Custom Gesture Judgment

You can use the custom gesture judgment APIs to specify whether to respond to specific gestures when they are being recognized.


This feature is supported since API version 11. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.


onGestureJudgeBegin(callback: (gestureInfo: GestureInfo, event: BaseGestureEvent) => GestureJudgeResult)


Name Type Mandatory Description
callback (gestureInfo: GestureInfo, event: BaseGestureEvent) => GestureJudgeResult Yes Callback for custom gesture judgment. When the gesture bound to the component is accepted, the defined callback is triggered to obtain the result.


Name Type Description
tag string Gesture tag.
type GestureControl.GestureType Gesture type.
isSystemGesture boolean Whether the gesture is a system gesture.


Name Type Description
target EventTarget Display area of the element that triggers the gesture event.
timestamp number Timestamp of the event.
source SourceType Event input device.
pressure number Press pressure.
titleX number Angle between the projection of the stylus on the device plane and the x-axis.
titleY number Angle between the projection of the stylus on the device plane and the y-axis.
sourceTool SourceTool Event input source.


Extended from BaseEvent.

Name Type Description
fingerList FingerInfo[] Information about all fingers that trigger the event.


Extended from BaseGestureEvent. This object can be passed in as the event parameter of onGestureJudgeBegin.


Extended from BaseGestureEvent. This object can be passed in as the event parameter of onGestureJudgeBegin.

Name Type Description
repeat boolean Whether the event is triggered repeatedly.


Extended from BaseGestureEvent. This object can be passed in as the event parameter of onGestureJudgeBegin.

Name Type Description
offsetX number Offset of the gesture event on the x-axis relative to the original area of the current component, in vp. A positive value means to pan from left to right, and a negative value means the opposite.
offsetY number Offset of the gesture event on the y-axis relative to the original area of the current component, in vp. A positive value means to pan from top to bottom, and a negative value means the opposite.
velocityX number Velocity along the x-axis. The origin of the coordinate axis is the upper left corner of the screen. The velocity is positive if the movement is from left to right, and it is negative if the movement is from right to left.
velocityY number Velocity along the y-axis. The origin of the coordinate axis is the upper left corner of the screen. The velocity is positive if the movement is from top to bottom, and it is negative if the movement is from bottom to top.
velocity number Velocity along the main axis. The value is the arithmetic square root of the sum of squares of the velocity along the x- and y-axis.


Extended from BaseGestureEvent. This object can be passed in as the event parameter of onGestureJudgeBegin.

Name Type Description
scale number Scale factor.
pinchCenterX number X coordinate of the center of the pinch gesture, in vp, relative to the original area of the current component.
pinchCenterY number Y coordinate of the center of the pinch gesture, in vp, relative to the original area of the current component.


Extended from BaseGestureEvent. This object can be passed in as the event parameter of onGestureJudgeBegin.

Name Type Description
angle number Rotation angle, in deg.
Angle calculation method: After a swipe gesture is recognized, a line connecting the two fingers is identified as the initial line. As the fingers swipe, the line between the fingers rotates. Based on the coordinates of the initial line's and current line's end points, an arc tangent function is used to calculate the respective included angle of the points relative to the horizontal direction by using the following formula: Rotation angle = arctan2(cy2-cy1,cx2-cx1) - arctan2(y2-y1,x2-x1) The initial line is used as the coordinate system. The clockwise rotation is 0 to 180 degrees, and the counter-clockwise rotation is –180 to 0 degrees.


Extended from BaseGestureEvent. This object can be passed in as the event parameter of onGestureJudgeBegin.

Name Type Description
angle number Angle of the swipe gesture, that is, the change in the included angle between the line segment created by the two fingers and the horizontal direction. The unit is deg.
Angle calculation method: After a swipe gesture is recognized, a line connecting the two fingers is identified as the initial line. As the fingers swipe, the line between the fingers rotates. Based on the coordinates of the initial line's and current line's end points, an arc tangent function is used to calculate the respective included angle of the points relative to the horizontal direction by using the following formula: Rotation angle = arctan2(cy2-cy1,cx2-cx1) - arctan2(y2-y1,x2-x1) The initial line is used as the coordinate system. The clockwise rotation is 0 to 180 degrees, and the counter-clockwise rotation is –180 to 0 degrees.
speed number Swipe gesture speed, that is, the average swipe speed of all fingers relative to the original area of the current component. The unit is vp/s.


