.PolicyErrorResult>>) => {"deactivatePermission failed with error message: " + err.message + ", error code: " + err.code);
    let fd = await;
    await fs.close(fd);
  } catch (error) {
    let err: BusinessError = error as BusinessError;
    console.error('deactivatePermission failed with err: ' + JSON.stringify(err));

Obtaining the URI of a File or Folder

Use the ohos.file.fileuri API to obtain the URI of a file or folder. If FileUri points to a file, the URI of the directory where the file is located is returned. If FileUri points to a folder, the URI of the current directory is returned.

The following sample code demonstrates how to obtain the parent directory of a file.

import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';
import fileUri from '@ohos.file.fileuri';

function getFullDirectoryUriExample01() {
  try {
    let uri = "file://docs/storage/Users/100/tmp/1.txt";
    let fileObject = new fileUri.FileUri(uri);
    let directoryUri = fileObject.getFullDirectoryUri();
  } catch (error) {
    let err: BusinessError = error as BusinessError;
    console.error('getFullDirectoryUri failed with err: ' + JSON.stringify(err));

Obtaining a User Directory or Directory of a Built-in or External Card

A common application can obtain the following user directories: Download, Desktop, and Document. Only the Files application can obtain the root directory of an external card and the built-in card directory in the sandbox directory of the current user using the ohos.file.environment APIs.

The following sample code demonstrates how to obtain these directories.

import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';
import environment from '@ohos.file.environment';

function getDirectoryExample01() {
  try {
    // Obtain the Download directory.
    let downloadPath = environment.getUserDownloadDir();
    // Obtain the Desktop directory.
    let desktopPath = environment.getUserDesktopDir();
    // Obtain the Document directory.
    let documentPath = environment.getUserDocumentDir();
    // Obtain the root directory of an external card.
    let externalStoragePath = environment.getExternalStorageDir();
    // Obtain the built-in card directory in the application sandbox directory of the current user.
    let userHomePath = environment.getUserHomeDir();
  } catch (error) {
    let err: BusinessError = error as BusinessError;
    console.error('getDirectory failed with err: ' + JSON.stringify(err));