Mission Management Scenarios

Before getting started with the development of mission management, be familiar with the following concepts related to mission management:

  • AbilityRecord: minimum unit for the system service to manage a UIAbility instance. It corresponds to a UIAbility component instance of an application. A maximum of 512 UIAbility instances can be managed on the system service side.

  • MissionRecord: minimum unit for mission management. One MissionRecord has only one AbilityRecord. In other words, a UIAbility component instance corresponds to a mission.

  • MissionList: a list of missions started from the home screen. It records the startup relationship between missions. In a MissionList, a mission is started by the mission above it, and the mission at the bottom is started by the home screen.

  • MissionListManager: system mission management module that maintains all the MissionLists and is consistent with the list in Recents.

    Figure 1 Mission management mission-list-manager

Missions are managed by system applications (such as home screen), rather than third-party applications. Users interact with missions through Recents. After creating a mission, users can perform the following operations on Recents:

  • Delete a mission.

  • Lock or unlock a mission. (Locked missions are not cleared when users attempt to clear all missions in Recents.)

  • Clear all missions in Recents.

  • Switch a mission to the foreground.

A UIAbility instance corresponds to an independent mission. Therefore, when an application calls startAbility() to start a UIAbility, a mission is created.

  1. To call missionManager to manage missions, the home screen application must request the ohos.permission.MANAGE_MISSIONS permission. For details, see Requesting Permissions for system_basic Applications.

  2. You can use missionManager to manage missions, for example, listening for mission changes, obtaining mission information or snapshots, and clearing, locking, or unlocking missions.

    import missionManager from '@ohos.app.ability.missionManager';
    import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';
    import image from '@ohos.multimedia.image';
    import promptAction from '@ohos.promptAction';
    import Logger from '../utils/Logger';
    const TAG: string = 'TaskManager';
    private listenerId: number = 0;
    private missionId: number = 0;
    private listener: missionManager.MissionListener = {
      // Listen for mission creation.
      onMissionCreated: (mission: number) => {
        Logger.info(TAG, '--------onMissionCreated-------');
      // Listen for mission destruction.
      onMissionDestroyed: (mission: number) => {
        Logger.info(TAG, '--------onMissionDestroyed-------');
      // Listen for mission snapshot changes.
      onMissionSnapshotChanged: (mission: number) => {
        Logger.info(TAG, '--------onMissionSnapshotChanged-------');
      // Listen for switching the mission to the foreground.
      onMissionMovedToFront: (mission: number) => {
        Logger.info(TAG, '--------onMissionMovedToFront-------');
      // Listen for mission icon changes.
      onMissionIconUpdated: (mission: number, icon: image.PixelMap) => {
        Logger.info(TAG, '--------onMissionIconUpdated-------');
      // Listen for mission name changes.
      onMissionLabelUpdated: (mission: number) => {
        Logger.info(TAG, '--------onMissionLabelUpdated-------');
      // Listen for mission closure events.
      onMissionClosed: (mission: number) => {
        Logger.info(TAG, '--------onMissionClosed-------');
    // 1. Register a mission change listener.
    this.listenerId = missionManager.on('mission', this.listener);
      message: $r('app.string.register_success_toast')
    Logger.info(TAG, `missionManager.on success, listenerId = ${this.listenerId}`);
    // 2. Obtain the latest 20 missions in the system.
    missionManager.getMissionInfos('', 20, (error: BusinessError, missions: Array<missionManager.MissionInfo>) => {
      Logger.info(TAG, 'getMissionInfos is called, error = ' + JSON.stringify(error));
      Logger.info(TAG, 'size = ' + missions.length);
      Logger.info(TAG, 'missions = ' + JSON.stringify(missions));
      //Check whether Recents in the system contains etsclock.
      for (let i = 0;i < missions.length; i++) {
        if (missions[i].want.bundleName === 'ohos.samples.etsclock') {
            message: $r('app.string.obtain_success_toast')
          Logger.info(TAG, `getMissionInfos.find etsclock, missionId  = ${missions[i].missionId}`);
          this.missionId = missions[i].missionId;
        message: $r('app.string.obtain_failed_toast')
    // 3. Obtain the detailed information about a mission.
    missionManager.getMissionInfo('', this.missionId).then((data: missionManager.MissionInfo) => {
        message: JSON.stringify(data.want.bundleName)
      Logger.info(TAG, `getMissionInfo successfully. Data: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);
    }).catch((error: BusinessError) => {
      Logger.error(TAG, `getMissionInfo failed. Cause: ${error.message}`);
    // 4. Obtain the mission snapshot.
    missionManager.getMissionSnapShot('', this.missionId, (error: BusinessError, snapshot: missionManager.MissionSnapshot) => {
      if (error === null) {
          message: $r('app.string.obtain_snapshot_success_toast')
      Logger.info(TAG, 'getMissionSnapShot is called, error = ' + JSON.stringify(error));
      Logger.info(TAG, 'bundleName = ' + snapshot.ability.bundleName);
    // 5. Obtain the low-resolution mission snapshot.
    missionManager.getLowResolutionMissionSnapShot('', this.missionId, (error: BusinessError, snapshot: missionManager.MissionSnapshot) => {
      if (error === null) {
          message: $r('app.string.obtain_low_snapshot_success_toast')
      Logger.info(TAG, 'getLowResolutionMissionSnapShot is called, error = ' + JSON.stringify(error));
      Logger.info(TAG, 'bundleName = ' + snapshot.ability.bundleName);
    // 6-1. Lock the mission.
    missionManager.lockMission(this.missionId).then(() => {
        message: $r('app.string.lock_success_toast')
      Logger.info(TAG, 'lockMission is called ');
    // 6-2. Unlock the mission.
    missionManager.unlockMission(this.missionId).then(() => {
        message: $r('app.string.unlock_success_toast')
      Logger.info(TAG, 'unlockMission is called ');
    // 7. Switch the mission to the foreground.
    missionManager.moveMissionToFront(this.missionId).then(() => {
      Logger.info(TAG, 'moveMissionToFront is called ');
    // 8. Clear a single mission.
    missionManager.clearMission(this.missionId).then(() => {
        message: $r('app.string.delete_success_toast')
      Logger.info(TAG, 'clearMission is called ');
    // 9. Clear all missions.
    missionManager.clearAllMissions().catch((err: BusinessError) => {
      Logger.info(TAG, `${err.code}`);
    // 10. Deregister the mission change listener.
    missionManager.off('mission', this.listenerId, (error: BusinessError) => {
      if (error === null) {
          message: $r('app.string.unregister_success_toast')
      Logger.info(TAG, 'unregisterMissionListener');