wrapBuilder: Encapsulating Global @Builder

wrapBuilder is a template function that accepts a global @Builder decorated function as its argument and returns a WrappedBuilder object, thereby allowing global @Builder decorated function to be assigned a value and transferred.


This API is supported since API version 11.

Available APIs

wrapBuilder is a template function that returns a WrappedBuilder object.

declare function wrapBuilder< Args extends Object[]>(builder: (...args: Args) => void): WrappedBuilder;

The WrappedBuilder object is also a template class.

declare class WrappedBuilder< Args extends Object[]> {
  builder: (...args: Args) => void;

  constructor(builder: (...args: Args) => void);


The template parameter Args extends Object[] is a parameter list of the builder function to be wrapped.


let builderVar: WrappedBuilder<[string, number]> = wrapBuilder(MyBuilder)
let builderArr: WrappedBuilder<[string, number]>[] = [wrapBuilder(MyBuilder)] // An array is acceptable.


wrapBuilder only accepts a global @Builder decorated function as its argument.

Of the WrappedBuilder object it returns, the builder attribute method can be used only inside the struct.

Use Scenario 1

In this example, wrapBuilder is assigned to globalBuilder, and MyBuilder is passed in to wrapBuilder as its input parameter. In this way, MyBuilder is assigned to globalBuilder indirectly.

function MyBuilder(value: string, size: number) {

let globalBuilder: WrappedBuilder<[string, number]> = wrapBuilder(MyBuilder);

struct Index {
  @State message: string = 'Hello World';

  build() {
    Row() {
      Column() {
        globalBuilder.builder(this.message, 50)

Use Scenario 2

In this example, the custom component Index uses ForEach to render different @Builder functions. You can use the wrapBuilder array declared in builderArr to present different @Builder function effects. In this way, the code is neat.

function MyBuilder(value: string, size: number) {

function YourBuilder(value: string, size: number) {

const builderArr: WrappedBuilder<[string, number]>[] = [wrapBuilder(MyBuilder), wrapBuilder(YourBuilder)];

struct Index {
  @Builder testBuilder() {
    ForEach(builderArr, (item: WrappedBuilder<[string, number]>) => {
      item.builder('Hello World', 30)


  build() {
    Row() {
      Column() {

Incorrect Usage

function MyBuilder() {


// wrapBuilder accepts only a global function decorated by @Builder.
const globalBuilder: WrappedBuilder<[string, number]> = wrapBuilder(MyBuilder);

struct Index {
  @State message: string = 'Hello World';

  build() {
    Row() {
      Column() {
        globalBuilder.builder(this.message, 30)