Example 1

// xxx.ets
struct Index {
  @State message: string = '';

  build() {
    Column() {
      Row({ space: 20 }) {
    .onDragStart(() => {
      this.message = 'drag'
      console.log("Drag start.")
        .tag("tap1")// Tag for the tap gesture.
        .tag("longPress1")// Tag for the long press gesture.
        .onAction(() => {
          this.message = 'longPress'
        .tag("swipe1")// Tag for the swipe gesture.
        .tag("pan1")// Tag for the pan gesture.
    .onGestureJudgeBegin((gestureInfo: GestureInfo, event: BaseGestureEvent) => {
      // If the gesture type is a long press gesture, convert the event to a long press gesture event.
      if (gestureInfo.type == GestureControl.GestureType.LONG_PRESS_GESTURE) {
        let longPressEvent = event as LongPressGestureEvent;
        console.log("repeat " + longPressEvent.repeat)
      // If the gesture type is a swipe gesture, convert the event to a swipe gesture event.
      if (gestureInfo.type == GestureControl.GestureType.SWIPE_GESTURE) {
        let swipeEvent = event as SwipeGestureEvent;
        console.log("angle " + swipeEvent.angle)
      // If the gesture type is a pan gesture, convert the event to a pan gesture event.
      if (gestureInfo.type == GestureControl.GestureType.PAN_GESTURE) {
        let panEvent = event as PanGestureEvent;
        console.log("velocity " + panEvent.velocity)
      // Custom criteria
      if (gestureInfo.type == GestureControl.GestureType.DRAG) {
        // If REJECT is returned, the drag gesture fails.
        return GestureJudgeResult.REJECT;
      } else if (gestureInfo.tag == 'longPress1' && event.fingerList.length > 0 && event.fingerList[0].localY < 100) {
        // If CONTINUE is returned, the system recognition result is retained.
        return GestureJudgeResult.CONTINUE;
      return GestureJudgeResult.CONTINUE;

Example 2

// xxx.ets
import promptAction from '@ohos.promptAction';

struct Index {
  scroller: Scroller = new Scroller()

  build() {
    Scroll(this.scroller) {
      Column({ space: 8 }) {
        Text("The upper red area is bound to the long press gesture, and the lower blue area is bound to a drag gesture. If a pan is performed after a long press in the upper red area, the area only responds to the long press. In the same case, the lower blue area only responds to the drag.) .width('100%').fontSize(20).fontColor('0xffdd00')
        Stack({ alignContent: Alignment.Center }) {
          Column() {
            // Simulate the upper and lower half areas.
          // The lower half area of the stack is an image area bound to the pan gesture.
              promptAction.showToast({ message: "When the blue area is dragged, the image responds" })
          // The upper half area of the stack is a floating area bound to the long press gesture.
          Stack() {
          .onGestureJudgeBegin((gestureInfo: GestureInfo, event: BaseGestureEvent) => {
            // Check whether the tag has a value.
            if (gestureInfo.tag) {
              console.log("gestureInfo tag" + gestureInfo.tag.toString())
            console.log("gestureInfo Type " + gestureInfo.type.toString() + " isSystemGesture " + gestureInfo.isSystemGesture);
            console.log("pressure " + event.pressure + " fingerList.length " + event.fingerList.length
              + " timeStamp " + event.timestamp + " sourceType " + event.source.toString() + " titleX " + event.tiltX + " titleY " + event.tiltY + " sourcePool " + event.sourceTool.toString());
            // If the gesture is a long press gesture, check whether the touch position is in the upper half area.
            if (gestureInfo.type == GestureControl.GestureType.LONG_PRESS_GESTURE) {
              if (event.fingerList.length > 0 && event.fingerList[0].localY < 100) {
                return GestureJudgeResult.CONTINUE
              } else {
                return GestureJudgeResult.REJECT
            return GestureJudgeResult.CONTINUE
              .onAction((event: GestureEvent) => {
                promptAction.showToast ({ message: "When long pressed, the red area responds." })
