Downloading Files

Listening for Downloads Initiated from Pages

Call setDownloadDelegate() to register a DownloadDelegate object with the <Web> component to listen for downloads initiated from pages. While the <Web> component downloads resources as requested, it notifies the application of the download progress through the DownloadDelegate object.

In the following example, the index.html and download.html files are added to the rawfile folder of the application. After the application is started, a <Web> component is created and the index.html file is loaded. After setDownloadDelegate is clicked, a DownloadDelegate object is registered with the <Web> component. This DownloadDelegate object listens for any downloads initiated by clicking the download button on the page.

// xxx.ets
import web_webview from '@ohos.web.webview'
import business_error from '@ohos.base'

struct WebComponent {
  controller: web_webview.WebviewController = new web_webview.WebviewController();
  delegate: web_webview.WebDownloadDelegate = new web_webview.WebDownloadDelegate();

  build() {
    Column() {
        .onClick(() => {
          try {
            this.delegate.onBeforeDownload((webDownloadItem: web_webview.WebDownloadItem) => {
              console.log("will start a download.");
              // Pass in a download path and start the download.
              // If the path is invalid, the file will be downloaded to the default directory at /data/storage/el2/base/cache/web/.
              webDownloadItem.start("/data/storage/el2/base/cache/web/" + webDownloadItem.getSuggestedFileName());
            this.delegate.onDownloadUpdated((webDownloadItem: web_webview.WebDownloadItem) => {
              // Unique ID of a download task.
              console.log("download update guid: " + webDownloadItem.getGuid());
              // Download progress.
              console.log("download update guid: " + webDownloadItem.getPercentComplete());
              // Current download speed.
              console.log("download update speed: " + webDownloadItem.getCurrentSpeed())
            this.delegate.onDownloadFailed((webDownloadItem: web_webview.WebDownloadItem) => {
              console.log("download failed guid: " + webDownloadItem.getGuid());
              // Error code of a download task failure.
              console.log("download failed guid: " + webDownloadItem.getLastErrorCode());
            this.delegate.onDownloadFinish((webDownloadItem: web_webview.WebDownloadItem) => {
              console.log("download finish guid: " + webDownloadItem.getGuid());
          } catch (error) {
            let e:business_error.BusinessError = error as business_error.BusinessError;
            console.error(`ErrorCode: ${e.code},  Message: ${e.message}`);
      Web({ src: $rawfile('index.html'), controller: this.controller })

HTML file to be loaded:

<!-- index.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<a href='./download.html' download='download.html'>Download</a>

HTML file to be downloaded:

<!-- download.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>download test</h1>

Initiating a Download Task

Call startDownload() to initiate a download task. For a download initiated by it, the <Web> component works out the referrer based on the currently displayed URL and its own default referrer policy.

In the following example, clicking setDownloadDelegate registers a listener class with the <Web> component, and clicking startDownload initiates a download task. The application is notified of the download task progress through the configured DownloadDelegate object.

// xxx.ets
import web_webview from '@ohos.web.webview'
import business_error from '@ohos.base'

struct WebComponent {
  controller: web_webview.WebviewController = new web_webview.WebviewController();
  delegate: web_webview.WebDownloadDelegate = new web_webview.WebDownloadDelegate();

  build() {
    Column() {
        .onClick(() => {
          try {
            this.delegate.onBeforeDownload((webDownloadItem: web_webview.WebDownloadItem) => {
              console.log("will start a download.");
              // Pass in a download path and start the download.
              webDownloadItem.start("/data/storage/el2/base/cache/web/" + webDownloadItem.getSuggestedFileName());
            this.delegate.onDownloadUpdated((webDownloadItem: web_webview.WebDownloadItem) => {
              console.log("download update guid: " + webDownloadItem.getGuid());
            this.delegate.onDownloadFailed((webDownloadItem: web_webview.WebDownloadItem) => {
              console.log("download failed guid: " + webDownloadItem.getGuid());
            this.delegate.onDownloadFinish((webDownloadItem: web_webview.WebDownloadItem) => {
              console.log("download finish guid: " + webDownloadItem.getGuid());
          } catch (error) {
            let e:business_error.BusinessError = error as business_error.BusinessError;
            console.error(`ErrorCode: ${e.code},  Message: ${e.message}`);
        .onClick(() => {
          try {
            // The specified download address here is 
            // Replace it with the URL from which you want to download files.
          } catch (error) {
            let e:business_error.BusinessError = error as business_error.BusinessError;
            console.error(`ErrorCode: ${e.code},  Message: ${e.message}`);
      Web({ src: '', controller: this.controller })