Adding an Asset (ArkTS)

Available APIs

For details about the API, see:

add(attributes: AssetMap): Promise<void>

The following table describes the parameters of AssetMap.

Attribute Name (Tag) Attribute Content (Value) Mandatory Description
SECRET Type: Uint8Array
Length: 1-1024 bytes
Yes Asset plaintext.
ALIAS Type: Uint8Array
Length: 1-256 bytes
Yes Asset alias, which uniquely identifies an asset.
Value range: see Accessibility
No Access control based on the lock screen status.
REQUIRE_PASSWORD_SET Type: bool No Whether the asset is accessible only when a lock screen password is set.
AUTH_TYPE Type: number
Value range: see AuthType
No Type of user authentication required for accessing the asset.
SYNC_TYPE Type: number
Value range: see SyncType
No Type of sync supported by the asset.
IS_PERSISTENT Type: bool No Whether to retain the asset when the application is uninstalled.
Required permissions: ohos.permission.STORE_PERSISTENT_DATA
Length: 1-512 bytes
No Additional asset data customized by the service with integrity protection.
Length: 1-512 bytes
No Additional asset data customized by the service with integrity protection.
Length: 1-512 bytes
No Additional asset data customized by the service with integrity protection.
Length: 1-512 bytes
No Additional asset data customized by the service with integrity protection.
DATA_LABEL_NORMAL_1 Type: Uint8Array
Length: 1-512 bytes
No Additional asset data customized by the service without integrity protection.
DATA_LABEL_NORMAL_2 Type: Uint8Array
Length: 1-512 bytes
No Additional asset data customized by the service without integrity protection.
DATA_LABEL_NORMAL_3 Type: Uint8Array
Length: 1-512 bytes
No Additional asset data customized by the service without integrity protection.
DATA_LABEL_NORMAL_4 Type: Uint8Array
Length: 1-512 bytes
No Additional asset data customized by the service without integrity protection.
Value range: see ConflictResolution
No Policy for resolving the conflict (for example, a duplicate alias).


Add an asset with password of demo_pwd, alias of demo_alias, and additional information of demo_label and allow the asset to be accessed after the device is unlocked for the first time.

import { asset } from '@kit.AssetStoreKit';
import { util } from '@kit.ArkTS';
import { BusinessError } from '@kit.BasicServicesKit';

function stringToArray(str: string): Uint8Array {
  let textEncoder = new util.TextEncoder();
  return textEncoder.encodeInto(str);

let attr: asset.AssetMap = new Map();
attr.set(asset.Tag.SECRET, stringToArray('demo_pwd'));
attr.set(asset.Tag.ALIAS, stringToArray('demo_alias'));
attr.set(asset.Tag.ACCESSIBILITY, asset.Accessibility.DEVICE_FIRST_UNLOCKED);
attr.set(asset.Tag.DATA_LABEL_NORMAL_1, stringToArray('demo_label'));
try {
  asset.add(attr).then(() => {`Asset added successfully.`);
  }).catch((err: BusinessError) => {
    console.error(`Failed to add Asset. Code is ${err.code}, message is ${err.message}`);
} catch (error) {
  let err = error as BusinessError;
  console.error(`Failed to add Asset. Code is ${err.code}, message is ${err.message}`);


  • Alias-based access

    Assets are stored in the ASSET database in ciphertext and uniquely identified by the service identity and alias. The alias of each asset must be unique.

  • Custom service data storage

    ASSET provides 8 custom asset attributes starting with DATA_LABEL for services. If the 8 custom attributes are used, you can combine multiple data segments in a certain format (for example, JSON) into an ASSET attribute.

    ASSET protects the integrity of the attributes starting with DATA_LABEL_CRITICAL. These attributes cannot be changed once written.