Attribute Modifier

With the attribute modifier, you can dynamically set component attributes, complete with the if/else syntax and polymorphic style.


This feature is supported since API Version 11. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.


attributeModifier(modifier: AttributeModifier<T>)

Creates an attribute modifier.

System capability: SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full


Name Type Mandatory Description
modifier AttributeModifier<T> Yes Modifier for dynamically setting attributes on the current component. The if/else syntax is supported.
modifier: attribute modifier. You need to customize classes to implement the AttributeModifier API.


You need to customize classes to implement the AttributeModifier API.


applyNormalAttribute(instance: T) : void

Applies the style of a component in the normal state.


applyPressedAttribute(instance: T) : void

Applies the style of a component in the pressed state.


applyFocusedAttribute(instance: T) : void

Applies the style of a component in the focused state.


applyDisabledAttribute(instance: T) : void

Applies the style of a component in the disabled state.


applySelectedAttribute(instance: T) : void

Applies the style of a component in the selected state.

In the preceding APIs, instance indicates the component type. You can customize these APIs and use them with the **if/else **syntax.


Name Description
instance Component attribute class, which identifies the type of component to which attributes will be applied, for example, ButtonAttribute for the <Button> component and TextAttribute of the <Text> component.

Value range of the instance parameter

AlphabetIndexerAttribute, BadgeAttribute, BlankAttribute, ButtonAttribute, CalendarPickerAttribute, CanvasAttribute, CheckboxAttribute, CheckboxGroupAttribute, CircleAttribute, ColumnAttribute, ColumnSplitAttribute, ShapeAttribute, CommonAttribute, CounterAttribute, DataPanelAttribute, DatePickerAttribute, DividerAttribute, EffectComponentAttribute, EllipseAttribute, FlexAttribute, FlowItemAttribute, FormComponentAttribute, FormLinkAttribute, GaugeAttribute, GridAttribute, GridColAttribute, ColumnAttribute, GridItemAttribute, GridRowAttribute, HyperlinkAttribute, ImageAttribute, ImageAnimatorAttribute, ImageSpanAttribute, LineAttribute, ListAttribute, ListItemAttribute, ListItemGroupAttribute, LoadingProgressAttribute, MarqueeAttribute, MenuAttribute, MenuItemAttribute, MenuItemGroupAttribute, NavDestinationAttribute, NavigationAttribute, NavigatorAttribute, NavRouterAttribute, PanelAttribute, PathAttribute, PatternLockAttribute, PluginComponentAttribute, PolygonAttribute, PolylineAttribute, ProgressAttribute, QRCodeAttribute, RadioAttribute, RatingAttribute, RectAttribute, RefreshAttribute, RelativeContainerAttribute, RemoteWindowAttribute, RichEditorAttribute, RichTextAttribute, RowAttribute, RowSplitAttribute, ScrollAttribute, ScrollBarAttribute, SearchAttribute, SelectAttribute, ShapeAttribute, SideBarContainerAttribute, SliderAttribute, SpanAttribute, StackAttribute, StepperAttribute, StepperItemAttribute, SwiperAttribute, TabContentAttribute, TabsAttribute, TextAttribute, TextAreaAttribute, TextClockAttribute, TextInputAttribute, TextPickerAttribute, TextTimerAttribute, TimePickerAttribute, ToggleAttribute, UIExtensionComponentAttribute, VideoAttribute, WaterFlowAttribute, WebAttribute, XComponentAttribute

Supported attributes

Attributes whose input parameters are CustomBuilder or Lambda expressions are not supported. Events and gestures are not supported.


// xxx.ets
class MyButtonModifier implements AttributeModifier<ButtonAttribute> {
  isDark: boolean = false
  applyNormalAttribute(instance: ButtonAttribute): void {
    if (this.isDark) {
    } else {

struct attributeDemo {
  @State modifier: MyButtonModifier = new MyButtonModifier()

  build() {
    Row() {
      Column() {
          .onClick(() => {
            this.modifier.isDark = !this.modifier.isDark


// xxx.ets
class MyButtonModifier implements AttributeModifier<ButtonAttribute> {
  applyNormalAttribute(instance: ButtonAttribute): void {

  applyPressedAttribute(instance: ButtonAttribute): void {

struct attributePressedDemo {
  @State modifier: MyButtonModifier = new MyButtonModifier()

  build() {
    Row() {
      Column() {
